[READ ONLY MIRROR] Envoy REST/proto API definitions and documentation. (grpc依赖)
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216 lines
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load("@com_google_protobuf//:protobuf.bzl", _py_proto_library = "py_proto_library")
load("@com_envoyproxy_protoc_gen_validate//bazel:pgv_proto_library.bzl", "pgv_cc_proto_library")
load("@io_bazel_rules_go//proto:def.bzl", "go_grpc_library", "go_proto_library")
load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_test")
load("@com_github_grpc_grpc//bazel:cc_grpc_library.bzl", "cc_grpc_library")
_PY_SUFFIX = "_py"
_CC_SUFFIX = "_cc"
_CC_GRPC_SUFFIX = "_cc_grpc"
_CC_EXPORT_SUFFIX = "_export_cc"
_GO_PROTO_SUFFIX = "_go_proto"
_GO_IMPORTPATH_PREFIX = "github.com/envoyproxy/go-control-plane/"
def _Suffix(d, suffix):
return d + suffix
def _LibrarySuffix(library_name, suffix):
# Transform //a/b/c to //a/b/c:c in preparation for suffix operation below.
if library_name.startswith("//") and ":" not in library_name:
library_name += ":" + Label(library_name).name
return _Suffix(library_name, suffix)
# TODO(htuch): Convert this to native py_proto_library once
# https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/3935 and/or
# https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/2626 are resolved.
def api_py_proto_library(name, srcs = [], deps = [], external_py_proto_deps = []):
name = _Suffix(name, _PY_SUFFIX),
srcs = srcs,
default_runtime = "@com_google_protobuf//:protobuf_python",
protoc = "@com_google_protobuf//:protoc",
deps = [_LibrarySuffix(d, _PY_SUFFIX) for d in deps] + external_py_proto_deps + [
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
# This defines googleapis py_proto_library. The repository does not provide its definition and requires
# overriding it in the consuming project (see https://github.com/grpc/grpc/issues/19255 for more details).
def py_proto_library(name, deps = []):
srcs = [dep[:-6] + ".proto" if dep.endswith("_proto") else dep for dep in deps]
proto_deps = []
# py_proto_library in googleapis specifies *_proto rules in dependencies.
# By rewriting *_proto to *.proto above, the dependencies in *_proto rules are not preserved.
# As a workaround, manually specify the proto dependencies for the imported python rules.
if name == "annotations_py_proto":
proto_deps = proto_deps + [":http_py_proto"]
name = name,
srcs = srcs,
default_runtime = "@com_google_protobuf//:protobuf_python",
protoc = "@com_google_protobuf//:protoc",
deps = proto_deps + ["@com_google_protobuf//:protobuf_python"],
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
def _api_cc_grpc_library(name, proto, deps = []):
name = name,
srcs = [proto],
deps = deps,
proto_only = False,
grpc_only = True,
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
def _ToCanonicalLabel(label):
# //my/app and //my/app:app are the same label. In places we mutate the incoming label adding different suffixes
# in order to generate multiple targets in a single rule. //my/app:app_grpc_cc.
# Skylark formatters and linters prefer the shorthand label whilst we need the latter.
rel = Label("//" + native.package_name()).relative(label)
return "//" + rel.package + ":" + rel.name
# This is api_proto_library plus some logic internal to //envoy/api.
def api_proto_library_internal(visibility = ["//visibility:private"], **kwargs):
# //envoy/docs/build.sh needs visibility in order to generate documents.
if visibility == ["//visibility:private"]:
visibility = ["//docs"]
elif visibility != ["//visibility:public"]:
visibility = visibility + ["//docs"]
api_proto_library(visibility = visibility, **kwargs)
def api_proto_library(
visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
srcs = [],
deps = [],
tags = [],
external_proto_deps = [],
external_cc_proto_deps = [],
external_py_proto_deps = [],
has_services = 0,
linkstatic = None,
require_py = 1):
relative_name = ":" + name
name = name,
srcs = srcs,
deps = deps + external_proto_deps + _COMMON_PROTO_DEPS,
tags = tags,
visibility = visibility,
cc_proto_library_name = _Suffix(name, _CC_SUFFIX)
name = cc_proto_library_name,
linkstatic = linkstatic,
cc_deps = [_LibrarySuffix(d, _CC_SUFFIX) for d in deps] + external_cc_proto_deps + [
deps = [relative_name],
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
py_export_suffixes = []
if require_py:
api_py_proto_library(name, srcs, deps, external_py_proto_deps)
py_export_suffixes = ["_py", "_py_genproto"]
# Optionally define gRPC services
if has_services:
# TODO: when Python services are required, add to the below stub generations.
cc_grpc_name = _Suffix(name, _CC_GRPC_SUFFIX)
cc_proto_deps = [cc_proto_library_name] + [_Suffix(_ToCanonicalLabel(x), _CC_SUFFIX) for x in deps]
_api_cc_grpc_library(name = cc_grpc_name, proto = relative_name, deps = cc_proto_deps)
# Allow unlimited visibility for consumers
export_suffixes = ["", "_cc", "_cc_validate"] + py_export_suffixes
for s in export_suffixes:
name = name + "_export" + s,
actual = name + s,
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
def api_cc_test(name, srcs, proto_deps):
name = name,
srcs = srcs,
deps = [_LibrarySuffix(d, _CC_EXPORT_SUFFIX) for d in proto_deps],
def api_go_test(name, size, importpath, srcs = [], deps = []):
name = name,
size = size,
srcs = srcs,
importpath = importpath,
deps = deps,
"@opencensus_proto//opencensus/proto/trace/v1:trace_proto": "@opencensus_proto//opencensus/proto/trace/v1:trace_proto_go",
"@opencensus_proto//opencensus/proto/trace/v1:trace_config_proto": "@opencensus_proto//opencensus/proto/trace/v1:trace_and_config_proto_go",
"@com_google_googleapis//google/api/expr/v1alpha1:syntax_proto": "@com_google_googleapis//google/api/expr/v1alpha1:cel_go_proto",
def go_proto_mapping(dep):
mapped = _GO_BAZEL_RULE_MAPPING.get(dep)
if mapped == None:
return _Suffix("@" + Label(dep).workspace_name + "//" + Label(dep).package + ":" + Label(dep).name, _GO_PROTO_SUFFIX)
return mapped
def api_proto_package(name = "pkg", srcs = [], deps = [], has_services = False, visibility = ["//visibility:public"]):
if srcs == []:
srcs = native.glob(["*.proto"])
name = name,
srcs = srcs,
deps = deps + _COMMON_PROTO_DEPS,
visibility = visibility,
compilers = ["@io_bazel_rules_go//proto:go_proto", "//bazel:pgv_plugin_go"]
if has_services:
compilers = ["@io_bazel_rules_go//proto:go_grpc", "//bazel:pgv_plugin_go"]
name = _Suffix(name, _GO_PROTO_SUFFIX),
compilers = compilers,
importpath = _Suffix(_GO_IMPORTPATH_PREFIX, native.package_name()),
proto = name,
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
deps = [go_proto_mapping(dep) for dep in deps] + [