thrift_proxy: Add thrift header to metadata filter (#18637)

Signed-off-by: James Fish <>

Mirrored from @ 6acc5d20cba6706cdba1c9ade2303f06061c88d9
data-plane-api(Azure Pipelines) 3 years ago
parent 3ca8331a51
commit 5b02b613cd
  1. 1
  2. 12
  3. 109
  4. 1

@ -193,6 +193,7 @@ proto_library(
"//envoy/extensions/filters/network/sni_cluster/v3:pkg", "//envoy/extensions/filters/network/sni_cluster/v3:pkg",
"//envoy/extensions/filters/network/sni_dynamic_forward_proxy/v3:pkg", "//envoy/extensions/filters/network/sni_dynamic_forward_proxy/v3:pkg",
"//envoy/extensions/filters/network/tcp_proxy/v3:pkg", "//envoy/extensions/filters/network/tcp_proxy/v3:pkg",
"//envoy/extensions/filters/network/thrift_proxy/filters/ratelimit/v3:pkg", "//envoy/extensions/filters/network/thrift_proxy/filters/ratelimit/v3:pkg",
"//envoy/extensions/filters/network/thrift_proxy/router/v3:pkg", "//envoy/extensions/filters/network/thrift_proxy/router/v3:pkg",
"//envoy/extensions/filters/network/thrift_proxy/v3:pkg", "//envoy/extensions/filters/network/thrift_proxy/v3:pkg",

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# DO NOT EDIT. This file is generated by tools/proto_format/
load("@envoy_api//bazel:api_build_system.bzl", "api_proto_package")
licenses(["notice"]) # Apache 2
deps = [

@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
syntax = "proto3";
import "envoy/type/matcher/v3/regex.proto";
import "udpa/annotations/status.proto";
import "validate/validate.proto";
option java_package = "";
option java_outer_classname = "HeaderToMetadataProto";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option (udpa.annotations.file_status).package_version_status = ACTIVE;
// [#protodoc-title: Header-To-Metadata Filter]
// The configuration for transforming headers into metadata. This is useful
// for matching load balancer subsets, logging, etc.
// Header to Metadata :ref:`configuration overview <config_thrift_filters_header_to_metadata>`.
// [#extension: envoy.filters.thrift.header_to_metadata]
message HeaderToMetadata {
enum ValueType {
// The value is a serialized `protobuf.Value
// <>`_.
// ValueEncode defines the encoding algorithm.
enum ValueEncode {
// The value is not encoded.
NONE = 0;
// The value is encoded in `Base64 <>`_.
// Note: this is mostly used for STRING and PROTOBUF_VALUE to escape the
// non-ASCII characters in the header.
BASE64 = 1;
// [#next-free-field: 7]
message KeyValuePair {
// The namespace if this is empty, the filter's namespace will be used.
string metadata_namespace = 1;
// The key to use within the namespace.
string key = 2 [(validate.rules).string = {min_len: 1}];
oneof value_type {
// The value to pair with the given key.
// When used for on_present case, if value is non-empty it'll be used instead
// of the header value. If both are empty, no metadata is added.
// When used for on_missing case, a non-empty value must be provided otherwise
// no metadata is added.
string value = 3;
// If present, the header's value will be matched and substituted with this.
// If there is no match or substitution, the header value
// is used as-is.
// This is only used for on_present.
// Note: if the `value` field is non-empty this field should be empty.
type.matcher.v3.RegexMatchAndSubstitute regex_value_rewrite = 4;
// The value's type defaults to string.
ValueType type = 5 [(validate.rules).enum = {defined_only: true}];
// How is the value encoded, default is NONE (not encoded).
// The value will be decoded accordingly before storing to metadata.
ValueEncode encode = 6;
// A Rule defines what metadata to apply when a header is present or missing.
message Rule {
// Specifies that a match will be performed on the value of a header.
// The header to be extracted.
string header = 1
[(validate.rules).string = {min_len: 1 well_known_regex: HTTP_HEADER_NAME strict: false}];
// If the header is present, apply this metadata KeyValuePair.
// If the value in the KeyValuePair is non-empty, it'll be used instead
// of the header value.
KeyValuePair on_present = 2;
// If the header is not present, apply this metadata KeyValuePair.
// The value in the KeyValuePair must be set, since it'll be used in lieu
// of the missing header value.
KeyValuePair on_missing = 3;
// Whether or not to remove the header after a rule is applied.
// This prevents headers from leaking.
bool remove = 4;
// The list of rules to apply to requests.
repeated Rule request_rules = 1 [(validate.rules).repeated = {min_items: 1}];

@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ proto_library(
"//envoy/extensions/filters/network/sni_cluster/v3:pkg", "//envoy/extensions/filters/network/sni_cluster/v3:pkg",
"//envoy/extensions/filters/network/sni_dynamic_forward_proxy/v3:pkg", "//envoy/extensions/filters/network/sni_dynamic_forward_proxy/v3:pkg",
"//envoy/extensions/filters/network/tcp_proxy/v3:pkg", "//envoy/extensions/filters/network/tcp_proxy/v3:pkg",
"//envoy/extensions/filters/network/thrift_proxy/filters/ratelimit/v3:pkg", "//envoy/extensions/filters/network/thrift_proxy/filters/ratelimit/v3:pkg",
"//envoy/extensions/filters/network/thrift_proxy/router/v3:pkg", "//envoy/extensions/filters/network/thrift_proxy/router/v3:pkg",
"//envoy/extensions/filters/network/thrift_proxy/v3:pkg", "//envoy/extensions/filters/network/thrift_proxy/v3:pkg",
