[READ ONLY MIRROR] Envoy REST/proto API definitions and documentation. (grpc依赖)
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.. _config_cluster_manager_cluster_circuit_breakers:
Circuit breaking
* Circuit Breaking :ref:`architecture overview <arch_overview_circuit_break>`.
* :ref:`v1 API documentation <config_cluster_manager_cluster_circuit_breakers_v1>`.
* :ref:`v2 API documentation <envoy_api_msg_CircuitBreakers>`.
All circuit breaking settings are runtime configurable for all defined priorities based on cluster
name. They follow the following naming scheme ``circuit_breakers.<cluster_name>.<priority>.<setting>``.
``cluster_name`` is the name field in each cluster's configuration, which is set in the envoy
:ref:`config file <config_cluster_manager_cluster_name>`. Available runtime settings will override
settings set in the envoy config file.