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syntax = "proto3"; |
package envoy.api.v2; |
import "api/address.proto"; |
import "api/base.proto"; |
import "api/health_check.proto"; |
import "api/tls_context.proto"; |
import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto"; |
service ClusterDiscoveryService { |
// Return list of all clusters, this proxy will load balance to. |
rpc StreamClusters(ClusterDiscoveryRequest) |
returns (stream ClusterDiscoveryResponse) { |
} |
} |
message ClusterDiscoveryRequest { |
Node node = 1; |
} |
message ClusterDiscoveryResponse { |
repeated Cluster cluster = 1; |
} |
// Circuit breaking settings can be specified individually for each defined |
// priority. |
message CircuitBreakers { |
message Thresholds { |
// The maximum number of connections that Envoy will make to the upstream |
// cluster. If not specified, the default is 1024. See the circuit |
// breaking overview for more information. |
google.protobuf.UInt32Value max_connections = 1; |
// The maximum number of pending requests that Envoy will allow to the |
// upstream cluster. If not specified, the default is 1024. See the circuit |
// breaking overview for more information. |
google.protobuf.UInt32Value max_pending_requests = 2; |
// The maximum number of parallel requests that Envoy will make to the |
// upstream cluster. If not specified, the default is 1024. See the circuit |
// breaking overview for more information. |
google.protobuf.UInt32Value max_requests = 3; |
// The maximum number of parallel retries that Envoy will allow to the |
// upstream cluster. If not specified, the default is 3. See the circuit |
// breaking overview for more information. |
google.protobuf.UInt32Value max_retries = 4; |
} |
Thresholds default_priority = 1; |
Thresholds high_priority = 2; |
} |
message TcpProtocolOptions { |
} |
message Http1ProtocolOptions { |
} |
message Http2ProtocolOptions { |
// Default is false. |
bool disable_dynamic_table = 1; |
uint32 per_stream_buffer_limit_bytes = 2; |
} |
message GrpcProtocolOptions { |
uint32 per_stream_buffer_limit_bytes = 1; |
} |
message Cluster { |
// Supplies the name of the cluster which must be unique across all clusters. |
// The cluster name is used when emitting statistics. The cluster name can be |
// at most 60 characters long, and must not contain :. |
google.protobuf.StringValue name = 1; |
// The service discovery type to use for resolving the cluster. |
enum DiscoveryType { |
STATIC = 0; |
EDS = 3; |
} |
DiscoveryType type = 2; |
// The timeout for new network connections to hosts in the cluster. |
Duration connect_timeout = 3; |
// Soft limit on size of the cluster’s connections read and write buffers. If |
// unspecified, an implementation defined default is applied (1MiB). |
google.protobuf.UInt32Value per_connection_buffer_limit_bytes = 4; |
// The load balancer type to use when picking a host in the cluster. |
enum LbPolicy { |
RING_HASH = 2; |
RANDOM = 3; |
} |
LbPolicy lb_policy = 5; |
// If the service discovery type is static, static_hosts is required. If the |
// service discovery type is strict_dns or logical_dns, dns_hosts is required. |
oneof hosts_specifier { |
ResolvedAddresses static_hosts = 6; |
UnresolvedAddress dns_hosts = 7; |
} |
// Optional active health checking configuration for the cluster. If no |
// configuration is specified no health checking will be done and all cluster |
// members will be considered healthy at all times. |
repeated HealthCheck health_checks = 8; |
// Optional maximum requests for a single upstream connection. This parameter |
// is respected by both the HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 connection pool |
// implementations. If not specified, there is no limit. Setting this |
// parameter to 1 will effectively disable keep alive. |
google.protobuf.UInt32Value max_requests_per_connection = 9; |
// Optional circuit breaking settings for the cluster. |
CircuitBreakers circuit_breakers = 10; |
// The TLS configuration for connections to the upstream cluster. If no TLS |
// configuration is specified, TLS will not be used for new connections. |
UpstreamTlsContext tls_context = 11; |
oneof protocol_options { |
TcpProtocolOptions tcp_protocol_options = 12; |
Http1ProtocolOptions http_protocol_options = 13; |
Http2ProtocolOptions http2_protocol_options = 14; |
GrpcProtocolOptions grpc_protocol_options = 15; |
} |
// If the dns refresh rate is specified and the cluster type is either |
// strict_dns, or logical_dns, this value is used as the cluster’s dns refresh |
// rate. If this setting is not specified, the value defaults to 5000. For |
// cluster types other than strict_dns and logical_dns this setting is |
// ignored. |
Duration dns_refresh_rate = 16; |
// If specified, outlier detection will be enabled for this upstream cluster. |
message OutlierDetection { |
// The number of consecutive 5xx responses before a consecutive 5xx ejection |
// occurs. Defaults to 5. |
google.protobuf.UInt32Value consecutive_5xx = 1; |
// The time interval between ejection analysis sweeps. This can result in |
// both new ejections as well as hosts being returned to service. Defaults |
// to 10000ms or 10s. |
Duration interval = 2; |
// The base time that a host is ejected for. The real time is equal to the |
// base time multiplied by the number of times the host has been ejected. |
// Defaults to 30000ms or 30s. |
Duration base_ejection_time = 3; |
// The maximum % of an upstream cluster that can be ejected due to outlier |
// detection. Defaults to 10%. |
google.protobuf.UInt32Value max_ejection_percent = 4; |
// The % chance that a host will be actually ejected when an outlier status |
// is detected through consecutive 5xx. This setting can be used to disable |
// ejection or to ramp it up slowly. Defaults to 100. |
google.protobuf.UInt32Value enforcing_consecutive_5xx = 5; |
// The % chance that a host will be actually ejected when an outlier status |
// is detected through success rate statistics. This setting can be used to |
// disable ejection or to ramp it up slowly. Defaults to 100. |
google.protobuf.UInt32Value enforcing_success_rate = 6; |
// The number of hosts in a cluster that must have enough request volume to |
// detect success rate outliers. If the number of hosts is less than this |
// setting, outlier detection via success rate statistics is not performed |
// for any host in the cluster. Defaults to 5. |
google.protobuf.UInt32Value success_rate_minimum_hosts = 7; |
// The minimum number of total requests that must be collected in one |
// interval (as defined by interval_ms above) to include this host in |
// success rate based outlier detection. If the volume is lower than this |
// setting, outlier detection via success rate statistics is not performed |
// for that host. Defaults to 100. |
google.protobuf.UInt32Value success_rate_request_volume = 8; |
// This factor is used to determine the ejection threshold for success rate |
// outlier ejection. The ejection threshold is the difference between the |
// mean success rate, and the product of this factor and the standard |
// deviation of the mean success rate: mean - (stdev * |
// success_rate_stdev_factor). This factor is divided by a thousand to get a |
// double. That is, if the desired factor is 1.9, the runtime value should |
// be 1900. Defaults to 1900. |
google.protobuf.UInt32Value success_rate_stdev_factor = 9; |
} |
OutlierDetection outlier_detection = 17; |