syntax = "proto3"; import "envoy/api/v2/discovery.proto"; import "envoy/service/tap/v2alpha/common.proto"; import "validate/validate.proto"; package envoy.service.tap.v2alpha; import "google/api/annotations.proto"; option java_outer_classname = "CommonProto"; option java_multiple_files = true; option java_package = "io.envoyproxy.envoy.service.tap.v2alpha"; // [#protodoc-title: Tap discovery service] // [#not-implemented-hide:] Tap discovery service. service TapDiscoveryService { rpc StreamTapConfigs(stream envoy.api.v2.DiscoveryRequest) returns (stream envoy.api.v2.DiscoveryResponse) { } rpc DeltaTapConfigs(stream envoy.api.v2.DeltaDiscoveryRequest) returns (stream envoy.api.v2.DeltaDiscoveryResponse) { } rpc FetchTapConfigs(envoy.api.v2.DiscoveryRequest) returns (envoy.api.v2.DiscoveryResponse) { option (google.api.http) = { post: "/v2/discovery:tap_configs" body: "*" }; } } // [#not-implemented-hide:] A tap resource is essentially a tap configuration with a name // The filter TapDS config references this name. message TapResource { // The name of the tap configuration. string name = 1 [(validate.rules).string.min_bytes = 1]; // Tap config to apply TapConfig config = 2; }