@ -22,13 +22,7 @@ message RedisProxy {
/ / Name of cluster from cluster manager. See the : ref : ` configuration section
/ / Name of cluster from cluster manager. See the : ref : ` configuration section
/ / < arch_overview_redis_configuration > ` of the architecture overview for recommendations on
/ / < arch_overview_redis_configuration > ` of the architecture overview for recommendations on
/ / configuring the backing cluster.
/ / configuring the backing cluster.
/ /
string cluster = 2 [ ( validate.rules ) . string . min_bytes = 1 ] ;
/ / . . attention : :
/ /
/ / This field is deprecated. Use a : ref : ` catch - all
/ / cluster < envoy_api_field_config.filter.network.redis_proxy.v2.RedisProxy.PrefixRoutes.catch_all_cluster > `
/ / instead.
string cluster = 2 [ deprecated = true ] ;
/ / Redis connection pool settings.
/ / Redis connection pool settings.
message ConnPoolSettings {
message ConnPoolSettings {
@ -54,63 +48,10 @@ message RedisProxy {
bool enable_hashtagging = 2 ;
bool enable_hashtagging = 2 ;
/ / Network settings for the connection pool to the upstream clusters .
/ / Network settings for the connection pool to the upstream cluster.
ConnPoolSettings settings = 3 [ ( validate.rules ) . message.required = true ] ;
ConnPoolSettings settings = 3 [ ( validate.rules ) . message.required = true ] ;
/ / Indicates that latency stat should be computed in microseconds. By default it is computed in
/ / Indicates that latency stat should be computed in microseconds. By default it is computed in
/ / milliseconds.
/ / milliseconds.
bool latency_in_micros = 4 ;
bool latency_in_micros = 4 ;
message PrefixRoutes {
message Route {
/ / String prefix that must match the beginning of the keys. Envoy will always favor the
/ / longest match.
string prefix = 1 [ ( validate.rules ) . string . min_bytes = 1 ] ;
/ / Indicates if the prefix needs to be removed from the key when forwarded.
bool remove_prefix = 2 ;
/ / Upstream cluster to forward the command to .
string cluster = 3 [ ( validate.rules ) . string . min_bytes = 1 ] ;
/ / List of prefix routes.
repeated Route routes = 1 [ ( gogoproto.nullable ) = false ] ;
/ / Indicates that prefix matching should be case insensitive.
bool case_insensitive = 2 ;
/ / Optional catch - all route to forward commands that doesn ' t match any of the routes. The
/ / catch - all route becomes required when no routes are specified.
string catch_all_cluster = 3 ;
/ / List of * * unique * * prefixes used to separate keys from different workloads to different
/ / clusters. Envoy will always favor the longest match first in case of overlap. A catch - all
/ / cluster can be used to forward commands when there is no match. Time complexity of the
/ / lookups are in O ( min ( longest key prefix , key length ) ) .
/ /
/ / Example :
/ /
/ / . . code - block : : yaml
/ /
/ / prefix_routes :
/ / routes :
/ / - prefix : "ab"
/ / cluster : "cluster_a"
/ / - prefix : "abc"
/ / cluster : "cluster_b"
/ /
/ / When using the above routes , the following prefixes would be sent to :
/ /
/ / * 'get abc:users' would retrive the key 'abc:users' from cluster_b.
/ / * 'get ab:users' would retrive the key 'ab:users' from cluster_a.
/ / * 'get z:users' would return a NoUpstreamHost error. A : ref : ` catch - all
/ / cluster < envoy_api_field_config.filter.network.redis_proxy.v2.RedisProxy.PrefixRoutes.catch_all_cluster > `
/ / would have retrieved the key from that cluster instead.
/ /
/ / See the : ref : ` configuration section
/ / < arch_overview_redis_configuration > ` of the architecture overview for recommendations on
/ / configuring the backing clusters.
PrefixRoutes prefix_routes = 5 [ ( gogoproto.nullable ) = false ] ;