[READ ONLY MIRROR] Envoy REST/proto API definitions and documentation. (grpc依赖)
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syntax = "proto3";
package envoy.api.v2;
import "api/base.proto";
import "api/discovery.proto";
import "api/health_check.proto";
import "google/api/annotations.proto";
import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto";
service EndpointDiscoveryService {
// The resource_names field in DiscoveryRequest specifies a list of clusters
// to subscribe to updates for.
rpc StreamEndpoints(stream DiscoveryRequest)
returns (stream DiscoveryResponse) {
rpc FetchEndpoints(DiscoveryRequest)
returns (DiscoveryResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/v2/discovery:endpoints"
body: "*"
// Advanced API to allow for multi-dimensional load balancing by remote
// server. For receiving LB assignments, the steps are:
// 1, The management server is configured with per cluster/zone/load metric
// capacity configuration. The capacity configuration definition is
// outside of the scope of this document.
// 2. Envoy issues a standard {Stream,Fetch}Endpoints request for the clusters
// to balance.
// Independently, Envoy will initiate a StreamLoadStats bidi stream with a
// management server:
// 1. Once a connection establishes, the management server publishes a
// LoadStatsResponse for all clusters it is interested in learning load
// stats about.
// 2. For each cluster, Envoy load balances incoming traffic to upstream hosts
// based on per-zone weights and/or per-instance weights (if specified)
// based on intra-zone LbPolicy. This information comes from the above
// {Stream,Fetch}Endpoints.
// 3. When upstream hosts reply, they optionally add header <define header
// name> with ASCII representation of EndpointLoadMetricStats.
// 4. Envoy aggregates load reports over the period of time given to it in
// LoadStatsResponse.load_reporting_interval. This includes aggregation
// stats Envoy maintains by itself (total_requests, rpc_errors etc.) as
// well as load metrics from upstream hosts.
// 5. When the timer of load_reporting_interval expires, Envoy sends new
// LoadStatsRequest filled with load reports for each cluster.
// 6. The management server uses the load reports from all reported Envoys
// from around the world, computes global assignment and prepares traffic
// assignment destined for each zone Envoys are located in. Goto 2.
rpc StreamLoadStats(stream LoadStatsRequest)
returns (stream LoadStatsResponse) {
message LbEndpoint {
Endpoint endpoint = 1;
// Optional health status when known and supplied by EDS server.
HealthStatus health_status = 2;
// The endpoint metadata specifies values that may be used by the load
// balancer to select endpoints in a cluster for a given request. The filter
// name should be specified as "envoy.lb". An example boolean key-value pair
// is "canary", providing the optional canary status of the upstream host.
// This may be matched against in a route's ForwardAction metadata_match field
// to subset the endpoints considered in cluster load balancing.
// TODO(htuch: [V2-API-DIFF] Need to plumb this through Envoy and have
// everywhere that canary is used be capable of working on metadata.
Metadata metadata = 3;
// The optional load balancing weight of the upstream host, in the range 1 -
// 128. Envoy uses the load balancing weight in some of the built in load
// balancers. The load balancing weight for an endpoint is divided by the sum
// of the weights of all endpoints in the endpoint's locality to produce a
// percentage of traffic for the endpoint. This percentage is then further
// weighted by the endpoint's locality's load balancing weight from
// LocalityLbEndpoints. If unspecified, each host is presumed to have equal
// weight in a locality.
// The limit of 128 is somewhat arbitrary, but is applied due to performance
// concerns with the current implmenetation and can be removed when
// https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy/issues/1285 is fixed.
google.protobuf.UInt32Value load_balancing_weight = 4;
// A group of endpoints belonging to a Locality.
// One can have multiple LocalityLbEndpoints for a locality, but this is
// generally only done if the different groups need to have different load
// balancing weights or different priorities.
message LocalityLbEndpoints {
Locality locality = 1;
repeated LbEndpoint lb_endpoints = 2;
// Optional: Per priority/region/zone/sub_zone weight - range 1-128. The load balancing
// weight for a locality is divided by the sum of the weights of all
// localities at the same priority level to produce the effective percentage of traffic
// for the locality.
// Weights must be specified for either all localities in a given priority
// level or none.
// If unspecified, each locality is presumed to have equal weight in a
// cluster.
// The limit of 128 is somewhat arbitrary, but is applied due to performance
// concerns with the current implmenetation and can be removed when
// https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy/issues/1285 is fixed.
google.protobuf.UInt32Value load_balancing_weight = 3;
// Optional: the priority for this LocalityLbEndpoints. If unspecified this will
// default to the highest priority (0).
// Under usual circumstances, Envoy will only select endpoints for the highest
// priority (0). In the event all endpoints for a particular priority are
// unavailable/unhealthy, Envoy will fail over to selecting endpoints for the
// next highest priority group.
// Priorities should range from 0 (highest) to N (lowest) without skipping.
google.protobuf.UInt32Value priority = 5;
// Example load report from a single request:
// [metric name, metric value]
// * cpu_seconds, 0.7
// * flash_utilization, 75
// When aggregating Envoy needs to count how many request's load reports
// included each metric type, so Envoy can account for requests that don't
// include that metric type. e.g.:
// [name, count, sum of values]
// * cpu_seconds, 10, 17.5
// * flash_utilization, 5, 375
message EndpointLoadMetricStats {
// Name of the metric; may be empty.
string metric_name = 1;
// Number of calls that finished and included this metric.
uint64 num_requests_finished_with_metric = 2;
// Sum of metric values across all calls that finished with this metric for
// load_reporting_interval.
double total_metric_value = 3;
// These are stats Envoy reports to GLB every so often. Report frequency is
// defined by LoadAssignmentResponse.interval
// Stats per upstream region/zone and optionally per subzone
message UpstreamLocalityStats {
// Name of zone, region and optionally endpoint group this metrics was
// collected from. Zone and region names could be empty if unknown.
Locality locality = 1;
// The total number of requests sent by this Envoy since the last report. A
// single HTTP or gRPC request or stream is counted as one request. A TCP
// connection is also treated as one request. There is no explicit
// total_requests field below for a locality, but it may be inferred from:
// total_requests = total_successful_requests + total_requests_in_progress +
// total_error_requests
// The total number of requests successfully completed by the endpoints in the
// locality. These include non-5xx responses for HTTP, where errors
// originate at the client and the endpoint responded successfuly. For gRPC,
// the grpc-status values are those not covered by total_error_requests below.
uint64 total_successful_requests = 2;
// The total number of unfinished requests
uint64 total_requests_in_progress = 3;
// The total number of requests that failed due to errors at the endpoint.
// For HTTP these are responses with 5xx status codes and for gRPC the
// grpc-status values {DeadlineExceeded, Unimplemented, Internal,
// Unavailable, Unknown, DataLoss}.
uint64 total_error_requests = 4;
// Stats for multi-dimensional load balancing.
repeated EndpointLoadMetricStats load_metric_stats = 5;
// Per cluster stats
message ClusterStats {
string cluster_name = 1;
// Need at least one.
repeated UpstreamLocalityStats upstream_locality_stats = 2;
// Cluster-level stats such as total_successful_requests may be computed by
// summing upstream_locality_stats. In addition, below there are additional
// cluster-wide stats. The following total_requests equality holds at the
// cluster-level:
// total_requests = sum_locality(total_successful_requests) +
// sum_locality(total_requests_in_progress) +
// sum_locality(total_error_requests) + total_dropped_requests
// The total number of dropped requests. This covers requests
// deliberately dropped by the drop_overload policy and circuit breaking.
uint64 total_dropped_requests = 3;
message LoadStatsRequest {
Node node = 1; // zone/region where this Envoy runs
repeated ClusterStats cluster_stats = 2;
// Each route from RDS will map to a single cluster or traffic split across
// clusters using weights expressed in the RDS WeightedCluster.
// With EDS, each cluster is treated independently from a LB perspective, with
// LB taking place between the Localities within a cluster and at a finer
// granularity between the hosts within a locality. For a given cluster, the
// effective weight of a host is its load_balancing_weight multiplied by the
// load_balancing_weight of its Locality.
message ClusterLoadAssignment {
string cluster_name = 1;
repeated LocalityLbEndpoints endpoints = 2;
message Policy {
// Percentage of traffic (0-100) that should be dropped. This
// action allows protection of upstream hosts should they unable to
// recover from an outage or should they be unable to autoscale and hence
// overall incoming traffic volume need to be trimmed to protect them.
// [V2-API-DIFF] This is known as maintenance mode in v1.
double drop_overload = 1;
Policy policy = 4;
message LoadStatsResponse {
// Clusters to report stats for.
repeated string clusters = 1;
// The default is 10 seconds.
google.protobuf.Duration load_reporting_interval = 2;