@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ option (udpa.annotations.file_status).package_version_status = ACTIVE;
/ / gRPC - JSON transcoder : ref : ` configuration overview < config_http_filters_grpc_json_transcoder > ` .
/ / [ # extension : envoy.filters.http.grpc_json_transcoder ]
/ / [ # next - free - field : 13 ]
/ / [ # next - free - field : 14 ]
/ / GrpcJsonTranscoder filter configuration.
/ / The filter itself can be used per route / per virtual host or on the general level. The most
/ / specific one is being used for a given route. If the list of services is empty - filter
@ -222,6 +222,17 @@ message GrpcJsonTranscoder {
/ / This is to support ` HTML 2.0 < https : / / tools.ietf.org / html / rfc1866 # section - 8.2 .1 > ` _
bool query_param_unescape_plus = 12 ;
/ / If true , try to match the custom verb even if it is unregistered. By
/ / default , only match when it is registered.
/ /
/ / According to the http template ` syntax < https : / / github.com / googleapis / googleapis / blob / master / google / api / http.proto # L226 - L231 > ` _ ,
/ / the custom verb is * * ":" LITERAL * * at the end of http template.
/ /
/ / For a request with * / foo / bar : baz * and * : baz * is not registered in any url_template , here is the behavior change
/ / - if the field is not set , * : baz * will not be treated as custom verb , so it will match * * / foo / { x = * } * * .
/ / - if the field is set , * : baz * is treated as custom verb , so it will NOT match * * / foo / { x = * } * * since the template doesn ' t use any custom verb.
bool match_unregistered_custom_verb = 13 ;
/ / Configure the behavior when handling requests that cannot be transcoded.
/ /
/ / By default , the transcoder will silently pass through HTTP requests that are malformed.