I went through and reorganized things to make the v2 docs more
human browsable. I also did a few misc cleanups. There is a lot
more to do here which I'm hoping to find a contractor to pay to
work on, but this is a step in the right direction.
Signed-off-by: Matt Klein <mklein@lyft.com>
There are several main changes in this PR:
Create envoy.api.v2.core packages to break circular dependencies from xDS on to subpackages on to base protos.
Create individual packages for each filter and add independent versioning to each filter.
Add visibility constraints to prevent formation of dependency cycles.
Add gogoproto annotations to improve go code generation.
After moving xDS service definitions and top-level resource protos back to envoy.core.api.v2, cycles were created, since the second-level definitions depend on base protobuf definitions, and are in turn included from xDS; however xDS and base definitions are in the same package.
The solution is to split the base protos into another package, envoy.api.v2.core. That eliminates dependency cycles (validated using go-control-plane).
Added a few gogoproto annotations to improve golang code generation.
Signed-off-by: Kuat Yessenov <kuat@google.com>
Update documentation to match implementation in envoyproxy/envoy#2440.
Makes the WeightedCluster.total_weight field visible in documentation. Update ClusterWeight.weight and traffic shaping document to match.
Signed-off-by: Stephan Zuercher <stephan@turbinelabs.io>
Add listener_filter_chain to Listener, which is a list of individual
listener filters that make up the filter chain for sockets accepted
with the listener. These filters are run before any in the
'filter_chains', and these filters have the opportunity to manipulate
and augment the connection metadata that is used in connection filter
chain matching. Order matters as the filters are processed
sequentially right after a socket has been accepted by the listener,
and before a connection is created.
As an example the functionality controlled by Listener options
'use_original_dst' and 'use_proxy_proto' can be implemented as
listener filters instead of being hard-wired into Envoy's listener
logic. This makes also extensions (like proxy protocol v2) easier to
implement and deploy.
Signed-off-by: Jarno Rajahalme <jarno@covalent.io>
* protodoc: make protodoc fast again.
Some low hanging fruit optimizations. This takes address.proto.rst build
from ~21s to ~1.7s.
Signed-off-by: Harvey Tuch <htuch@google.com>
Created new definitions in api_build_system.bzl that wrap
go_proto_library, go_grpc_library, and go_test. Changed rules in api/BUILD and
test/build/BUILD to use these new definitions. In the future these
definitions could be expanded upon for auto generation in api_proto_library.
Signed-off-by: Kyle Myerson <kmyerson@google.com>
Currently clusters can not open both HTTP1.1 and HTTP2 upstream
connections at the same time. When the new cluster option
"auto_http2" is set to "true", the cluster must open an HTTP2 upstream
connection if the downstream connection is HTTP2, and an HTTP1.1
upstream connection if the downstream connection is HTTP1.1. This option
is to have no effect if there is no corresponding downstream
This functionality removes the need to operate multiple clusters and
routing rules for them when the backends accept both HTTP1.1 and HTTP2
connections, and when the choice of the HTTP protocol is significant,
as with gRPC.
Signed-off-by: Jarno Rajahalme <jarno@covalent.io>
We need to track statistics in a client neutral way, since the Google
gRPC client doesn't have upstream stats. This will allow us to track the
gRPC status returned by the remote (or inferred from events such as
client timeouts).
Signed-off-by: Harvey Tuch <htuch@google.com>