@ -2169,7 +2169,7 @@ message RateLimit {
/ / value.
/ /
/ / [ # next - major - version : HeaderMatcher should be refactored to use StringMatcher. ]
/ / [ # next - free - field : 14 ]
/ / [ # next - free - field : 15 ]
message HeaderMatcher {
option ( udpa.annotations.versioning ) . previous_message_type = "envoy.api.v2.route.HeaderMatcher" ;
@ -2263,6 +2263,34 @@ message HeaderMatcher {
/ / * The regex ` ` \ d { 3 } ` ` does not match the value * 1234 * , so it will match when inverted.
/ / * The range [ - 10 , 0 ) will match the value - 1 , so it will not match when inverted.
bool invert_match = 8 ;
/ / If specified , for any header match rule , if the header match rule specified header
/ / does not exist , this header value will be treated as empty. Defaults to false .
/ /
/ / Examples :
/ /
/ / * The header match rule specified header "header1" to range match of [ 0 , 10 ] ,
/ / : ref : ` invert_match < envoy_v3_api_field_config.route.v3.HeaderMatcher.invert_match > `
/ / is set to true and : ref : ` treat_missing_header_as_empty < envoy_v3_api_field_config.route.v3.HeaderMatcher.treat_missing_header_as_empty > `
/ / is set to true ; The "header1" header is not present. The match rule will
/ / treat the "header1" as an empty header. The empty header does not match the range ,
/ / so it will match when inverted.
/ / * The header match rule specified header "header2" to range match of [ 0 , 10 ] ,
/ / : ref : ` invert_match < envoy_v3_api_field_config.route.v3.HeaderMatcher.invert_match > `
/ / is set to true and : ref : ` treat_missing_header_as_empty < envoy_v3_api_field_config.route.v3.HeaderMatcher.treat_missing_header_as_empty > `
/ / is set to false ; The "header2" header is not present and the header
/ / matcher rule for "header2" will be ignored so it will not match.
/ / * The header match rule specified header "header3" to a string regex match
/ / ` ` ^ $ ` ` which means an empty string , and
/ / : ref : ` treat_missing_header_as_empty < envoy_v3_api_field_config.route.v3.HeaderMatcher.treat_missing_header_as_empty > `
/ / is set to true ; The "header3" header is not present.
/ / The match rule will treat the "header3" header as an empty header so it will match.
/ / * The header match rule specified header "header4" to a string regex match
/ / ` ` ^ $ ` ` which means an empty string , and
/ / : ref : ` treat_missing_header_as_empty < envoy_v3_api_field_config.route.v3.HeaderMatcher.treat_missing_header_as_empty > `
/ / is set to false ; The "header4" header is not present.
/ / The match rule for "header4" will be ignored so it will not match.
bool treat_missing_header_as_empty = 14 ;
/ / Query parameter matching treats the query string of a request ' s : path header