@ -267,11 +267,7 @@ message ExtAuthzPerRoute {
/ / Extra settings for the check request. You can use this to provide extra context for the
/ / external authorization server on specific virtual hosts \ routes. For example , adding a context
/ / extension on the virtual host level can give the ext - authz server information on what virtual
/ / host is used without needing to parse the host header. If CheckSettings is specified in multiple
/ / per - filter - configs , they will be merged in order , and the result will be used.
/ / Extra settings for the check request.
message CheckSettings {
option ( udpa.annotations.versioning ) . previous_message_type =
"envoy.extensions.filters.http.ext_authz.v3.CheckSettings" ;
@ -279,6 +275,12 @@ message CheckSettings {
/ / Context extensions to set on the CheckRequest ' s
/ / : ref : ` AttributeContext.context_extensions < envoy_api_field_service.auth.v4alpha.AttributeContext.context_extensions > `
/ /
/ / You can use this to provide extra context for the external authorization server on specific
/ / virtual hosts / routes. For example , adding a context extension on the virtual host level can
/ / give the ext - authz server information on what virtual host is used without needing to parse the
/ / host header. If CheckSettings is specified in multiple per - filter - configs , they will be merged
/ / in order , and the result will be used.
/ /
/ / Merge semantics for this field are such that keys from more specific configs override.
/ /
/ / . . note : :
@ -286,4 +288,8 @@ message CheckSettings {
/ / These settings are only applied to a filter configured with a
/ / : ref : ` grpc_service < envoy_api_field_extensions.filters.http.ext_authz.v4alpha.ExtAuthz.grpc_service > ` .
map < string , string > context_extensions = 1 ;
/ / When set to true , disable the configured : ref : ` with_request_body
/ / < envoy_api_field_extensions.filters.http.ext_authz.v4alpha.ExtAuthz.with_request_body > ` for a route.
bool disable_request_body_buffering = 2 ;