load("@envoy_api//bazel:repository_locations_utils.bzl", "load_repository_locations_spec")
# Envoy dependencies may be annotated with the following attributes:
# Attribute specifying CPE (Common Platform Enumeration, see https://nvd.nist.gov/products/cpe) ID
# of the dependency. The ID may be in v2.3 or v2.2 format, although v2.3 is prefferred. See
# https://nvd.nist.gov/products/cpe for CPE format. Use single wildcard '*' for version and vector elements
# i.e. 'cpe:2.3:a:nghttp2:nghttp2:*'. Use "N/A" for dependencies without CPE assigned.
# This attribute is optional for components with use categories listed in the
# A list of extensions when 'use_category' contains 'dataplane_ext' or 'observability_ext'.
# Additional dependencies loaded transitively via this dependency that are not tracked in
# Envoy (see the external dependency at the given version for information).
# Project metadata.
# Reflects the UTC date (YYYY-MM-DD format) for the dependency release. This
# is when the dependency was updated in its repository. For dependencies
# that have releases, this is the date of the release. For dependencies
# without releases or for scenarios where we temporarily need to use a
# commit, this date should be the date of the commit in UTC.
# List of the categories describing how the dependency is being used. This attribute is used
# for automatic tracking of security posture of Envoy's dependencies.
# Possible values are documented in the USE_CATEGORIES list below.
# This attribute is mandatory for each dependecy.
# The dependency version. This may be either a tagged release (preferred)
# or git SHA (as an exception when no release tagged version is suitable).
# NOTE: If a dependency use case is either dataplane or controlplane, the other uses are not needed
# to be declared.
# This dependency is used in API protos.
# This dependency is used in build process.
# This dependency is used to process xDS requests.
# This dependency is used in processing downstream or upstream requests (core).
# This dependency is used in processing downstream or upstream requests (extensions).
# This dependecy is used for logging, metrics or tracing (core). It may process unstrusted input.
# This dependecy is used for logging, metrics or tracing (extensions). It may process unstrusted input.
# This dependency does not handle untrusted data and is used for various utility purposes.
# This dependency is used only in tests.
# Documentation generation
# Developer tools (not used in build or docs)
# Components with these use categories are not required to specify the 'cpe'.
USE_CATEGORIES_WITH_CPE_OPTIONAL = ["build", "other", "test_only", "api"]
def _fail_missing_attribute(attr, key):
fail("The '%s' attribute must be defined for external dependecy " % attr + key)
# Method for verifying content of the repository location specifications.
# We also remove repository metadata attributes so that further consumers, e.g.
# http_archive, are not confused by them.
def load_repository_locations(repository_locations_spec):
locations = {}
for key, location in load_repository_locations_spec(repository_locations_spec).items():
mutable_location = dict(location)
locations[key] = mutable_location
if "sha256" not in location or len(location["sha256"]) == 0:
_fail_missing_attribute("sha256", key)
if "project_name" not in location:
_fail_missing_attribute("project_name", key)
if "project_desc" not in location:
_fail_missing_attribute("project_desc", key)
if "project_url" not in location:
_fail_missing_attribute("project_url", key)
project_url = location["project_url"]
if not project_url.startswith("https://") and not project_url.startswith("http://"):
fail("project_url must start with https:// or http://: " + project_url)
if "version" not in location:
_fail_missing_attribute("version", key)
if "use_category" not in location:
_fail_missing_attribute("use_category", key)
use_category = location["use_category"]
if "dataplane_ext" in use_category or "observability_ext" in use_category:
if "extensions" not in location:
_fail_missing_attribute("extensions", key)
if "release_date" not in location:
_fail_missing_attribute("release_date", key)
release_date = location["release_date"]
# Starlark doesn't have regexes.
if len(release_date) != 10 or release_date[4] != "-" or release_date[7] != "-":
fail("release_date must match YYYY-DD-MM: " + release_date)
if "cpe" in location:
cpe = location["cpe"]
# Starlark doesn't have regexes.
cpe_components = len(cpe.split(":"))
# We allow cpe:2.3:a:foo:*:* and cpe:2.3.:a:foo:bar:* only.
cpe_components_valid = (cpe_components == 6)
cpe_matches = (cpe == "N/A" or (cpe.startswith("cpe:2.3:a:") and cpe.endswith(":*") and cpe_components_valid))
if not cpe_matches:
fail("CPE must match cpe:2.3:a:<facet>:<facet>:*: " + cpe)
elif not [category for category in USE_CATEGORIES_WITH_CPE_OPTIONAL if category in location["use_category"]]:
_fail_missing_attribute("cpe", key)
for category in location["use_category"]:
if category not in USE_CATEGORIES:
fail("Unknown use_category value '" + category + "' for dependecy " + key)
# Remove any extra annotations that we add, so that we don't confuse http_archive etc.
if annotation in mutable_location:
return locations