@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ package envoy.type.matcher.v4alpha;
import "udpa/annotations/status.proto" ;
import "udpa/annotations/versioning.proto" ;
import "validate/validate.proto" ;
option java_package = "io.envoyproxy.envoy.type.matcher.v4alpha" ;
option java_outer_classname = "HttpInputsProto" ;
@ -22,7 +23,22 @@ message HttpRequestHeaderMatchInput {
"envoy.type.matcher.v3.HttpRequestHeaderMatchInput" ;
/ / The request header to match on.
string header_name = 1 ;
string header_name = 1
[ ( validate.rules ) . string = { well_known_regex : HTTP_HEADER_NAME strict : false } ] ;
/ / Match input indicates that matching should be done on a specific request trailer.
/ / The resulting input string will be all headers for the given key joined by a comma ,
/ / e.g. if the request contains two 'foo' headers with value 'bar' and 'baz' , the input
/ / string will be 'bar,baz' .
/ / [ # comment : TODO ( snowp ) : Link to unified matching docs. ]
message HttpRequestTrailerMatchInput {
option ( udpa.annotations.versioning ) . previous_message_type =
"envoy.type.matcher.v3.HttpRequestTrailerMatchInput" ;
/ / The request trailer to match on.
string header_name = 1
[ ( validate.rules ) . string = { well_known_regex : HTTP_HEADER_NAME strict : false } ] ;
/ / Match input indicating that matching should be done on a specific response header.
@ -35,5 +51,20 @@ message HttpResponseHeaderMatchInput {
"envoy.type.matcher.v3.HttpResponseHeaderMatchInput" ;
/ / The response header to match on.
string header_name = 1 ;
string header_name = 1
[ ( validate.rules ) . string = { well_known_regex : HTTP_HEADER_NAME strict : false } ] ;
/ / Match input indicates that matching should be done on a specific response trailer.
/ / The resulting input string will be all headers for the given key joined by a comma ,
/ / e.g. if the request contains two 'foo' headers with value 'bar' and 'baz' , the input
/ / string will be 'bar,baz' .
/ / [ # comment : TODO ( snowp ) : Link to unified matching docs. ]
message HttpResponseTrailerMatchInput {
option ( udpa.annotations.versioning ) . previous_message_type =
"envoy.type.matcher.v3.HttpResponseTrailerMatchInput" ;
/ / The response trailer to match on.
string header_name = 1
[ ( validate.rules ) . string = { well_known_regex : HTTP_HEADER_NAME strict : false } ] ;