@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ option java_generic_services = true;
import "envoy/api/v2/discovery.proto" ;
import "envoy/api/v2/endpoint/endpoint.proto" ;
import "envoy/type/percent.proto" ;
import "google/api/annotations.proto" ;
@ -50,12 +51,35 @@ message ClusterLoadAssignment {
/ / Load balancing policy settings.
message Policy {
/ / Percentage of traffic ( 0 - 100 ) that should be dropped. This
/ / action allows protection of upstream hosts should they unable to
/ / recover from an outage or should they be unable to autoscale and hence
/ / overall incoming traffic volume need to be trimmed to protect them.
/ / [ # v2 - api - diff : This is known as maintenance mode in v1. ]
double drop_overload = 1 [ ( validate.rules ) . double = { gte : 0 , lte : 100 } ] ;
reserved 1 ;
message DropOverload {
/ / Identifier for the policy specifying the drop.
string category = 1 [ ( validate.rules ) . string . min_bytes = 1 ] ;
/ / Percentage of traffic that should be dropped for the category.
envoy.type.Percent drop_percentage = 2 ;
/ / Action to trim the overall incoming traffic to protect the upstream
/ / hosts. This action allows protection in case the hosts are unable to
/ / recover from an outage , or unable to autoscale or unable to handle
/ / incoming traffic volume for any reason.
/ /
/ / At the client each category is applied one after the other to generate
/ / the 'actual' drop percentage on all outgoing traffic. For example :
/ /
/ / . . code - block : : json
/ /
/ / { "drop_overloads" : [
/ / { "category" : "throttle" , "drop_percentage" : 60 }
/ / { "category" : "lb" , "drop_percentage" : 50 }
/ / ] }
/ /
/ / The actual drop percentages applied to the traffic at the clients will be
/ / "throttle" _drop = 60 %
/ / "lb" _drop = 20 % / / 50 % of the remaining 'actual' load , which is 40 % .
/ / actual_outgoing_load = 20 % / / remaining after applying all categories.
repeated DropOverload drop_overloads = 2 ;
/ / Load balancing policy settings.