dns cache: add dns_min_refresh_rate configuration (#20418)

Signed-off-by: Matt Klein <mklein@lyft.com>

Mirrored from https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy @ 69105c91ec8e47a8f5716504d5101a9d1e318e33
data-plane-api(Azure Pipelines) 3 years ago
parent 2e15cc26ed
commit 021116e469
  1. 10

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ message DnsCacheCircuitBreakers {
// Configuration for the dynamic forward proxy DNS cache. See the :ref:`architecture overview
// <arch_overview_http_dynamic_forward_proxy>` for more information.
// [#next-free-field: 14]
// [#next-free-field: 15]
message DnsCacheConfig {
option (udpa.annotations.versioning).previous_message_type =
@ -61,10 +61,16 @@ message DnsCacheConfig {
// The refresh rate is rounded to the closest millisecond, and must be at least 1ms.
// Once a host has been resolved, the refresh rate will be the DNS TTL, capped
// at a minimum of 5s.
// at a minimum of `dns_min_refresh_rate`.
google.protobuf.Duration dns_refresh_rate = 3
[(validate.rules).duration = {gte {nanos: 1000000}}];
// The minimum rate that DNS resolution will occur. Per `dns_refresh_rate`, once a host is
// resolved, the DNS TTL will be used, with a minimum set by `dns_min_refresh_rate`.
// `dns_min_refresh_rate` defaults to 5s and must also be >= 5s.
google.protobuf.Duration dns_min_refresh_rate = 14
[(validate.rules).duration = {gte {seconds: 5}}];
// The TTL for hosts that are unused. Hosts that have not been used in the configured time
// interval will be purged. If not specified defaults to 5m.
