syntax = "proto3"; import "envoy/api/v3alpha/core/base.proto"; import "envoy/data/tap/v3alpha/wrapper.proto"; package envoy.service.tap.v3alpha; import "validate/validate.proto"; option java_outer_classname = "TapProto"; option java_multiple_files = true; option java_package = "io.envoyproxy.envoy.service.tap.v3alpha"; // [#protodoc-title: Tap Sink Service] // [#not-implemented-hide:] Stream message for the Tap API. Envoy will open a stream to the server // and stream taps without ever expecting a response. message StreamTapsRequest { message Identifier { // The node sending taps over the stream. envoy.api.v3alpha.core.Node node = 1 [(validate.rules).message.required = true]; // The opaque identifier that was set in the :ref:`output config // `. string tap_id = 2; } // Identifier data effectively is a structured metadata. As a performance optimization this will // only be sent in the first message on the stream. Identifier identifier = 1; // The trace id. this can be used to merge together a streaming trace. Note that the trace_id // is not guaranteed to be spatially or temporally unique. uint64 trace_id = 2; // The trace data. trace = 3; } // [#not-implemented-hide:] message StreamTapsResponse { } // [#not-implemented-hide:] A tap service to receive incoming taps. Envoy will call // StreamTaps to deliver captured taps to the server service TapSinkService { // Envoy will connect and send StreamTapsRequest messages forever. It does not expect any // response to be sent as nothing would be done in the case of failure. The server should // disconnect if it expects Envoy to reconnect. rpc StreamTaps(stream StreamTapsRequest) returns (StreamTapsResponse) { } }