syntax = "proto3";
package envoy.service.auth.v2alpha;
option go_package = "v2alpha";
option java_generic_services = true;
import "envoy/service/auth/v2alpha/attribute_context.proto";
import "google/rpc/status.proto";
import "validate/validate.proto";
// [#protodoc-title: Authorization Service ]
// The authorization service request messages used by external authorization :ref:`network filter
// <config_network_filters_ext_authz>` and :ref:`HTTP filter <config_http_filters_ext_authz>`.
// A generic interface for performing authorization check on incoming
// requests to a networked service.
service Authorization {
// Performs authorization check based on the attributes associated with the
// incoming request, and returns status `OK` or not `OK`.
rpc Check(CheckRequest) returns (CheckResponse);
message CheckRequest {
// The request attributes.
AttributeContext attributes = 1;
message CheckResponse {
// Status `OK` allows the request. Any other status indicates the request should be denied.
google.rpc.Status status = 1;
// An optional message that contains HTTP response attributes. This message is
// used when the authorization service needs to send custom responses to the
// downstream client or, to modify/add request headers being dispatched to the upstream.
message HttpResponse {
// Http status code.
uint32 status_code = 1 [(validate.rules).uint32 = {gte: 100, lt: 600}];
// Http entity headers.
map<string, string> headers = 2;
// Http entity body.
string body = 3;