access_log: support for dynamic metadata set as part of the request info (#590)

documentation for PR: envoyproxy/envoy#2895

Signed-off-by: Guy Lichtman <>
Guy Lichtman 7 years ago committed by htuch
parent c15104fce7
commit a32c7f537d
  1. 22
  2. 1

@ -164,6 +164,28 @@ The following command operators are supported:
Not implemented ("-").
:ref:`Dynamic Metadata <envoy_api_msg_core.Metadata>` info,
where NAMESPACE is the the filter namespace used when setting the metadata, KEY is an optional
lookup up key in the namespace with the option of specifying nested keys separated by ':',
and Z is an optional parameter denoting string truncation up to Z characters long. Dynamic Metadata
can be set by filters using the :repo:`RequestInfo <include/envoy/request_info/request_info.h>` API:
*setDynamicMetadata*. The data will be logged as a JSON string. For example, for the following dynamic metadata:
``com.test.my_filter: {"test_key": "foo", "test_object": {"inner_key": "bar"}}``
* %DYNAMIC_METADATA(com.test.my_filter)% will log: ``{"test_key": "foo", "test_object": {"inner_key": "bar"}}``
* %DYNAMIC_METADATA(com.test.my_filter:test_key)% will log: ``"foo"``
* %DYNAMIC_METADATA(com.test.my_filter:test_object)% will log: ``{"inner_key": "bar"}``
* %DYNAMIC_METADATA(com.test.my_filter:test_object:inner_key)% will log: ``"bar"``
* %DYNAMIC_METADATA(com.unknown_filter)% will log: ``-``
* %DYNAMIC_METADATA(com.test.my_filter:unknown_key)% will log: ``-``
* %DYNAMIC_METADATA(com.test.my_filter):25% will log (truncation at 25 characters): ``{"test_key": "foo", "test``
Not implemented ("-").
.. _config_access_log_default_format:
Default format

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Version history
* access log: ability to format START_TIME
* access log: added DYNAMIC_METADATA :ref:`access log formatter <config_access_log_format>`.
* admin: added :http:get:`/config_dump` for dumping current configs
* admin: added :http:get:`/stats/prometheus` as an alternative endpoint for getting stats in prometheus format.
* admin: added :ref:`/runtime_modify endpoint <operations_admin_interface_runtime_modify>` to add or change runtime values
