Generic services are deprecated since protoc version 2.4.0 (2010). Protoc plugins that generates code may require that generic services are disabled, so that they can generate their own classes of the same name.
Risk Level: Low
Signed-off-by: Sébastien CROCQUESEL <>
Mirrored from @ baec129464bba6e3651147a0d846e8c1f4610199
This patch performs a major version freeze and bump by modifying
package_version_status, using the tooling developed in #10636.
v2 APIs are frozen (except for where they are the latest in their
package history and still active)
v3 APIs are transitioned to be active
Candidate v4alpha APIs are generated (not used by Envoy yet)
Risk level: medium (entire API's files are modified, visually verified
to ensure things look sane, all tests pass)
Testing: CI
Signed-off-by: Harvey Tuch <>
Mirrored from @ 549164c42cae84b59154ca4c36009e408aa10b52