Add OAuth filter (#11268)

This was written by Derek Argueta originally. Some more
work might be needed to make it more generic.

Risk Level: low, new filter
Testing: unit tests included
Docs Changes: filter docs added

Signed-off-by: Snow Pettersen <>
Co-authored-by: Derek Argueta <>

Mirrored from @ c6bfd7f9f52468d576781a9b1fe9ea5d3f9086c9
data-plane-api(CircleCI) 5 years ago
parent 46837a9f4e
commit 93b9c9e5d9
  1. 1
  2. 15
  3. 83
  4. 16
  5. 92
  6. 1

@ -190,6 +190,7 @@ proto_library(
"//envoy/extensions/filters/http/ip_tagging/v3:pkg", "//envoy/extensions/filters/http/ip_tagging/v3:pkg",
"//envoy/extensions/filters/http/jwt_authn/v3:pkg", "//envoy/extensions/filters/http/jwt_authn/v3:pkg",
"//envoy/extensions/filters/http/lua/v3:pkg", "//envoy/extensions/filters/http/lua/v3:pkg",
"//envoy/extensions/filters/http/on_demand/v3:pkg", "//envoy/extensions/filters/http/on_demand/v3:pkg",
"//envoy/extensions/filters/http/original_src/v3:pkg", "//envoy/extensions/filters/http/original_src/v3:pkg",
"//envoy/extensions/filters/http/ratelimit/v3:pkg", "//envoy/extensions/filters/http/ratelimit/v3:pkg",

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
# DO NOT EDIT. This file is generated by tools/proto_format/
load("@envoy_api//bazel:api_build_system.bzl", "api_proto_package")
licenses(["notice"]) # Apache 2
deps = [

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package envoy.extensions.filters.http.oauth2.v3alpha;
import "envoy/config/core/v3/http_uri.proto";
import "envoy/config/route/v3/route_components.proto";
import "envoy/extensions/transport_sockets/tls/v3/secret.proto";
import "envoy/type/matcher/v3/path.proto";
import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
import "udpa/annotations/status.proto";
import "udpa/annotations/versioning.proto";
import "validate/validate.proto";
option java_package = "io.envoyproxy.envoy.extensions.filters.http.oauth2.v3alpha";
option java_outer_classname = "OauthProto";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option (udpa.annotations.file_status).work_in_progress = true;
option (udpa.annotations.file_status).package_version_status = ACTIVE;
// [#protodoc-title: OAuth]
// OAuth :ref:`configuration overview <config_http_filters_oauth>`.
// [#extension: envoy.filters.http.oauth2]
message OAuth2Credentials {
// The client_id to be used in the authorize calls. This value will be URL encoded when sent to the OAuth server.
string client_id = 1 [(validate.rules).string = {min_bytes: 1}];
// The secret used to retrieve the access token. This value will be URL encoded when sent to the OAuth server.
transport_sockets.tls.v3.SdsSecretConfig token_secret = 2
[(validate.rules).message = {required: true}];
// Configures how the secret token should be created.
oneof token_formation {
option (validate.required) = true;
// If present, the secret token will be a HMAC using the provided secret.
transport_sockets.tls.v3.SdsSecretConfig hmac_secret = 3
[(validate.rules).message = {required: true}];
// OAuth config
// [#next-free-field: 9]
message OAuth2Config {
// Endpoint on the authorization server to retrieve the access token from.
config.core.v3.HttpUri token_endpoint = 1;
// The endpoint redirect to for authorization in response to unauthorized requests.
string authorization_endpoint = 2 [(validate.rules).string = {min_bytes: 1}];
// Credentials used for OAuth.
OAuth2Credentials credentials = 3 [(validate.rules).message = {required: true}];
// The redirect URI passed to the authorization endpoint. Supports header formatting
// tokens. For more information, including details on header value syntax, see the
// documentation on :ref:`custom request headers <config_http_conn_man_headers_custom_request_headers>`.
// This URI should not contain any query parameters.
string redirect_uri = 4 [(validate.rules).string = {min_bytes: 1}];
// Matching criteria used to determine whether a path appears to be the result of a redirect from the authorization server.
type.matcher.v3.PathMatcher redirect_path_matcher = 5
[(validate.rules).message = {required: true}];
// The path to sign a user out, clearing their credential cookies.
type.matcher.v3.PathMatcher signout_path = 6 [(validate.rules).message = {required: true}];
// Forward the OAuth token as a Bearer to upstream web service.
bool forward_bearer_token = 7;
// Any request that matches any of the provided matchers will be passed through without OAuth validation.
repeated config.route.v3.HeaderMatcher pass_through_matcher = 8;
// Filter config.
message OAuth2 {
// Leave this empty to disable OAuth2 for a specific route, using per filter config.
OAuth2Config config = 1;

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
# DO NOT EDIT. This file is generated by tools/proto_format/
load("@envoy_api//bazel:api_build_system.bzl", "api_proto_package")
licenses(["notice"]) # Apache 2
deps = [

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package envoy.extensions.filters.http.oauth2.v4alpha;
import "envoy/config/core/v4alpha/http_uri.proto";
import "envoy/config/route/v4alpha/route_components.proto";
import "envoy/extensions/transport_sockets/tls/v4alpha/secret.proto";
import "envoy/type/matcher/v4alpha/path.proto";
import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
import "udpa/annotations/status.proto";
import "udpa/annotations/versioning.proto";
import "validate/validate.proto";
option java_package = "io.envoyproxy.envoy.extensions.filters.http.oauth2.v4alpha";
option java_outer_classname = "OauthProto";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option (udpa.annotations.file_status).work_in_progress = true;
option (udpa.annotations.file_status).package_version_status = NEXT_MAJOR_VERSION_CANDIDATE;
// [#protodoc-title: OAuth]
// OAuth :ref:`configuration overview <config_http_filters_oauth>`.
// [#extension: envoy.filters.http.oauth2]
message OAuth2Credentials {
option (udpa.annotations.versioning).previous_message_type =
// The client_id to be used in the authorize calls. This value will be URL encoded when sent to the OAuth server.
string client_id = 1 [(validate.rules).string = {min_bytes: 1}];
// The secret used to retrieve the access token. This value will be URL encoded when sent to the OAuth server.
transport_sockets.tls.v4alpha.SdsSecretConfig token_secret = 2
[(validate.rules).message = {required: true}];
// Configures how the secret token should be created.
oneof token_formation {
option (validate.required) = true;
// If present, the secret token will be a HMAC using the provided secret.
transport_sockets.tls.v4alpha.SdsSecretConfig hmac_secret = 3
[(validate.rules).message = {required: true}];
// OAuth config
// [#next-free-field: 9]
message OAuth2Config {
option (udpa.annotations.versioning).previous_message_type =
// Endpoint on the authorization server to retrieve the access token from.
config.core.v4alpha.HttpUri token_endpoint = 1;
// The endpoint redirect to for authorization in response to unauthorized requests.
string authorization_endpoint = 2 [(validate.rules).string = {min_bytes: 1}];
// Credentials used for OAuth.
OAuth2Credentials credentials = 3 [(validate.rules).message = {required: true}];
// The redirect URI passed to the authorization endpoint. Supports header formatting
// tokens. For more information, including details on header value syntax, see the
// documentation on :ref:`custom request headers <config_http_conn_man_headers_custom_request_headers>`.
// This URI should not contain any query parameters.
string redirect_uri = 4 [(validate.rules).string = {min_bytes: 1}];
// Matching criteria used to determine whether a path appears to be the result of a redirect from the authorization server.
type.matcher.v4alpha.PathMatcher redirect_path_matcher = 5
[(validate.rules).message = {required: true}];
// The path to sign a user out, clearing their credential cookies.
type.matcher.v4alpha.PathMatcher signout_path = 6 [(validate.rules).message = {required: true}];
// Forward the OAuth token as a Bearer to upstream web service.
bool forward_bearer_token = 7;
// Any request that matches any of the provided matchers will be passed through without OAuth validation.
repeated config.route.v4alpha.HeaderMatcher pass_through_matcher = 8;
// Filter config.
message OAuth2 {
option (udpa.annotations.versioning).previous_message_type =
// Leave this empty to disable OAuth2 for a specific route, using per filter config.
OAuth2Config config = 1;

@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ proto_library(
"//envoy/extensions/filters/http/ip_tagging/v3:pkg", "//envoy/extensions/filters/http/ip_tagging/v3:pkg",
"//envoy/extensions/filters/http/jwt_authn/v3:pkg", "//envoy/extensions/filters/http/jwt_authn/v3:pkg",
"//envoy/extensions/filters/http/lua/v3:pkg", "//envoy/extensions/filters/http/lua/v3:pkg",
"//envoy/extensions/filters/http/on_demand/v3:pkg", "//envoy/extensions/filters/http/on_demand/v3:pkg",
"//envoy/extensions/filters/http/original_src/v3:pkg", "//envoy/extensions/filters/http/original_src/v3:pkg",
"//envoy/extensions/filters/http/ratelimit/v3:pkg", "//envoy/extensions/filters/http/ratelimit/v3:pkg",
