[READ ONLY MIRROR] Envoy REST/proto API definitions and documentation. (grpc依赖)
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# API style guidelines
Generally follow guidance at https://cloud.google.com/apis/design/, in
particular for proto3 as described at:
* https://cloud.google.com/apis/design/proto3
* https://cloud.google.com/apis/design/naming_convention
* https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/style
A key aspect of our API style is maintaining stability by following the [API versioning
guidelines](API_VERSIONING.md). All developers must familiarize themselves with these guidelines,
any PR which makes breaking changes to the API will not be merged.
In addition, the following conventions should be followed:
* Every proto directory should have a `README.md` describing its content. See
for example [envoy.service](envoy/service/README.md).
* The data plane APIs are primarily intended for machine generation and consumption.
It is expected that the management server is responsible for mapping higher
level configuration concepts to concrete API concepts. Similarly, static configuration
fragments may be generated by tools and UIs, etc. The APIs and tools used
to generate xDS configuration are beyond the scope of the definitions in this
* Use [wrapped scalar
where there is a real need for the field to have a default value that does not
match the proto3 defaults (0/false/""). This should not be done for fields
where the proto3 defaults make sense. All things being equal, pick appropriate
logic, e.g. enable vs. disable for a `bool` field, such that the proto3
defaults work, but only where this doesn't result in API gymnastics.
* Use a `[#not-implemented-hide:]` `protodoc` annotation in comments for fields that lack Envoy
implementation. These indicate that the entity is not implemented in Envoy and the entity
should be hidden from the Envoy documentation.
* Always use plural field names for `repeated` fields, such as `filters`.
* Due to the fact that we consider JSON/YAML to be first class inputs, we cannot easily change a
a singular field to a repeated field (both due to JSON/YAML array structural differences as well
as singular vs. plural field naming). If there is a reasonable expectation that a field may need
to be repeated in the future, but we don't need it to be repeated right away, consider making it
repeated now but using constraints to enforce a maximum repeated size of 1. E.g.:
repeated OutputSink sinks = 1 [(validate.rules).repeated = {min_items: 1, max_items: 1}];
* Always use upper camel case names for message types and enum types without embedded
acronyms, such as `HttpRequest`.
* Prefer `oneof` selections to boolean overloads of fields, for example, prefer:
oneof path_specifier {
string simple_path = 1;
string regex_path = 2;
string path = 1;
bool path_is_regex = 2;
This is more efficient, extendable and self-describing.
* The API includes two types for representing [percents](envoy/type/percent.proto). `Percent` is
effectively a double value in the range 0.0-100.0. `FractionalPercent` is an integral fraction
that can be used to create a truncated percentage also in the range 0.0-100.0. In high performance
paths, `FractionalPercent` is preferred as randomness calculations can be performed using integral
modulo and comparison operations only without any floating point conversions. Typically, most
users do not need infinite precision in these paths.
* For enum types, if one of the enum values is used for most cases, make it the
first enum value with `0` numeric value. Otherwise, define the first enum
value like `TYPE_NAME_UNSPECIFIED = 0`, and treat it as an error. This design
pattern forces developers to explicitly choose the correct enum value for
their use case, and avoid misunderstanding of the default behavior.
* Proto fields should be sorted logically, not by field number.
## Package organization
API definitions are layered hierarchically in packages from top-to-bottom in v2 as following:
- `envoy.service` contains gRPC definitions of supporting services;
- `envoy.config` contains definitions for service configuration, filter
configuration, and bootstrap;
- `envoy.api.v2` contains definitions for EDS, CDS, RDS, LDS, and top-level
resources such as `Cluster`;
- `envoy.api.v2.endpoint`, `envoy.api.v2.cluster`, `envoy.api.v2.route`,
`envoy.api.v2.listener`, `envoy.api.v2.ratelimit` define sub-messages of the top-level resources;
- `envoy.api.v2.core` and `envoy.api.v2.auth` hold core definitions consumed
throughout the API.
In Envoy API v3, API definitions are layered hierarchically in packages from top-to-bottom as following:
- `envoy.extensions` contains all definitions for the extensions, the package should match the structure of the `source` directory.
- `envoy.service` contains gRPC definitions of supporting services and top-level messages for the services.
e.g. `envoy.service.route.v3` contains RDS, `envoy.service.listener.v3` contains LDS.
- `envoy.config` contains other definitions for service configuration, bootstrap and some legacy core types.
- `envoy.data` contains data format declaration for data types that Envoy produces.
- `envoy.type` contains common protobuf types such as percent, range and matchers.
Dependencies are enforced from top-to-bottom using visibility constraints in
the build system to prevent circular dependency formation. Package group
`//envoy/api/v2:friends` selects consumers of the core API package (services and configs)
and is the default visibility for the core API packages. The default visibility
for services and configs should be `//docs` (proto documentation tool).
Extensions should use the regular hierarchy. For example, configuration for network filters belongs
in a package under `envoy.config.filter.network`.
## Adding an extension configuration to the API
Extensions must currently be added as v2 APIs following the [package
organization](#package-organization) above.
To add an extension config to the API, the steps below should be followed:
1. Place the v2 extension configuration `.proto` in `api/envoy/config`, e.g.
`api/envoy/config/filter/http/foobar/v2/foobar.proto` together with an initial BUILD file:
load("@envoy_api//bazel:api_build_system.bzl", "api_proto_package")
licenses(["notice"]) # Apache 2
deps = ["@com_github_cncf_udpa//udpa/annotations:pkg"],
1. Add to the v2 extension config proto `import "udpa/annotations/migrate.proto";`
2. Add to the v2 extension config proto a package level `option (udpa.annotations.file_migrate).move_to_package = "envoy.extensions.filters.http.foobar.v3";`.
This places the filter in the correct [v3 package hierarchy](#package-organization).
3. Add a reference to the v2 extension config in (1) in [api/docs/BUILD](docs/BUILD).
4. Run `./tools/proto_format fix`. This should regenerate the `BUILD` file,
reformat `foobar.proto` as needed and also generate the v3 extension config,
together with shadow API protos.
4. `git add api/ generated_api_shadow/` to add any new files to your Git index.
## API annotations
A number of annotations are used in the Envoy APIs to provide additional API
metadata. We describe these annotations below by category.
### Field level
* `[deprecated = true]` to denote fields that are deprecated in a major version.
These fields are slated for removal at the next major cycle and follow the
[breaking change policy](../CONTRIBUTING.md#breaking-change-policy).
* `[envoy.annotations.disallowed_by_default = true]` to denote fields that have
been disallowed by default as per the [breaking change policy](../CONTRIBUTING.md#breaking-change-policy).
* `[(udpa.annotations.field_migrate).rename = "<new field name>"]` to denote that
the field will be renamed to a given name in the next API major version.
* `[(udpa.annotations.field_migrate).oneof_promotion = "<oneof name>"]` to denote that
the field will be promoted to a given `oneof` in the next API major version.
* `[(udpa.annotations.sensitive) = true]` to denote sensitive fields that
should be redacted in output such as logging or configuration dumps.
* [PGV annotations](https://github.com/envoyproxy/protoc-gen-validate) to denote field
value constraints.
### Enum value level
* `[(udpa.annotations.enum_value_migrate).rename = "new enum value name"]` to denote that
the enum value will be renamed to a given name in the next API major version.
### Message level
* `option (udpa.annotations.versioning).previous_message_type = "<message type
name>";` to denote the previous type name for an upgraded message. You should
never have to write these manually, they are generated by `protoxform`.
### Service level
* `option (envoy.annotations.resource).type = "<resource type name>";` to denote
the resource type for an xDS service definition.
### File level
* `option (udpa.annotations.file_migrate).move_to_package = "<package name>";`
to denote that in the next major version of the API, the file will be moved to
the given package. This is consumed by `protoxform`.