[READ ONLY MIRROR] Envoy REST/proto API definitions and documentation. (grpc依赖)
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syntax = "proto3";
package envoy.extensions.wasm.v3;
import "envoy/config/core/v3/base.proto";
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
import "udpa/annotations/status.proto";
import "validate/validate.proto";
option java_package = "io.envoyproxy.envoy.extensions.wasm.v3";
option java_outer_classname = "WasmProto";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option (udpa.annotations.file_status).package_version_status = ACTIVE;
// [#protodoc-title: Wasm]
// [#extension: envoy.bootstrap.wasm]
// Configuration for restricting Proxy-Wasm capabilities available to modules.
message CapabilityRestrictionConfig {
// The Proxy-Wasm capabilities which will be allowed. Capabilities are mapped by
// name. The *SanitizationConfig* which each capability maps to is currently unimplemented and ignored,
// and so should be left empty.
// The capability names are given in the
// `Proxy-Wasm ABI <https://github.com/proxy-wasm/spec/tree/master/abi-versions/vNEXT>`_.
// Additionally, the following WASI capabilities from
// `this list <https://github.com/WebAssembly/WASI/blob/master/phases/snapshot/docs.md#modules>`_
// are implemented and can be allowed:
// *fd_write*, *fd_read*, *fd_seek*, *fd_close*, *fd_fdstat_get*, *environ_get*, *environ_sizes_get*,
// *args_get*, *args_sizes_get*, *proc_exit*, *clock_time_get*, *random_get*.
map<string, SanitizationConfig> allowed_capabilities = 1;
// Configuration for sanitization of inputs to an allowed capability.
// NOTE: This is currently unimplemented.
message SanitizationConfig {
// Configuration for a Wasm VM.
// [#next-free-field: 8]
message VmConfig {
// An ID which will be used along with a hash of the wasm code (or the name of the registered Null
// VM plugin) to determine which VM will be used for the plugin. All plugins which use the same
// *vm_id* and code will use the same VM. May be left blank. Sharing a VM between plugins can
// reduce memory utilization and make sharing of data easier which may have security implications.
// [#comment: TODO: add ref for details.]
string vm_id = 1;
// The Wasm runtime type.
// Available Wasm runtime types are registered as extensions. The following runtimes are included
// in Envoy code base:
// .. _extension_envoy.wasm.runtime.null:
// **envoy.wasm.runtime.null**: Null sandbox, the Wasm module must be compiled and linked into the
// Envoy binary. The registered name is given in the *code* field as *inline_string*.
// .. _extension_envoy.wasm.runtime.v8:
// **envoy.wasm.runtime.v8**: `V8 <https://v8.dev/>`_-based WebAssembly runtime.
// .. _extension_envoy.wasm.runtime.wamr:
// **envoy.wasm.runtime.wamr**: `WAMR <https://github.com/bytecodealliance/wasm-micro-runtime/>`_-based WebAssembly runtime.
// This runtime is not enabled in the official build.
// .. _extension_envoy.wasm.runtime.wavm:
// **envoy.wasm.runtime.wavm**: `WAVM <https://wavm.github.io/>`_-based WebAssembly runtime.
// This runtime is not enabled in the official build.
// .. _extension_envoy.wasm.runtime.wasmtime:
// **envoy.wasm.runtime.wasmtime**: `Wasmtime <https://wasmtime.dev/>`_-based WebAssembly runtime.
// This runtime is not enabled in the official build.
// [#extension-category: envoy.wasm.runtime]
string runtime = 2 [(validate.rules).string = {min_len: 1}];
// The Wasm code that Envoy will execute.
config.core.v3.AsyncDataSource code = 3;
// The Wasm configuration used in initialization of a new VM
// (proxy_on_start). `google.protobuf.Struct` is serialized as JSON before
// passing it to the plugin. `google.protobuf.BytesValue` and
// `google.protobuf.StringValue` are passed directly without the wrapper.
google.protobuf.Any configuration = 4;
// Allow the wasm file to include pre-compiled code on VMs which support it.
// Warning: this should only be enable for trusted sources as the precompiled code is not
// verified.
bool allow_precompiled = 5;
// If true and the code needs to be remotely fetched and it is not in the cache then NACK the configuration
// update and do a background fetch to fill the cache, otherwise fetch the code asynchronously and enter
// warming state.
bool nack_on_code_cache_miss = 6;
// Specifies environment variables to be injected to this VM which will be available through
// WASI's ``environ_get`` and ``environ_get_sizes`` system calls. Note that these functions are mostly implicitly
// called in your language's standard library, so you do not need to call them directly and you can access to env
// vars just like when you do on native platforms.
// Warning: Envoy rejects the configuration if there's conflict of key space.
EnvironmentVariables environment_variables = 7;
message EnvironmentVariables {
// The keys of *Envoy's* environment variables exposed to this VM. In other words, if a key exists in Envoy's environment
// variables, then that key-value pair will be injected. Note that if a key does not exist, it will be ignored.
repeated string host_env_keys = 1;
// Explicitly given key-value pairs to be injected to this VM in the form of "KEY=VALUE".
map<string, string> key_values = 2;
// Base Configuration for Wasm Plugins e.g. filters and services.
// [#next-free-field: 7]
message PluginConfig {
// A unique name for a filters/services in a VM for use in identifying the filter/service if
// multiple filters/services are handled by the same *vm_id* and *root_id* and for
// logging/debugging.
string name = 1;
// A unique ID for a set of filters/services in a VM which will share a RootContext and Contexts
// if applicable (e.g. an Wasm HttpFilter and an Wasm AccessLog). If left blank, all
// filters/services with a blank root_id with the same *vm_id* will share Context(s).
string root_id = 2;
// Configuration for finding or starting VM.
oneof vm {
VmConfig vm_config = 3;
// TODO: add referential VM configurations.
// Filter/service configuration used to configure or reconfigure a plugin
// (proxy_on_configuration).
// `google.protobuf.Struct` is serialized as JSON before
// passing it to the plugin. `google.protobuf.BytesValue` and
// `google.protobuf.StringValue` are passed directly without the wrapper.
google.protobuf.Any configuration = 4;
// If there is a fatal error on the VM (e.g. exception, abort(), on_start or on_configure return false),
// then all plugins associated with the VM will either fail closed (by default), e.g. by returning an HTTP 503 error,
// or fail open (if 'fail_open' is set to true) by bypassing the filter. Note: when on_start or on_configure return false
// during xDS updates the xDS configuration will be rejected and when on_start or on_configuration return false on initial
// startup the proxy will not start.
bool fail_open = 5;
// Configuration for restricting Proxy-Wasm capabilities available to modules.
CapabilityRestrictionConfig capability_restriction_config = 6;
// WasmService is configured as a built-in *envoy.wasm_service* :ref:`WasmService
// <config_wasm_service>` This opaque configuration will be used to create a Wasm Service.
message WasmService {
// General plugin configuration.
PluginConfig config = 1;
// If true, create a single VM rather than creating one VM per worker. Such a singleton can
// not be used with filters.
bool singleton = 2;