[READ ONLY MIRROR] Envoy REST/proto API definitions and documentation.
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syntax = "proto3";
// [#proto-status: draft]
package envoy.api.v2.auth;
import "api/sds.proto";
message AuthAction {
// Should we do white-list or black-list style access control.
enum ActionType {
// Request matches all rules are allowed, otherwise denied.
ALLOW = 0;
// Request matches all rules or missing required auth fields are denied,
// otherwise allowed.
DENY = 1;
ActionType action_type = 1;
// Logic AND that requires all rules match.
message AndRule {
repeated Rule rules = 1;
// Logic OR that requires at least one rule matches.
message OrRule {
repeated Rule rules = 1;
// Check peer identity using X.509 certificate.
message X509Rule {
// How to validate peer certificates.
CertificateValidationContext validation_context = 3;
// Element type of AndRule/OrRule, it chooses among different type of rule.
message Rule {
oneof rule_specifier {
AndRule and_rule = 1;
OrRule or_rule = 2;
X509Rule x509_rule = 3;
// List of rules
repeated Rule rule = 2;