syntax = "proto3" ;
package envoy . config.overload.v3 ;
import "envoy/type/v3/percent.proto" ;
import "google/protobuf/any.proto" ;
import "google/protobuf/duration.proto" ;
import "udpa/annotations/status.proto" ;
import "udpa/annotations/versioning.proto" ;
import "validate/validate.proto" ;
option java_package = "io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.overload.v3" ;
option java_outer_classname = "OverloadProto" ;
option java_multiple_files = true ;
option go_package = ";overloadv3" ;
option ( udpa.annotations.file_status ) . package_version_status = ACTIVE ;
// [#protodoc-title: Overload Manager]
// The Overload Manager provides an extensible framework to protect Envoy instances
// from overload of various resources (memory, cpu, file descriptors, etc).
// It monitors a configurable set of resources and notifies registered listeners
// when triggers related to those resources fire.
message ResourceMonitor {
option ( udpa.annotations.versioning ) . previous_message_type =
"envoy.config.overload.v2alpha.ResourceMonitor" ;
reserved 2 ;
reserved "config" ;
// The name of the resource monitor to instantiate. Must match a registered
// resource monitor type.
// See the :ref:`extensions listed in typed_config below <extension_category_envoy.resource_monitors>` for the default list of available resource monitor.
string name = 1 [ ( validate.rules ) . string = { min_len : 1 } ] ;
// Configuration for the resource monitor being instantiated.
// [#extension-category: envoy.resource_monitors]
oneof config_type {
google.protobuf.Any typed_config = 3 ;
message ThresholdTrigger {
option ( udpa.annotations.versioning ) . previous_message_type =
"envoy.config.overload.v2alpha.ThresholdTrigger" ;
// If the resource pressure is greater than or equal to this value, the trigger
// will enter saturation.
double value = 1 [ ( validate.rules ) . double = { lte : 1.0 gte : 0.0 } ] ;
message ScaledTrigger {
// If the resource pressure is greater than this value, the trigger will be in the
// :ref:`scaling <arch_overview_overload_manager-triggers-state>` state with value
// `(pressure - scaling_threshold) / (saturation_threshold - scaling_threshold)`.
double scaling_threshold = 1 [ ( validate.rules ) . double = { lte : 1.0 gte : 0.0 } ] ;
// If the resource pressure is greater than this value, the trigger will enter saturation.
double saturation_threshold = 2 [ ( validate.rules ) . double = { lte : 1.0 gte : 0.0 } ] ;
message Trigger {
option ( udpa.annotations.versioning ) . previous_message_type =
"envoy.config.overload.v2alpha.Trigger" ;
// The name of the resource this is a trigger for.
string name = 1 [ ( validate.rules ) . string = { min_len : 1 } ] ;
oneof trigger_oneof {
option ( validate.required ) = true ;
ThresholdTrigger threshold = 2 ;
ScaledTrigger scaled = 3 ;
// Typed configuration for the "envoy.overload_actions.reduce_timeouts" action. See
// :ref:`the docs <config_overload_manager_reducing_timeouts>` for an example of how to configure
// the action with different timeouts and minimum values.
message ScaleTimersOverloadActionConfig {
enum TimerType {
// Unsupported value; users must explicitly specify the timer they want scaled.
// Adjusts the idle timer for downstream HTTP connections that takes effect when there are no active streams.
// This affects the value of :ref:`HttpConnectionManager.common_http_protocol_options.idle_timeout
// <envoy_v3_api_field_config.core.v3.HttpProtocolOptions.idle_timeout>`
// Adjusts the idle timer for HTTP streams initiated by downstream clients.
// This affects the value of :ref:`RouteAction.idle_timeout <envoy_v3_api_field_config.route.v3.RouteAction.idle_timeout>` and
// :ref:`HttpConnectionManager.stream_idle_timeout
// <>`
// Adjusts the timer for how long downstream clients have to finish transport-level negotiations
// before the connection is closed.
// This affects the value of
// :ref:`FilterChain.transport_socket_connect_timeout <envoy_v3_api_field_config.listener.v3.FilterChain.transport_socket_connect_timeout>`.
message ScaleTimer {
// The type of timer this minimum applies to.
TimerType timer = 1 [ ( validate.rules ) . enum = { defined_only : true not_in : 0 } ] ;
oneof overload_adjust {
option ( validate.required ) = true ;
// Sets the minimum duration as an absolute value.
google.protobuf.Duration min_timeout = 2 ;
// Sets the minimum duration as a percentage of the maximum value.
type.v3.Percent min_scale = 3 ;
// A set of timer scaling rules to be applied.
repeated ScaleTimer timer_scale_factors = 1 [ ( validate.rules ) . repeated = { min_items : 1 } ] ;
message OverloadAction {
option ( udpa.annotations.versioning ) . previous_message_type =
"envoy.config.overload.v2alpha.OverloadAction" ;
// The name of the overload action. This is just a well-known string that listeners can
// use for registering callbacks. Custom overload actions should be named using reverse
// DNS to ensure uniqueness.
string name = 1 [ ( validate.rules ) . string = { min_len : 1 } ] ;
// A set of triggers for this action. The state of the action is the maximum
// state of all triggers, which can be scaling between 0 and 1 or saturated. Listeners
// are notified when the overload action changes state.
repeated Trigger triggers = 2 [ ( validate.rules ) . repeated = { min_items : 1 } ] ;
// Configuration for the action being instantiated.
google.protobuf.Any typed_config = 3 ;
// Configuration for which accounts the WatermarkBuffer Factories should
// track.
message BufferFactoryConfig {
// The minimum power of two at which Envoy starts tracking an account.
// Envoy has 8 power of two buckets starting with the provided exponent below.
// Concretely the 1st bucket contains accounts for streams that use
// [2^minimum_account_to_track_power_of_two,
// 2^(minimum_account_to_track_power_of_two + 1)) bytes.
// With the 8th bucket tracking accounts
// >= 128 * 2^minimum_account_to_track_power_of_two.
// The maximum value is 56, since we're using uint64_t for bytes counting,
// and that's the last value that would use the 8 buckets. In practice,
// we don't expect the proxy to be holding 2^56 bytes.
// If omitted, Envoy should not do any tracking.
uint32 minimum_account_to_track_power_of_two = 1 [ ( validate.rules ) . uint32 = { lte : 56 gte : 10 } ] ;
message OverloadManager {
option ( udpa.annotations.versioning ) . previous_message_type =
"envoy.config.overload.v2alpha.OverloadManager" ;
// The interval for refreshing resource usage.
google.protobuf.Duration refresh_interval = 1 ;
// The set of resources to monitor.
repeated ResourceMonitor resource_monitors = 2 [ ( validate.rules ) . repeated = { min_items : 1 } ] ;
// The set of overload actions.
repeated OverloadAction actions = 3 ;
// Configuration for buffer factory.
BufferFactoryConfig buffer_factory_config = 4 ;