[READ ONLY MIRROR] Envoy REST/proto API definitions and documentation. (grpc依赖)
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syntax = "proto3";
package envoy.service.auth.v3alpha;
option java_outer_classname = "AttributeContextProto";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "io.envoyproxy.envoy.service.auth.v3alpha";
import "envoy/api/v3alpha/core/address.proto";
import "envoy/api/v3alpha/core/base.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
// [#protodoc-title: Attribute Context ]
// See :ref:`network filter configuration overview <config_network_filters_ext_authz>`
// and :ref:`HTTP filter configuration overview <config_http_filters_ext_authz>`.
// An attribute is a piece of metadata that describes an activity on a network.
// For example, the size of an HTTP request, or the status code of an HTTP response.
// Each attribute has a type and a name, which is logically defined as a proto message field
// of the `AttributeContext`. The `AttributeContext` is a collection of individual attributes
// supported by Envoy authorization system.
// [#comment: The following items are left out of this proto
// Request.Auth field for jwt tokens
// Request.Api for api management
// Origin peer that originated the request
// Caching Protocol
// request_context return values to inject back into the filter chain
// peer.claims -- from X.509 extensions
// Configuration
// - field mask to send
// - which return values from request_context are copied back
// - which return values are copied into request_headers]
message AttributeContext {
// This message defines attributes for a node that handles a network request.
// The node can be either a service or an application that sends, forwards,
// or receives the request. Service peers should fill in the `service`,
// `principal`, and `labels` as appropriate.
message Peer {
// The address of the peer, this is typically the IP address.
// It can also be UDS path, or others.
api.v3alpha.core.Address address = 1;
// The canonical service name of the peer.
// It should be set to :ref:`the HTTP x-envoy-downstream-service-cluster
// <config_http_conn_man_headers_downstream-service-cluster>`
// If a more trusted source of the service name is available through mTLS/secure naming, it
// should be used.
string service = 2;
// The labels associated with the peer.
// These could be pod labels for Kubernetes or tags for VMs.
// The source of the labels could be an X.509 certificate or other configuration.
map<string, string> labels = 3;
// The authenticated identity of this peer.
// For example, the identity associated with the workload such as a service account.
// If an X.509 certificate is used to assert the identity this field should be sourced from
// `URI Subject Alternative Names`, `DNS Subject Alternate Names` or `Subject` in that order.
// The primary identity should be the principal. The principal format is issuer specific.
// Example:
// * SPIFFE format is `spiffe://trust-domain/path`
// * Google account format is `https://accounts.google.com/{userid}`
string principal = 4;
// Represents a network request, such as an HTTP request.
message Request {
// The timestamp when the proxy receives the first byte of the request.
google.protobuf.Timestamp time = 1;
// Represents an HTTP request or an HTTP-like request.
HttpRequest http = 2;
// This message defines attributes for an HTTP request.
// HTTP/1.x, HTTP/2, gRPC are all considered as HTTP requests.
message HttpRequest {
// The unique ID for a request, which can be propagated to downstream
// systems. The ID should have low probability of collision
// within a single day for a specific service.
// For HTTP requests, it should be X-Request-ID or equivalent.
string id = 1;
// The HTTP request method, such as `GET`, `POST`.
string method = 2;
// The HTTP request headers. If multiple headers share the same key, they
// must be merged according to the HTTP spec. All header keys must be
// lowercased, because HTTP header keys are case-insensitive.
map<string, string> headers = 3;
// The request target, as it appears in the first line of the HTTP request. This includes
// the URL path and query-string. No decoding is performed.
string path = 4;
// The HTTP request `Host` or 'Authority` header value.
string host = 5;
// The HTTP URL scheme, such as `http` and `https`.
string scheme = 6;
// This field is always empty, and exists for compatibility reasons. The HTTP URL query is
// included in `path` field.
string query = 7;
// This field is always empty, and exists for compatibility reasons. The URL fragment is
// not submitted as part of HTTP requests; it is unknowable.
string fragment = 8;
// The HTTP request size in bytes. If unknown, it must be -1.
int64 size = 9;
// The network protocol used with the request, such as "HTTP/1.0", "HTTP/1.1", or "HTTP/2".
// See :repo:`headers.h:ProtocolStrings <source/common/http/headers.h>` for a list of all
// possible values.
string protocol = 10;
// The HTTP request body.
string body = 11;
// The source of a network activity, such as starting a TCP connection.
// In a multi hop network activity, the source represents the sender of the
// last hop.
Peer source = 1;
// The destination of a network activity, such as accepting a TCP connection.
// In a multi hop network activity, the destination represents the receiver of
// the last hop.
Peer destination = 2;
// Represents a network request, such as an HTTP request.
Request request = 4;
// This is analogous to http_request.headers, however these contents will not be sent to the
// upstream server. Context_extensions provide an extension mechanism for sending additional
// information to the auth server without modifying the proto definition. It maps to the
// internal opaque context in the filter chain.
map<string, string> context_extensions = 10;
// Dynamic metadata associated with the request.
api.v3alpha.core.Metadata metadata_context = 11;