Add config proto for FileSystemBuffer filter (#20788)

Signed-off-by: Raven Black <>

Mirrored from @ a2776d8e86eb3d593976f0d0a8a941b7ee233184
data-plane-api(Azure Pipelines) 3 years ago
parent 59653fa01d
commit 419533a5de
  1. 1
  2. 13
  3. 131
  4. 1

@ -160,6 +160,7 @@ proto_library(
"//envoy/extensions/filters/http/ext_authz/v3:pkg", "//envoy/extensions/filters/http/ext_authz/v3:pkg",
"//envoy/extensions/filters/http/ext_proc/v3:pkg", "//envoy/extensions/filters/http/ext_proc/v3:pkg",
"//envoy/extensions/filters/http/fault/v3:pkg", "//envoy/extensions/filters/http/fault/v3:pkg",
"//envoy/extensions/filters/http/gcp_authn/v3:pkg", "//envoy/extensions/filters/http/gcp_authn/v3:pkg",
"//envoy/extensions/filters/http/grpc_http1_bridge/v3:pkg", "//envoy/extensions/filters/http/grpc_http1_bridge/v3:pkg",
"//envoy/extensions/filters/http/grpc_http1_reverse_bridge/v3:pkg", "//envoy/extensions/filters/http/grpc_http1_reverse_bridge/v3:pkg",

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# DO NOT EDIT. This file is generated by tools/proto_format/
load("@envoy_api//bazel:api_build_system.bzl", "api_proto_package")
licenses(["notice"]) # Apache 2
deps = [

@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package envoy.extensions.filters.http.file_system_buffer.v3;
import "envoy/extensions/common/async_files/v3/async_file_manager.proto";
import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto";
import "xds/annotations/v3/status.proto";
import "udpa/annotations/status.proto";
import "validate/validate.proto";
option java_package = "io.envoyproxy.envoy.extensions.filters.http.file_system_buffer.v3";
option java_outer_classname = "FileSystemBufferProto";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option go_package = ";file_system_bufferv3";
option (udpa.annotations.file_status).package_version_status = ACTIVE;
option (xds.annotations.v3.file_status).work_in_progress = true;
// [#not-implemented-hide:]
// The behavior of the filter for a stream.
// [#next-free-field: 6]
message BufferBehavior {
message StreamWhenPossible {
message Bypass {
message InjectContentLengthIfNecessary {
message FullyBufferAndAlwaysInjectContentLength {
message FullyBuffer {
oneof behavior {
option (validate.required) = true;
// Don't inject ``content-length`` header.
// Output immediately, buffer only if output is slower than input.
StreamWhenPossible stream_when_possible = 1;
// Never buffer, do nothing.
Bypass bypass = 2;
// If ``content-length`` is not present, buffer the entire input,
// inject ``content-length`` header, then output.
// If ``content-length`` is already present, act like ``stream_when_possible``.
InjectContentLengthIfNecessary inject_content_length_if_necessary = 3;
// Always buffer the entire input, and inject ``content-length``,
// overwriting any provided content-length header.
FullyBufferAndAlwaysInjectContentLength fully_buffer_and_always_inject_content_length = 4;
// Always buffer the entire input, do not modify ``content-length``.
FullyBuffer fully_buffer = 5;
// [#not-implemented-hide:]
// The configuration for one direction of the filter behavior.
message StreamConfig {
// Whether to bypass / stream / fully buffer / etc.
// If unset in route, vhost and listener config, the default is ``stream_when_possible``.
BufferBehavior behavior = 1;
// The amount stored in the memory buffer before buffering to disk.
// If unset in route, vhost and listener config, defaults to a hardcoded value of 1MiB
google.protobuf.UInt64Value memory_buffer_bytes_limit = 2;
// The maximum storage (excluding memory) to be buffered in this filter.
// If unset in route, vhost and listener config, defaults to a hardcoded value of 32MiB
google.protobuf.UInt64Value storage_buffer_bytes_limit = 3;
// The maximum amount that can be queued for writing to storage, above which the
// source is requested to pause. If unset, defaults to the same value as
// ``memory_buffer_bytes_limit``.
// For example, assuming the recipient is not consuming data at all, if
// ``memory_buffer_bytes_limit`` was 32MiB, and ``storage_buffer_queue_high_watermark_bytes``
// was 64MiB, and the filesystem is backed up so writes are not occurring promptly,
// then:
// * Any request less than 32MiB will eventually pass through without ever attempting
// to write to disk.
// * Any request with over 32MiB buffered will start trying to write to disk.
// * If it reaches (32+64)MiB buffered and not yet written to disk, a high
// watermark signal is sent to the source.
// * Any stream whose total size exceeds
// ``memory_buffer_bytes_limit + storage_buffer_bytes_limit`` will provoke an error.
// (Note, if the recipient *is* consuming data then it is possible for such an
// oversized request to pass through the buffer filter, provided the recipient
// isn't consuming data too slowly.)
// The low watermark signal is sent when the memory buffer is at size
// ``memory_buffer_bytes_limit + (storage_buffer_queue_high_watermark_bytes / 2)``.
google.protobuf.UInt64Value storage_buffer_queue_high_watermark_bytes = 4;
// [#not-implemented-hide:]
// Configuration for file system buffer filter.
// Route-specific configs override only the fields they explicitly include; unset
// fields inherit from the vhost or listener-level config, or, if never set,
// and not required, use a default value.
message FileSystemBufferFilterConfig {
// A configuration for an AsyncFileManager.
// If unset in route, vhost and listener, an exception will be thrown.
common.async_files.v3.AsyncFileManagerConfig manager_config = 1;
// An optional path to which the unlinked files should be written - this may
// determine which physical storage device will be used.
// If unset in route, vhost and listener, will use the environment variable
// ``TMPDIR``, or, if that's also unset, will use ``/tmp``.
google.protobuf.StringValue storage_buffer_path = 2;
// Optional configuration for how to buffer (or not) requests.
// If unset in route, vhost and listener, ``StreamConfig`` default values will be used
// (with behavior ``stream_when_possible``)
StreamConfig request = 3;
// Optional configuration for how to buffer (or not) responses.
// If unset in route, vhost and listener, ``StreamConfig`` default values will be used
// (with behavior ``stream_when_possible``)
StreamConfig response = 4;

@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ proto_library(
"//envoy/extensions/filters/http/ext_authz/v3:pkg", "//envoy/extensions/filters/http/ext_authz/v3:pkg",
"//envoy/extensions/filters/http/ext_proc/v3:pkg", "//envoy/extensions/filters/http/ext_proc/v3:pkg",
"//envoy/extensions/filters/http/fault/v3:pkg", "//envoy/extensions/filters/http/fault/v3:pkg",
"//envoy/extensions/filters/http/gcp_authn/v3:pkg", "//envoy/extensions/filters/http/gcp_authn/v3:pkg",
"//envoy/extensions/filters/http/grpc_http1_bridge/v3:pkg", "//envoy/extensions/filters/http/grpc_http1_bridge/v3:pkg",
"//envoy/extensions/filters/http/grpc_http1_reverse_bridge/v3:pkg", "//envoy/extensions/filters/http/grpc_http1_reverse_bridge/v3:pkg",
