The Envoy build system uses Bazel. In order to ease initial building and for a quick start, we
provide an Ubuntu 16 based docker container that has everything needed inside of it to build
and *statically link* envoy, see :repo:`ci/README.md`.
In order to build manually, follow the instructions at :repo:`bazel/README.md`.
.. _install_requirements:
Envoy was initially developed and deployed on Ubuntu 14 LTS. It should work on any reasonably
recent Linux including Ubuntu 16 LTS.
Building Envoy has the following requirements:
* GCC 5+ (for C++14 support).
* These :repo:`pre-built </ci/build_container/build_recipes>` third party dependencies.
* These :repo:`Bazel native <bazel/repository_locations.bzl>` dependencies.
Please see the linked :repo:`CI <ci/README.md>` and :repo:`Bazel <bazel/README.md>` documentation
for more information on performing manual builds.
.. _install_binaries:
Pre-built binaries
On every master commit we create a set of lightweight docker images that contain the Envoy
binary. We also tag the docker images with release versions when we do official releases.
* `envoyproxy/envoy <https://hub.docker.com/r/envoyproxy/envoy/tags/>`_: Release binary with
symbols stripped on top of an Ubuntu Xenial base.
* `envoyproxy/envoy-alpine <https://hub.docker.com/r/envoyproxy/envoy-alpine/tags/>`_: Release
binary with symbols stripped on top of a **glibc** alpine base.
* `envoyproxy/envoy-alpine-debug <https://hub.docker.com/r/envoyproxy/envoy-alpine-debug/tags/>`_:
Release binary with debug symbols on top of a **glibc** alpine base.
We will consider producing additional binary types depending on community interest in helping with
CI, packaging, etc. Please open an `issue <https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy/issues>`_ in GitHub
if desired.