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7 years ago
syntax = "proto3";
package envoy.config.transport_socket.capture.v2alpha;
option go_package = "v2";
// [#protodoc-title: Capture]
import "envoy/api/v2/core/base.proto";
// File sink.
// .. warning::
// The current file sink implementation buffers the entire trace in memory
// prior to writing. This will OOM for long lived sockets and/or where there
// is a large amount of traffic on the socket.
message FileSink {
// Path prefix. The output file will be of the form <path_prefix>_<id>.pb, where <id> is an
// identifier distinguishing the recorded trace for individual socket instances (the Envoy
// connection ID).
string path_prefix = 1;
// File format.
enum Format {
// Binary proto format as per :ref:`Trace
// <envoy_api_msg_extensions.common.tap.v2alpha.Trace>`.
// Text proto format as per :ref:`Trace
// <envoy_api_msg_extensions.common.tap.v2alpha.Trace>`.
Format format = 2;
// Configuration for capture transport socket. This wraps another transport socket, providing the
// ability to interpose and record in plain text any traffic that is surfaced to Envoy.
message Capture {
oneof sink_selector {
// Trace is to be written to a file sink.
FileSink file_sink = 1;
// The underlying transport socket being wrapped.
api.v2.core.TransportSocket transport_socket = 2;