xff: add support for configuring a list of trusted CIDRs (#31831)

Commit Message: xff: add support for configuring a list of trusted CIDRs

The original client IP address can be determined from the
x-forwarded-for header either by a fixed number of trusted hops, or by
evaluating the client IP address against a list of trusted addresses.

This adds support for configuring a list of CIDRs in the xff original IP
detection extension. The remote IP address is evaluated against these,
and optionally recurses through XFF to find the last non-trusted

Additional Description:
This feature is generally used by people with a CDN in front of their
edge proxy to ensure that XFF is only parsed when the remote connection
comes from a CDN server.

The behaviour of the new functionality should be the same as Nginx's
`realip` module.

Disclaimer: This is my first time writing C++ so I'm not certain my
changes are completely idiomatic, but I've tried to stick with existing
style in the codebase. Feedback very welcome!

Risk Level: Medium
Testing: Unit tests, manual tests
Docs Changes: Updates to HTTP Connection Manager header manipulation
docs, and proto docs.
Release Notes: Added to changelogs/current.yaml
Platform Specific Features: None
Fixes #21639
Relates to #31296


Signed-off-by: James O'Gorman <james@netinertia.co.uk>

Mirrored from https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy @ fbc6ee2ed5b858c842999c688504fd133008868a
update-envoy[bot] 5 months ago
parent 97eaaf4b9b
commit 21d8442732
  1. 5
  2. 44

@ -5,5 +5,8 @@ load("@envoy_api//bazel:api_build_system.bzl", "api_proto_package")
licenses(["notice"]) # Apache 2
deps = ["@com_github_cncf_xds//udpa/annotations:pkg"],
deps = [

@ -2,6 +2,10 @@ syntax = "proto3";
package envoy.extensions.http.original_ip_detection.xff.v3;
import "envoy/config/core/v3/address.proto";
import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto";
import "udpa/annotations/status.proto";
option java_package = "io.envoyproxy.envoy.extensions.http.original_ip_detection.xff.v3";
@ -22,5 +26,45 @@ message XffConfig {
// determining the origin client's IP address. The default is zero if this option
// is not specified. See the documentation for
// :ref:`config_http_conn_man_headers_x-forwarded-for` for more information.
// Only one of ``xff_num_trusted_hops`` and ``xff_trusted_cidrs`` can be set.
uint32 xff_num_trusted_hops = 1;
// The `CIDR <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4632>`_ ranges to trust when
// evaluating the remote IP address to determine the original client's IP address.
// This is used instead of
// :ref:`use_remote_address <envoy_v3_api_field_extensions.filters.network.http_connection_manager.v3.HttpConnectionManager.use_remote_address>`.
// When the remote IP address matches a trusted CIDR and the
// :ref:`config_http_conn_man_headers_x-forwarded-for` header was sent, each entry
// in the ``x-forwarded-for`` header is evaluated from right to left and the first
// public non-trusted address is used as the original client address. If all
// addresses in ``x-forwarded-for`` are within the trusted list, the first (leftmost)
// entry is used.
// This is typically used when requests are proxied by a
// `CDN <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Content_delivery_network>`_.
// Only one of ``xff_num_trusted_hops`` and ``xff_trusted_cidrs`` can be set.
XffTrustedCidrs xff_trusted_cidrs = 2;
// If set, Envoy will not append the remote address to the
// :ref:`config_http_conn_man_headers_x-forwarded-for` HTTP header.
// .. attention::
// For proper proxy behaviour it is not recommended to set this option.
// For backwards compatibility, if this option is unset it defaults to true.
// This only applies when :ref:`use_remote_address
// <envoy_v3_api_field_extensions.filters.network.http_connection_manager.v3.HttpConnectionManager.use_remote_address>`
// is false, otherwise :ref:`skip_xff_append
// <envoy_v3_api_field_extensions.filters.network.http_connection_manager.v3.HttpConnectionManager.skip_xff_append>`
// applies.
google.protobuf.BoolValue skip_xff_append = 3;
message XffTrustedCidrs {
// The list of `CIDRs <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4632>`_ from which remote
// connections are considered trusted.
repeated config.core.v3.CidrRange cidrs = 1;
