@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ syntax = "proto3"; |
package envoy.api.v2.filter; |
import "api/address.proto"; |
import "api/base.proto"; |
import "google/protobuf/duration.proto"; |
@ -9,164 +10,224 @@ import "google/protobuf/struct.proto"; |
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; |
import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto"; |
message AccessLogEntry { |
// The HTTP request method (RFC 7231/2616) |
RequestMethod request_method = 1; |
import "validate/validate.proto"; |
// Envoy access logs describe incoming interaction with Envoy over a fixed |
// period of time, and typically cover a single request/response exchange, |
// (e.g. HTTP), stream (e.g. over HTTP/gRPC), or proxied connection (e.g. TCP). |
// Access logs contain fields defined in protocol-specific protobuf messages. |
// |
// Except where explicitly declared otherwise, all fields describe |
// *downstream* interaction between Envoy and a connected client. |
// Fields describing *upstream* interaction will explicitly include ``upstream`` |
// in their name. |
// Defines fields that are shared by all Envoy access logs. |
message AccessLogCommon { |
// This field indicates the rate at which this log entry was sampled. |
// Valid range is (0.0, 1.0]. |
double sample_rate = 1 [(validate.rules).double.gt = 0.0, (validate.rules).double.lte = 1.0]; |
// This field is the IP and port on which the request from the user was |
// received. |
SocketAddress destination_host = 2; |
// If the connection is secure, this field will contain TLS properties. |
TLSProperties tls_properties = 3; |
// The time that Envoy started servicing this request |
google.protobuf.Timestamp start_time = 2; |
google.protobuf.Timestamp start_time = 4; |
// Incoming protocol variation spoken |
enum Protocol { |
HTTP10 = 1; |
HTTP11 = 2; |
HTTP2 = 3; |
} |
Protocol protocol_variant = 3; |
// This enum defines the various things that may have occurred while |
// processing a request. |
enum ResponseFlag { |
// Local server healthcheck failed. |
// No healthy upstream. |
// Request timeout on upstream. |
// Local codec level reset was sent on the stream. |
// Remote codec level reset was received on the stream. |
// Local reset by a connection pool due to an initial connection failure. |
// If the stream was locally reset due to connection termination. |
// The stream was reset because of a resource overflow. |
// No route found for a given request. |
// Request was delayed before proxying. |
// Abort with error code was injected. |
// Request was ratelimited locally by rate limit filter. |
} |
// Status flags about the response. |
repeated ResponseFlag response_flags = 4; |
// Interval between the first downstream byte received and the last |
// downstream byte received (i.e. time it takes to receive a request). |
google.protobuf.Duration time_to_last_rx_byte = 5; |
// The upstream host URL (Envoy connects to). |
// |
// For example, tcp://ip:port for TCP connections. |
// Interval between the first downstream byte received and the first upstream |
// byte received (i.e. time it takes to start receiving a response). |
google.protobuf.Duration time_to_first_upstream_rx_byte = 6; |
// Interval between the first downstream byte received and the last upstream |
// byte received (i.e. time it takes to receive a complete response). |
google.protobuf.Duration time_to_last_upstream_rx_byte = 7; |
// The (primary) upstream host that handles this exchange. |
SocketAddress upstream_host = 8; |
// The upstream cluster that ``upstream_host`` belongs to. |
string upstream_cluster = 9; |
// Flags indicating occurences during request/response processing. |
ResponseFlags response_flags = 10; |
// All metadata encountered during request processing, including endpoint |
// selection. |
// |
// IPv6 addresses should be stored in canonical (compressed) format using |
// [address]:port notation. |
string upstream_host = 5; |
// This can be used to associate IDs attached to the various configurations |
// used to process this request with the access log entry. For example, a |
// route created from a higher level forwarding rule with some ID can place |
// that ID in this field and cross reference later. It can also be used to |
// determine if a canary endpoint was used or not. |
Metadata metadata = 11; |
} |
// The Upstream Cluster that the upstream host belongs to. |
string upstream_cluster = 6; |
// Flags indicating occurences during request/response processing. |
message ResponseFlags { |
// Indicates local server healthcheck failed. |
bool failed_local_healthcheck = 1; |
// This field is the IP and port on which the request from the user was |
// received, stored in ipv4:port or [ipv6]:port format. |
string destination_host = 7; |
// Indicates there was no healthy upstream. |
bool no_healthy_upstream = 2; |
// Indicates an there was an upstream request timeout. |
bool upstream_request_timeout = 3; |
// Indicates local codec level reset was sent on the stream. |
bool local_reset = 4; |
// Size of the HTTP request body in bytes |
google.protobuf.UInt64Value request_body_bytes = 8; |
// Indicates remote codec level reset was received on the stream. |
bool upstream_remote_reset = 5; |
// Size of the HTTP response body in bytes |
google.protobuf.UInt64Value response_body_bytes = 9; |
// Indicates there was a local reset by a connection pool due to an initial connection failure. |
bool upstream_connection_failure = 6; |
// Size of the HTTP request headers in bytes |
google.protobuf.UInt64Value request_headers_bytes = 10; |
// Indicates the stream was reset locally due to connection termination. |
bool upstream_connection_termination = 7; |
// Size of the HTTP response headers in bytes |
google.protobuf.UInt64Value response_headers_bytes = 11; |
// Indicates the stream was reset because of a resource overflow. |
bool upstream_overflow = 8; |
// Whether the request arrived via a secure (TLS) protocol |
google.protobuf.BoolValue secure = 12; |
// Indicates no route was found for the request. |
bool no_route_found = 9; |
// Whether the request is a HealthCheck request |
google.protobuf.BoolValue health_check = 13; |
// Indicates that the request was delayed before proxying. |
bool delay_injected = 10; |
// The HTTP response code |
google.protobuf.UInt32Value response_code = 14; |
// Indicates that the request was aborted with an injected error code. |
bool fault_injected = 11; |
// User agent as sent by client HTTP |
string user_agent = 15; |
// Indicates that the request was rate-limited locally. |
bool rate_limited = 12; |
} |
// Properties of a negotiated TLS connection. |
message TLSProperties { |
enum TLSVersion { |
TLSv1 = 1; |
TLSv1_1 = 2; |
TLSv1_2 = 3; |
TLSv1_3 = 4; |
} |
// Version of TLS that was negotiated. |
TLSVersion tls_version = 1; |
// Path |
// TLS cipher suite negotiated during handshake. The value is a |
// four-digit hex code defined by the IANA TLS Cipher Suite Registry |
// (e.g. ``009C`` for ``TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256``). |
// |
// This is the Path portion from the incoming request URI |
string path = 17; |
// Here it is expressed as an integer. |
google.protobuf.UInt32Value tls_cipher_suite = 2; |
// SNI hostname from handshake. |
string tls_sni_hostname = 3; |
} |
message TCPAccessLogEntry { |
// Common properties shared by all Envoy access logs. |
AccessLogCommon common_properties = 1; |
} |
message HTTPRequestProperties { |
// The request method (RFC 7231/2616). |
RequestMethod request_method = 1; |
// The scheme portion of the incoming request URI. |
string scheme = 2; |
// HTTP/2 ``:authority`` or HTTP/1.1 ``Host`` header value. |
string authority = 3; |
// The port of the incoming request URI |
// (unused currently, as port is composed onto authority). |
google.protobuf.UInt32Value port = 4; |
// The path portion from the incoming request URI. |
string path = 5; |
// Referer header as sent by client HTTP |
// (Referer is spelled to match the HTTP spec, not English). |
string referer = 18; |
// Value of the ``User-Agent`` request header. |
string user_agent = 6; |
// X-Forwarded-For request header |
string forwarded_for = 19; |
// Value of the ``Referer`` request header. |
string referer = 7; |
// X-Request-Id request header |
// Value of the ``X-Forwarded-For`` request header. |
string forwarded_for = 8; |
// Value of the ``X-Request-Id`` request header |
// |
// This header is used by Envoy to uniquely identify a request. |
// It will be generated for all external requests and internal requests that |
// do not already have a request ID. So this field can be guaranteed to exist |
// and be unique for request tracing purposes. |
string request_id = 20; |
// do not already have a request ID. |
string request_id = 9; |
// HTTP2 :authority header value or HTTP1.1 Host header value |
string authority = 21; |
// Value of the ``X-Envoy-Original-Path`` request header. |
string original_path = 10; |
// Duration (milliseconds) |
// Size of the HTTP request headers in bytes. |
// |
// The total duration it took to service this request from the StartTime until |
// the response was written to the user. |
google.protobuf.Duration response_duration = 22; |
// This value is captured from the OSI layer 7 perspective, i.e. it does not |
// include overhead from framing or encoding at other networking layers. |
uint64 request_headers_bytes = 11; |
// Upstream Service Time Duration |
// Size of the HTTP request body in bytes. |
// |
// From the X-Envoy-Upstream-Service-Time response header. This is the amount it took |
// the upstream server to service the request. |
google.protobuf.Duration upstream_service_duration = 23; |
// This value is captured from the OSI layer 7 perspective, i.e. it does not |
// include overhead from framing or encoding at other networking layers. |
uint64 request_body_bytes = 12; |
// Map of additional headers that have been configured to be logged. |
map<string, string> request_headers = 13; |
} |
// Original Path from the X-Envoy-Original-Path header. |
string original_path = 24; |
message HTTPResponseProperties { |
// The HTTP response code returned by Envoy. |
google.protobuf.UInt32Value response_code = 1; |
// All metadata encountered during request processing, including endpoint |
// selection. |
// Size of the HTTP response headers in bytes. |
// |
// This can be used to associate IDs attached to the various configurations |
// used to process this request with the access log entry. For example, a |
// route created from a higher level forwarding rule with some ID can place |
// that ID in this field and cross reference later. It can also be used to |
// determine if a canary endpoint was used or not. |
google.protobuf.Struct metadata = 25; |
// This value is captured from the OSI layer 7 perspective, i.e. it does not |
// include overhead from framing or encoding at other networking layers. |
uint64 response_headers_bytes = 2; |
// Size of the HTTP response body in bytes. |
// |
// This value is captured from the OSI layer 7 perspective, i.e. it does not |
// include overhead from framing or encoding at other networking layers. |
uint64 response_body_bytes = 3; |
// Headers configured for logging but not covered by a specific field. |
repeated HeaderValue request_headers = 26; |
repeated HeaderValue response_headers = 27; |
// Map of additional headers configured to be logged. |
map<string, string> response_headers = 4; |
} |
// SNI hostname from handshake. |
string tls_sni_hostname = 28; |
message HTTPAccessLogEntry { |
// Common properties shared by all Envoy access logs. |
AccessLogCommon common_properties = 1; |
// TLS Version or VERSION_UNSPECIFIED if TLS was not used |
enum TLSVersion { |
TLSv1 = 1; |
TLSv1_1 = 2; |
TLSv1_2 = 3; |
TLSv1_3 = 4; |
// HTTP version |
enum HTTPVersion { |
HTTP10 = 1; |
HTTP11 = 2; |
HTTP2 = 3; |
} |
TLSVersion tls_version = 29; |
HTTPVersion protocol_version = 2; |
// TLS Cipher suite negotiated during TLS handshake. |
// The value is four hex digits defined by the IANA TLS Cipher Suite Registry, |
// eg, "009C" for TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256. |
// |
// Here is is expressed as an integer. |
google.protobuf.UInt32Value tls_cipher_suite = 30; |
// Description of the incoming HTTP request. |
HTTPRequestProperties request = 3; |
// Description of the outgoing HTTP response. |
HTTPResponseProperties response = 4; |
} |
// Filter on some integer comparison. |
@ -284,8 +345,22 @@ message StreamAccessLogsMessage { |
// structured metadata and is a performance optimization. |
Identifier identifier = 1; |
// A list of access logs. |
repeated AccessLogEntry logs = 2; |
// Wrapper for batches of HTTP access log entries. |
message HTTPAccessLogEntries { |
repeated HTTPAccessLogEntry log_entry = 1; |
} |
// Wrapper for batches of TCP access log entries. |
message TCPAccessLogEntries { |
repeated TCPAccessLogEntry log_entry = 1; |
} |
// Batches of log entries of a single type. Generally speaking, a given stream should only |
// ever incude one type of log entry. |
oneof log_entries { |
HTTPAccessLogEntries http_logs = 2; |
TCPAccessLogEntries tcp_logs = 3; |
} |
} |
// Empty response for the StreamAccessLogs API. Will never be sent. See below. |