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syntax = "proto3"; |
import "envoy/api/v2/route/route.proto"; |
import "validate/validate.proto"; |
package envoy.service.tap.v2alpha; |
option java_package = "io.envoyproxy.envoy.service.tap.v2alpha"; |
// [#protodoc-title: Common tap configuration] |
// Tap configuration. |
message TapConfig { |
// The match configuration. If the configuration matches the data source being tapped, a tap will |
// occur, with the result written to the configured output. |
MatchPredicate match_config = 1 [(validate.rules).message.required = true]; |
// The tap output configuration. If a match configuration matches a data source being tapped, |
// a tap will occur and the data will be written to the configured output. |
OutputConfig output_config = 2 [(validate.rules).message.required = true]; |
// [#comment:TODO(mattklein123): Rate limiting] |
} |
// Tap match configuration. This is a recursive structure which allows complex nested match |
// configurations to be built using various logical operators. |
message MatchPredicate { |
// A set of match configurations used for logical operations. |
message MatchSet { |
// The list of rules that make up the set. |
repeated MatchPredicate rules = 1 [(validate.rules).repeated .min_items = 2]; |
} |
oneof rule { |
option (validate.required) = true; |
// A set that describes a logical OR. If any member of the set matches, the match configuration |
// matches. |
MatchSet or_match = 1; |
// A set that describes a logical AND. If all members of the set match, the match configuration |
// matches. |
MatchSet and_match = 2; |
// A negation match. The match configuration will match if the negated match condition matches. |
MatchPredicate not_match = 3; |
// The match configuration will always match. |
bool any_match = 4 [(validate.rules).bool.const = true]; |
// HTTP request match configuration. |
HttpRequestMatch http_request_match = 5; |
// HTTP response match configuration. |
HttpResponseMatch http_response_match = 6; |
} |
} |
// HTTP request match configuration. |
message HttpRequestMatch { |
// HTTP request headers to match. |
repeated api.v2.route.HeaderMatcher headers = 1; |
} |
// HTTP response match configuration. |
message HttpResponseMatch { |
// HTTP response headers to match. |
repeated api.v2.route.HeaderMatcher headers = 1; |
} |
// Tap output configuration. |
message OutputConfig { |
// Output sinks for tap data. Currently a single sink is allowed in the list. Once multiple |
// sink types are supported this constraint will be relaxed. |
repeated OutputSink sinks = 1 [(validate.rules).repeated = {min_items: 1, max_items: 1}]; |
// [#comment:TODO(mattklein123): Output filtering. E.g., certain headers, truncated body, etc.] |
} |
// Tap output sink configuration. |
message OutputSink { |
oneof output_sink_type { |
option (validate.required) = true; |
// Tap output will be streamed out the :http:post:`/tap` admin endpoint. |
// |
// .. attention:: |
// |
// It is only allowed to specify the streaming admin output sink if the tap is being |
// configured from the :http:post:`/tap` admin endpoint. Thus, if an extension has |
// been configured to receive tap configuration from some other source (e.g., static |
// file, XDS, etc.) configuring the streaming admin output type will fail. |
StreamingAdminSink streaming_admin = 1; |
// Tap output will be written to a file per tap sink. |
FilePerTapSink file_per_tap = 2; |
} |
} |
// Streaming admin sink configuration. |
message StreamingAdminSink { |
} |
// The file per tap sink outputs a discrete file for every tapped stream. |
message FilePerTapSink { |
// Path prefix. The output file will be of the form <path_prefix>_<id>.pb, where <id> is an |
// identifier distinguishing the recorded trace for stream instances (the Envoy |
// connection ID, HTTP stream ID, etc.). |
string path_prefix = 1 [(validate.rules).string.min_bytes = 1]; |
// File format. |
enum Format { |
// Binary proto format. |
// Text proto format. |
} |
Format format = 2 [(validate.rules).enum.defined_only = true]; |