syntax = "proto3"; package envoy.extensions.formatter.metadata.v3; import "udpa/annotations/status.proto"; option java_package = "io.envoyproxy.envoy.extensions.formatter.metadata.v3"; option java_outer_classname = "MetadataProto"; option java_multiple_files = true; option go_package = ";metadatav3"; option (udpa.annotations.file_status).package_version_status = ACTIVE; // [#protodoc-title: Formatter extension for printing various types of metadata] // [#extension: envoy.formatter.metadata] // Metadata formatter extension implements METADATA command operator that // prints all types of metadata. The first parameter taken by METADATA operator defines // type of metadata. The following types of metadata are supported (case sensitive): // // * DYNAMIC // * CLUSTER // * ROUTE // // See :ref:`here ` for more information on access log configuration. // %METADATA(TYPE:NAMESPACE:KEY):Z% // :ref:`Metadata ` info, // where TYPE is type of metadata (see above for supported types), // NAMESPACE is the filter namespace used when setting the metadata, KEY is an optional // lookup key in the namespace with the option of specifying nested keys separated by ':', // and Z is an optional parameter denoting string truncation up to Z characters long. // The data will be logged as a JSON string. For example, for the following ROUTE metadata: // // ``com.test.my_filter: {"test_key": "foo", "test_object": {"inner_key": "bar"}}`` // // * %METADATA(ROUTE:com.test.my_filter)% will log: ``{"test_key": "foo", "test_object": {"inner_key": "bar"}}`` // * %METADATA(ROUTE:com.test.my_filter:test_key)% will log: ``foo`` // * %METADATA(ROUTE:com.test.my_filter:test_object)% will log: ``{"inner_key": "bar"}`` // * %METADATA(ROUTE:com.test.my_filter:test_object:inner_key)% will log: ``bar`` // * %METADATA(ROUTE:com.unknown_filter)% will log: ``-`` // * %METADATA(ROUTE:com.test.my_filter:unknown_key)% will log: ``-`` // * %METADATA(ROUTE:com.test.my_filter):25% will log (truncation at 25 characters): ``{"test_key": "foo", "test`` // // .. note:: // // For typed JSON logs, this operator renders a single value with string, numeric, or boolean type // when the referenced key is a simple value. If the referenced key is a struct or list value, a // JSON struct or list is rendered. Structs and lists may be nested. In any event, the maximum // length is ignored. // // .. note:: // // METADATA(DYNAMIC:NAMESPACE:KEY):Z is equivalent to :ref:`DYNAMIC_METADATA(NAMESPACE:KEY):Z` // METADATA(CLUSTER:NAMESPACE:KEY):Z is equivalent to :ref:`CLUSTER_METADATA(NAMASPACE:KEY):Z` message Metadata { }