# xDS REST and gRPC protocol Envoy discovers its various dynamic resources via the filesystem or by querying one or more management servers. Collectively, these discovery services and their corresponding APIs are referred to as _xDS_. Resources are requested via _subscriptions_, by specifying a filesystem path to watch, initiating gRPC streams or polling a REST-JSON URL. The latter two methods involve sending requests with a [`DiscoveryRequest`](https://github.com/envoyproxy/data-plane-api/blob/1388a257bbeb423cadd3d8270ad6913849188283/api/discovery.proto#L24) proto payload. Resources are delivered in a [`DiscoveryResponse`](https://github.com/envoyproxy/data-plane-api/blob/1388a257bbeb423cadd3d8270ad6913849188283/api/discovery.proto#L53) proto payload in all methods. We discuss each type of subscription below. ## Filesystem subscriptions The simplest approach to delivering dynamic configuration is to place it at a well known path specified in the [`ConfigSource`](https://github.com/envoyproxy/data-plane-api/blob/1388a257bbeb423cadd3d8270ad6913849188283/api/base.proto#L145). Envoy will use `inotify` (`kqueue` on Mac OS X) to monitor the file for changes and parse the `DiscoveryResponse` proto in the file on update. Binary protobufs, JSON, YAML and proto text are supported formats for the `DiscoveryResponse`. There is no mechanism available for filesystem subscriptions to ACK/NACK updates beyond stats counters and logs. The last valid configuration for an xDS API will continue to apply if an configuration update rejection occurs. ## Streaming gRPC subscriptions ### Singleton resource type discovery A gRPC [`ApiConfigSource`](https://github.com/envoyproxy/data-plane-api/blob/1388a257bbeb423cadd3d8270ad6913849188283/api/base.proto#L120) can be specified independently for each xDS API, pointing at an upstream cluster corresponding to a management server. This will initiate an independent bidirectional gRPC stream for each xDS resource type, potentially to distinct management servers. API delivery is eventually consistent. See [ADS](#aggregated-discovery-service) below for situations in which explicit control of sequencing is required. #### Type URLs Each xDS API is concerned with resources of a given type. There is a 1:1 correspondence between an xDS API and a resource type. That is: * [LDS: `envoy.api.v2.Listener`](api/lds.proto) * [RDS: `envoy.api.v2.RouteConfiguration`](api/rds.proto) * [CDS: `envoy.api.v2.Cluster`](api/cds.proto) * [EDS: `envoy.api.v2.ClusterLoadAssignment`](api/eds.proto) The concept of [_type URLs_](https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/proto3#any) appears below, and takes the form `type.googleapis.com/<resource type>`, e.g. `type.googleapis.com/envoy.api.v2.Cluster` for CDS. In various requests from Envoy and responses by the management server, the resource type URL is stated. #### ACK/NACK and versioning Each stream begins with a `DiscoveryRequest` from Envoy, specifying the list of resources to subscribe to, the type URL corresponding to the subscribed resources, the node identifier and an empty `version_info`. An example EDS request might be: ```yaml version_info: node: { id: envoy } resource_names: - foo - bar type_url: type.googleapis.com/envoy.api.v2.ClusterLoadAssignment response_nonce: ``` The management server may reply either immediately or when the requested resources are available with a `DiscoveryResponse`, e.g.: ```yaml version_info: X resources: - foo ClusterLoadAssignment proto encoding - bar ClusterLoadAssignment proto encoding type_url: type.googleapis.com/envoy.api.v2.ClusterLoadAssignment nonce: A ``` After processing the `DiscoveryResponse`, Envoy will send a new request on the stream, specifying the last version successfully applied and the nonce provided by the management server. If the update was successfully applied, the `version_info` will be __X__, as indicated in the sequence diagram:  In this sequence diagram, and below, the following format is used to abbreviate messages: * `DiscoveryRequest`: (V=`version_info`,R=`resource_names`,N=`response_nonce`,T=`type_url`) * `DiscoveryResponse`: (V=`version_info`,R=`resources`,N=`nonce`,T=`type_url`) The version provides Envoy and the management server a shared notion of the currently applied configuration, as well as a mechanism to ACK/NACK configuration updates. If Envoy had instead rejected configuration update __X__, it would reply with its previous version, which in this case was the empty initial version:  Later, an API update may succeed at a new version __Y__:  Each stream has its own notion of versioning, there is no shared versioning across resource types. When ADS is not used, even each resource of a given resource type may have a distinct version, since the Envoy API allows distinct EDS/RDS resources to point at different `ConfigSource`s. #### When to send an update The management server should only send updates to the Envoy client when the resources in the `DiscoveryResponse` have changed. Envoy replies to any `DiscoveryResponse` with a `DiscoveryRequest` containing the ACK/NACK immediately after it has been either accepted or rejected. If the management server provides the same set of resources rather than waiting for a change to occur, it will cause Envoy and the management server to spin and have a severe performance impact. Within a stream, new `DiscoveryRequest`s supersede any prior `DiscoveryRequest`s having the same resource type. This means that the management server only needs to respond to the latest `DiscoveryRequest` on each stream for any given resource type. #### Resource hints The `resource_names` specified in the `DiscoveryRequest` are a hint. Some resource types, e.g. `Cluster`s and `Listener`s will specify an empty `resource_names` list, since Envoy is interested in learning about all the `Cluster`s (CDS) and `Listener`s (LDS) that the management server(s) know about corresponding to its node identification. Other resource types, e.g. `RouteConfiguration`s (RDS) and `ClusterLoadAssignment`s (EDS), follow from earlier CDS/LDS updates and Envoy is able to explicitly enumerate these resources. LDS/CDS resource hints will always be empty and it is expected that the management server will provide the complete state of the LDS/CDS resources in each response. An absent `Listener` or `Cluster` will be deleted. For EDS/RDS, the management server does not need to supply every requested resource and may also supply additional, unrequested resources, `resource_names` is only a hint. Envoy will silently ignore any superfluous resources. When a requested resource is missing in a RDS or EDS update, Envoy will retain the last known value for this resource. The management server may be able to infer all the required EDS/RDS resources from the `node` identification in the `DiscoveryRequest`, in which case this hint may be discarded. An empty EDS/RDS `DiscoveryResponse` is effectively a nop from the perspective of the respective resources in the Envoy. When a `Listener` or `Cluster` is deleted, its corresponding EDS and RDS resources are also deleted inside the Envoy instance. In order for EDS resources to be known or tracked by Envoy, there must exist an applied `Cluster` definition (e.g. sourced via CDS). A similar relationship exists between RDS and `Listeners` (e.g. sourced via LDS). For EDS/RDS, Envoy may either generate a distinct stream for each resource of a given type (e.g. if each `ConfigSource` has its own distinct upstream cluster for a management server), or may combine together multiple resource requests for a given resource type when they are destined for the same management server. This is left to implementation specifics, management servers should be capable of handling one or more `resource_names` for a given resource type in each request. Both sequence diagrams below are valid for fetching two EDS resources `{foo, bar}`:   #### Resource updates As discussed above, Envoy may update the list of `resource_names` it presents to the management server in each `DiscoveryRequest` that ACK/NACKs a specific `DiscoveryResponse`. In addition, Envoy may later issue additional `DiscoveryRequest`s at a given `version_info` to update the management server with new resource hints. For example, if Envoy is at EDS version __X__ and knows only about cluster `foo`, but then receives a CDS update and learns about `bar` in addition, it may issue an additional `DiscoveryRequest` for __X__ with `{foo,bar}` as `resource_names`.  There is a race condition that may arise here; if after a resource hint update is issued by Envoy at __X__, but before the management server processes the update it replies with a new version __Y__, the resource hint update may be interpreted as a rejection of __Y__ by presenting an __X__ `version_info`. To avoid this, the management server provides a `nonce` that Envoy uses to indicate the specific `DiscoveryResponse` each `DiscoveryRequest` corresponds to:  The management server should not send a `DiscoveryResponse` for any `DiscoveryRequest` that has a stale nonce. A nonce becomes stale following a newer nonce being presented to Envoy in a `DiscoveryResponse`. A management server does not need to send an update until it determines a new version is available. Earlier requests at a version then also become stale. It may process multiple `DiscoveryRequests` at a version until a new version is ready.  An implication of the above resource update sequencing is that Envoy does not expect a `DiscoveryResponse` for every `DiscoveryRequest` it issues. #### Eventual consistency considerations Since Envoy's xDS APIs are eventually consistent, traffic may drop briefly during updates. For example, if only cluster __X__ is known via CDS/EDS, a `RouteConfiguration` references cluster __X__ and is then adjusted to cluster __Y__ just before the CDS/EDS update providing __Y__, traffic will be blackholed until __Y__ is known about by the Envoy instance. For some applications, a temporary drop of traffic is acceptable, retries at the client or by other Envoy sidecars will hide this drop. For other scenarios where drop can't be tolerated, traffic drop could have been avoided by providing a CDS/EDS update with both __X__ and __Y__, then the RDS update repointing from __X__ to __Y__ and then a CDS/EDS update dropping __X__. In general, to avoid traffic drop, sequencing of updates should follow a `make before break` model, wherein * CDS updates (if any) must always be pushed first. * EDS updates (if any) must arrive after CDS updates for the respective clusters. * LDS updates must arrive after corresponding CDS/EDS updates. * RDS updates related to the newly added listeners must arrive in the end. * Stale CDS clusters and related EDS endpoints (ones no longer being referenced) can then be removed. xDS updates can be pushed independently if no new clusters/routes/listeners are added or if it's acceptable to temporarily drop traffic during updates. Note that in case of LDS updates, the listeners will be warmed before they receive traffic, i.e. the dependent routes are fetched through RDS if configured. On the other hand, clusters are not warmed when adding/removing/updating clusters. Similarly, routes are not warmed -- i.e., the management plane must ensure that clusters referenced by a route are in place, before pushing the updates for a rotue. ### Aggregated Discovery Services (ADS) It's challenging to provide the above guarantees on sequencing to avoid traffic drop when management servers are distributed. ADS allow a single management server, via a single gRPC stream, to deliver all API updates. This provides the ability to carefully sequence updates to avoid traffic drop. With ADS, a single stream is used with multiple independent `DiscoveryRequest`/`DiscoveryResponse` sequences multiplexed via the type URL. For any given type URL, the above sequencing of `DiscoveryRequest` and `DiscoveryResponse` messages applies. An example update sequence might look like:  A single ADS stream is available per Envoy instance. An example minimal `bootstrap.yaml` fragment for ADS configuration is: ```yaml node: id: <node identifier> dynamic_resources: cds_config: {ads: {}} lds_config: {ads: {}} ads_config: api_type: GRPC cluster_name: [ads_cluster] static_resources: clusters: - name: ads_cluster connect_timeout: { seconds: 5 } type: STATIC hosts: - socket_address: address: <ADS management server IP address> port_value: <ADS management server port> lb_policy: ROUND_ROBIN http2_protocol_options: {} admin: ... ``` ## REST-JSON polling subscriptions Synchronous (long) polling via REST endpoints is also available for the xDS singleton APIs. The above sequencing of messages is similar, except no persistent stream is maintained to the management server. It is expected that there is only a single outstanding request at any point in time, and as a result the response nonce is optional in REST-JSON. The [JSON canonical transform of proto3](https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/proto3#json) is used to encode `DiscoveryRequest` and `DiscoveryResponse` messages. ADS is not available for REST-JSON polling. When the poll period is set to a small value, with the intention of long polling, then there is also a requirement to avoid sending a `DiscoveryResponse` [unless a change to the underlying resources has occurred](#when-to-send-an-update).