[READ ONLY MIRROR] Envoy REST/proto API definitions and documentation. (grpc依赖)
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.. _operations_hot_restarter:
Hot restart Python wrapper
Typically, Envoy will be :ref:`hot restarted <arch_overview_hot_restart>` for config changes and
binary updates. However, in many cases, users will wish to use a standard process manager such as
monit, runit, etc. We provide :repo:`/restarter/hot-restarter.py` to make this straightforward.
The restarter is invoked like so:
.. code-block:: console
hot-restarter.py start_envoy.sh
`start_envoy.sh` might be defined like so (using salt/jinja like syntax):
.. code-block:: jinja
ulimit -n {{ pillar.get('envoy_max_open_files', '102400') }}
exec /usr/sbin/envoy -c /etc/envoy/envoy.cfg --restart-epoch $RESTART_EPOCH --service-cluster {{ grains['cluster_name'] }} --service-node {{ grains['service_node'] }} --service-zone {{ grains.get('ec2_availability-zone', 'unknown') }}
The *RESTART_EPOCH* environment variable is set by the restarter on each restart and can be passed
to the :option:`--restart-epoch` option.
The restarter handles the following signals:
* **SIGTERM**: Will cleanly terminate all child processes and exit.
* **SIGHUP**: Will hot restart by re-invoking whatever is passed as the first argument to the
hot restart script.
* **SIGCHLD**: If any of the child processes shut down unexpectedly, the restart script will shut
everything down and exit to avoid being in an unexpected state. The controlling process manager
should then restart the restarter script to start Envoy again.
* **SIGUSR1**: Will be forwarded to Envoy as a signal to reopen all access logs. This is used for
atomic move and reopen log rotation.