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syntax = "proto3"; |
package envoy.config.accesslog.v3; |
import "envoy/config/core/v3/base.proto"; |
import "envoy/config/route/v3/route_components.proto"; |
import "envoy/type/matcher/v3/metadata.proto"; |
import "envoy/type/v3/percent.proto"; |
import "google/protobuf/any.proto"; |
import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto"; |
import "udpa/annotations/status.proto"; |
import "udpa/annotations/versioning.proto"; |
import "validate/validate.proto"; |
option java_package = "io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.accesslog.v3"; |
option java_outer_classname = "AccesslogProto"; |
option java_multiple_files = true; |
option go_package = ";accesslogv3"; |
option (udpa.annotations.file_status).package_version_status = ACTIVE; |
// [#protodoc-title: Common access log types] |
message AccessLog { |
option (udpa.annotations.versioning).previous_message_type = |
"envoy.config.filter.accesslog.v2.AccessLog"; |
reserved 3; |
reserved "config"; |
// The name of the access log extension configuration. |
string name = 1; |
// Filter which is used to determine if the access log needs to be written. |
AccessLogFilter filter = 2; |
// Custom configuration that must be set according to the access logger extension being instantiated. |
// [#extension-category: envoy.access_loggers] |
oneof config_type { |
google.protobuf.Any typed_config = 4; |
} |
} |
// [#next-free-field: 13] |
message AccessLogFilter { |
option (udpa.annotations.versioning).previous_message_type = |
"envoy.config.filter.accesslog.v2.AccessLogFilter"; |
oneof filter_specifier { |
option (validate.required) = true; |
// Status code filter. |
StatusCodeFilter status_code_filter = 1; |
// Duration filter. |
DurationFilter duration_filter = 2; |
// Not health check filter. |
NotHealthCheckFilter not_health_check_filter = 3; |
// Traceable filter. |
TraceableFilter traceable_filter = 4; |
// Runtime filter. |
RuntimeFilter runtime_filter = 5; |
// And filter. |
AndFilter and_filter = 6; |
// Or filter. |
OrFilter or_filter = 7; |
// Header filter. |
HeaderFilter header_filter = 8; |
// Response flag filter. |
ResponseFlagFilter response_flag_filter = 9; |
// gRPC status filter. |
GrpcStatusFilter grpc_status_filter = 10; |
// Extension filter. |
// [#extension-category: envoy.access_loggers.extension_filters] |
ExtensionFilter extension_filter = 11; |
// Metadata Filter |
MetadataFilter metadata_filter = 12; |
} |
} |
// Filter on an integer comparison. |
message ComparisonFilter { |
option (udpa.annotations.versioning).previous_message_type = |
"envoy.config.filter.accesslog.v2.ComparisonFilter"; |
enum Op { |
// = |
EQ = 0; |
// >= |
GE = 1; |
// <= |
LE = 2; |
} |
// Comparison operator. |
Op op = 1 [(validate.rules).enum = {defined_only: true}]; |
// Value to compare against. |
core.v3.RuntimeUInt32 value = 2 [(validate.rules).message = {required: true}]; |
} |
// Filters on HTTP response/status code. |
message StatusCodeFilter { |
option (udpa.annotations.versioning).previous_message_type = |
"envoy.config.filter.accesslog.v2.StatusCodeFilter"; |
// Comparison. |
ComparisonFilter comparison = 1 [(validate.rules).message = {required: true}]; |
} |
// Filters on total request duration in milliseconds. |
message DurationFilter { |
option (udpa.annotations.versioning).previous_message_type = |
"envoy.config.filter.accesslog.v2.DurationFilter"; |
// Comparison. |
ComparisonFilter comparison = 1 [(validate.rules).message = {required: true}]; |
} |
// Filters for requests that are not health check requests. A health check |
// request is marked by the health check filter. |
message NotHealthCheckFilter { |
option (udpa.annotations.versioning).previous_message_type = |
"envoy.config.filter.accesslog.v2.NotHealthCheckFilter"; |
} |
// Filters for requests that are traceable. See the tracing overview for more |
// information on how a request becomes traceable. |
message TraceableFilter { |
option (udpa.annotations.versioning).previous_message_type = |
"envoy.config.filter.accesslog.v2.TraceableFilter"; |
} |
// Filters for random sampling of requests. |
message RuntimeFilter { |
option (udpa.annotations.versioning).previous_message_type = |
"envoy.config.filter.accesslog.v2.RuntimeFilter"; |
// Runtime key to get an optional overridden numerator for use in the |
// ``percent_sampled`` field. If found in runtime, this value will replace the |
// default numerator. |
string runtime_key = 1 [(validate.rules).string = {min_len: 1}]; |
// The default sampling percentage. If not specified, defaults to 0% with |
// denominator of 100. |
type.v3.FractionalPercent percent_sampled = 2; |
// By default, sampling pivots on the header |
// :ref:`x-request-id<config_http_conn_man_headers_x-request-id>` being |
// present. If :ref:`x-request-id<config_http_conn_man_headers_x-request-id>` |
// is present, the filter will consistently sample across multiple hosts based |
// on the runtime key value and the value extracted from |
// :ref:`x-request-id<config_http_conn_man_headers_x-request-id>`. If it is |
// missing, or ``use_independent_randomness`` is set to true, the filter will |
// randomly sample based on the runtime key value alone. |
// ``use_independent_randomness`` can be used for logging kill switches within |
// complex nested :ref:`AndFilter |
// <envoy_v3_api_msg_config.accesslog.v3.AndFilter>` and :ref:`OrFilter |
// <envoy_v3_api_msg_config.accesslog.v3.OrFilter>` blocks that are easier to |
// reason about from a probability perspective (i.e., setting to true will |
// cause the filter to behave like an independent random variable when |
// composed within logical operator filters). |
bool use_independent_randomness = 3; |
} |
// Performs a logical “and” operation on the result of each filter in filters. |
// Filters are evaluated sequentially and if one of them returns false, the |
// filter returns false immediately. |
message AndFilter { |
option (udpa.annotations.versioning).previous_message_type = |
"envoy.config.filter.accesslog.v2.AndFilter"; |
repeated AccessLogFilter filters = 1 [(validate.rules).repeated = {min_items: 2}]; |
} |
// Performs a logical “or” operation on the result of each individual filter. |
// Filters are evaluated sequentially and if one of them returns true, the |
// filter returns true immediately. |
message OrFilter { |
option (udpa.annotations.versioning).previous_message_type = |
"envoy.config.filter.accesslog.v2.OrFilter"; |
repeated AccessLogFilter filters = 2 [(validate.rules).repeated = {min_items: 2}]; |
} |
// Filters requests based on the presence or value of a request header. |
message HeaderFilter { |
option (udpa.annotations.versioning).previous_message_type = |
"envoy.config.filter.accesslog.v2.HeaderFilter"; |
// Only requests with a header which matches the specified HeaderMatcher will |
// pass the filter check. |
route.v3.HeaderMatcher header = 1 [(validate.rules).message = {required: true}]; |
} |
// Filters requests that received responses with an Envoy response flag set. |
// A list of the response flags can be found |
// in the access log formatter |
// :ref:`documentation<config_access_log_format_response_flags>`. |
message ResponseFlagFilter { |
option (udpa.annotations.versioning).previous_message_type = |
"envoy.config.filter.accesslog.v2.ResponseFlagFilter"; |
// Only responses with the any of the flags listed in this field will be |
// logged. This field is optional. If it is not specified, then any response |
// flag will pass the filter check. |
repeated string flags = 1 [(validate.rules).repeated = { |
items { |
string { |
in: "LH" |
in: "UH" |
in: "UT" |
in: "LR" |
in: "UR" |
in: "UF" |
in: "UC" |
in: "UO" |
in: "NR" |
in: "DI" |
in: "FI" |
in: "RL" |
in: "UAEX" |
in: "RLSE" |
in: "DC" |
in: "URX" |
in: "SI" |
in: "IH" |
in: "DPE" |
in: "UMSDR" |
in: "RFCF" |
in: "NFCF" |
in: "DT" |
in: "UPE" |
in: "NC" |
in: "OM" |
} |
} |
}]; |
} |
// Filters gRPC requests based on their response status. If a gRPC status is not |
// provided, the filter will infer the status from the HTTP status code. |
message GrpcStatusFilter { |
option (udpa.annotations.versioning).previous_message_type = |
"envoy.config.filter.accesslog.v2.GrpcStatusFilter"; |
enum Status { |
OK = 0; |
UNKNOWN = 2; |
NOT_FOUND = 5; |
ABORTED = 10; |
OUT_OF_RANGE = 11; |
INTERNAL = 13; |
DATA_LOSS = 15; |
} |
// Logs only responses that have any one of the gRPC statuses in this field. |
repeated Status statuses = 1 [(validate.rules).repeated = {items {enum {defined_only: true}}}]; |
// If included and set to true, the filter will instead block all responses |
// with a gRPC status or inferred gRPC status enumerated in statuses, and |
// allow all other responses. |
bool exclude = 2; |
} |
// Filters based on matching dynamic metadata. |
// If the matcher path and key correspond to an existing key in dynamic |
// metadata, the request is logged only if the matcher value is equal to the |
// metadata value. If the matcher path and key *do not* correspond to an |
// existing key in dynamic metadata, the request is logged only if |
// match_if_key_not_found is "true" or unset. |
message MetadataFilter { |
option (udpa.annotations.versioning).previous_message_type = |
"envoy.config.filter.accesslog.v2.MetadataFilter"; |
// Matcher to check metadata for specified value. For example, to match on the |
// access_log_hint metadata, set the filter to "envoy.common" and the path to |
// "access_log_hint", and the value to "true". |
type.matcher.v3.MetadataMatcher matcher = 1; |
// Default result if the key does not exist in dynamic metadata: if unset or |
// true, then log; if false, then don't log. |
google.protobuf.BoolValue match_if_key_not_found = 2; |
} |
// Extension filter is statically registered at runtime. |
message ExtensionFilter { |
option (udpa.annotations.versioning).previous_message_type = |
"envoy.config.filter.accesslog.v2.ExtensionFilter"; |
reserved 2; |
reserved "config"; |
// The name of the filter implementation to instantiate. The name must |
// match a statically registered filter. |
string name = 1; |
// Custom configuration that depends on the filter being instantiated. |
oneof config_type { |
google.protobuf.Any typed_config = 3; |
} |