[READ ONLY MIRROR] Envoy REST/proto API definitions and documentation. (grpc依赖)
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syntax = "proto3";
package envoy.admin.v3alpha;
option java_outer_classname = "ConfigDumpProto";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "io.envoyproxy.envoy.admin.v3alpha";
import "envoy/api/v3alpha/auth/cert.proto";
import "envoy/api/v3alpha/cds.proto";
import "envoy/api/v3alpha/lds.proto";
import "envoy/api/v3alpha/rds.proto";
import "envoy/api/v3alpha/srds.proto";
import "envoy/config/bootstrap/v3alpha/bootstrap.proto";
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
// [#protodoc-title: ConfigDump]
// The :ref:`/config_dump <operations_admin_interface_config_dump>` admin endpoint uses this wrapper
// message to maintain and serve arbitrary configuration information from any component in Envoy.
message ConfigDump {
// This list is serialized and dumped in its entirety at the
// :ref:`/config_dump <operations_admin_interface_config_dump>` endpoint.
// The following configurations are currently supported and will be dumped in the order given
// below:
// * *bootstrap*: :ref:`BootstrapConfigDump <envoy_api_msg_admin.v3alpha.BootstrapConfigDump>`
// * *clusters*: :ref:`ClustersConfigDump <envoy_api_msg_admin.v3alpha.ClustersConfigDump>`
// * *listeners*: :ref:`ListenersConfigDump <envoy_api_msg_admin.v3alpha.ListenersConfigDump>`
// * *routes*: :ref:`RoutesConfigDump <envoy_api_msg_admin.v3alpha.RoutesConfigDump>`
repeated google.protobuf.Any configs = 1;
message UpdateFailureState {
// What the component configuration would have been if the update had succeeded.
google.protobuf.Any failed_configuration = 1;
// Time of the latest failed update attempt.
google.protobuf.Timestamp last_update_attempt = 2;
// Details about the last failed update attempt.
string details = 3;
// This message describes the bootstrap configuration that Envoy was started with. This includes
// any CLI overrides that were merged. Bootstrap configuration information can be used to recreate
// the static portions of an Envoy configuration by reusing the output as the bootstrap
// configuration for another Envoy.
message BootstrapConfigDump {
config.bootstrap.v3alpha.Bootstrap bootstrap = 1;
// The timestamp when the BootstrapConfig was last updated.
google.protobuf.Timestamp last_updated = 2;
// Envoy's listener manager fills this message with all currently known listeners. Listener
// configuration information can be used to recreate an Envoy configuration by populating all
// listeners as static listeners or by returning them in a LDS response.
message ListenersConfigDump {
// Describes a statically loaded listener.
message StaticListener {
// The listener config.
api.v3alpha.Listener listener = 1;
// The timestamp when the Listener was last successfully updated.
google.protobuf.Timestamp last_updated = 2;
message DynamicListenerState {
// This is the per-resource version information. This version is currently taken from the
// :ref:`version_info <envoy_api_field_api.v3alpha.DiscoveryResponse.version_info>` field at the
// time that the listener was loaded. In the future, discrete per-listener versions may be
// supported by the API.
string version_info = 1;
// The listener config.
api.v3alpha.Listener listener = 2;
// The timestamp when the Listener was last successfully updated.
google.protobuf.Timestamp last_updated = 3;
// Describes a dynamically loaded listener via the LDS API.
// [#next-free-field: 6]
message DynamicListener {
// The name or unique id of this listener, pulled from the DynamicListenerState config.
string name = 1;
// The listener state for any active listener by this name.
// These are listeners that are available to service data plane traffic.
DynamicListenerState active_state = 2;
// The listener state for any warming listener by this name.
// These are listeners that are currently undergoing warming in preparation to service data
// plane traffic. Note that if attempting to recreate an Envoy configuration from a
// configuration dump, the warming listeners should generally be discarded.
DynamicListenerState warming_state = 3;
// The listener state for any draining listener by this name.
// These are listeners that are currently undergoing draining in preparation to stop servicing
// data plane traffic. Note that if attempting to recreate an Envoy configuration from a
// configuration dump, the draining listeners should generally be discarded.
DynamicListenerState draining_state = 4;
// Set if the last update failed, cleared after the next successful update.
UpdateFailureState error_state = 5;
// This is the :ref:`version_info <envoy_api_field_api.v3alpha.DiscoveryResponse.version_info>` in
// the last processed LDS discovery response. If there are only static bootstrap listeners, this
// field will be "".
string version_info = 1;
// The statically loaded listener configs.
repeated StaticListener static_listeners = 2;
// State for any warming, active, or draining listeners.
repeated DynamicListener dynamic_listeners = 3;
// Envoy's cluster manager fills this message with all currently known clusters. Cluster
// configuration information can be used to recreate an Envoy configuration by populating all
// clusters as static clusters or by returning them in a CDS response.
message ClustersConfigDump {
// Describes a statically loaded cluster.
message StaticCluster {
// The cluster config.
api.v3alpha.Cluster cluster = 1;
// The timestamp when the Cluster was last updated.
google.protobuf.Timestamp last_updated = 2;
// Describes a dynamically loaded cluster via the CDS API.
message DynamicCluster {
// This is the per-resource version information. This version is currently taken from the
// :ref:`version_info <envoy_api_field_api.v3alpha.DiscoveryResponse.version_info>` field at the
// time that the cluster was loaded. In the future, discrete per-cluster versions may be
// supported by the API.
string version_info = 1;
// The cluster config.
api.v3alpha.Cluster cluster = 2;
// The timestamp when the Cluster was last updated.
google.protobuf.Timestamp last_updated = 3;
// This is the :ref:`version_info <envoy_api_field_api.v3alpha.DiscoveryResponse.version_info>` in
// the last processed CDS discovery response. If there are only static bootstrap clusters, this
// field will be "".
string version_info = 1;
// The statically loaded cluster configs.
repeated StaticCluster static_clusters = 2;
// The dynamically loaded active clusters. These are clusters that are available to service
// data plane traffic.
repeated DynamicCluster dynamic_active_clusters = 3;
// The dynamically loaded warming clusters. These are clusters that are currently undergoing
// warming in preparation to service data plane traffic. Note that if attempting to recreate an
// Envoy configuration from a configuration dump, the warming clusters should generally be
// discarded.
repeated DynamicCluster dynamic_warming_clusters = 4;
// Envoy's RDS implementation fills this message with all currently loaded routes, as described by
// their RouteConfiguration objects. Static routes configured in the bootstrap configuration are
// separated from those configured dynamically via RDS. Route configuration information can be used
// to recreate an Envoy configuration by populating all routes as static routes or by returning them
// in RDS responses.
message RoutesConfigDump {
message StaticRouteConfig {
// The route config.
api.v3alpha.RouteConfiguration route_config = 1;
// The timestamp when the Route was last updated.
google.protobuf.Timestamp last_updated = 2;
message DynamicRouteConfig {
// This is the per-resource version information. This version is currently taken from the
// :ref:`version_info <envoy_api_field_api.v3alpha.DiscoveryResponse.version_info>` field at the
// time that the route configuration was loaded.
string version_info = 1;
// The route config.
api.v3alpha.RouteConfiguration route_config = 2;
// The timestamp when the Route was last updated.
google.protobuf.Timestamp last_updated = 3;
// The statically loaded route configs.
repeated StaticRouteConfig static_route_configs = 2;
// The dynamically loaded route configs.
repeated DynamicRouteConfig dynamic_route_configs = 3;
// Envoy's scoped RDS implementation fills this message with all currently loaded route
// configuration scopes (defined via ScopedRouteConfigurationsSet protos). This message lists both
// the scopes defined inline with the higher order object (i.e., the HttpConnectionManager) and the
// dynamically obtained scopes via the SRDS API.
message ScopedRoutesConfigDump {
message InlineScopedRouteConfigs {
// The name assigned to the scoped route configurations.
string name = 1;
// The scoped route configurations.
repeated api.v3alpha.ScopedRouteConfiguration scoped_route_configs = 2;
// The timestamp when the scoped route config set was last updated.
google.protobuf.Timestamp last_updated = 3;
message DynamicScopedRouteConfigs {
// The name assigned to the scoped route configurations.
string name = 1;
// This is the per-resource version information. This version is currently taken from the
// :ref:`version_info <envoy_api_field_api.v3alpha.DiscoveryResponse.version_info>` field at the
// time that the scoped routes configuration was loaded.
string version_info = 2;
// The scoped route configurations.
repeated api.v3alpha.ScopedRouteConfiguration scoped_route_configs = 3;
// The timestamp when the scoped route config set was last updated.
google.protobuf.Timestamp last_updated = 4;
// The statically loaded scoped route configs.
repeated InlineScopedRouteConfigs inline_scoped_route_configs = 1;
// The dynamically loaded scoped route configs.
repeated DynamicScopedRouteConfigs dynamic_scoped_route_configs = 2;
// Envoys SDS implementation fills this message with all secrets fetched dynamically via SDS.
message SecretsConfigDump {
// DynamicSecret contains secret information fetched via SDS.
message DynamicSecret {
// The name assigned to the secret.
string name = 1;
// This is the per-resource version information.
string version_info = 2;
// The timestamp when the secret was last updated.
google.protobuf.Timestamp last_updated = 3;
// The actual secret information.
// Security sensitive information is redacted (replaced with "[redacted]") for
// private keys and passwords in TLS certificates.
api.v3alpha.auth.Secret secret = 4;
// StaticSecret specifies statically loaded secret in bootstrap.
message StaticSecret {
// The name assigned to the secret.
string name = 1;
// The timestamp when the secret was last updated.
google.protobuf.Timestamp last_updated = 2;
// The actual secret information.
// Security sensitive information is redacted (replaced with "[redacted]") for
// private keys and passwords in TLS certificates.
api.v3alpha.auth.Secret secret = 3;
// The statically loaded secrets.
repeated StaticSecret static_secrets = 1;
// The dynamically loaded active secrets. These are secrets that are available to service
// clusters or listeners.
repeated DynamicSecret dynamic_active_secrets = 2;
// The dynamically loaded warming secrets. These are secrets that are currently undergoing
// warming in preparation to service clusters or listeners.
repeated DynamicSecret dynamic_warming_secrets = 3;