[READ ONLY MIRROR] Envoy REST/proto API definitions and documentation. (grpc依赖)
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syntax = "proto3";
package envoy.api.v2;
import "envoy/api/v2/auth/cert.proto";
import "envoy/api/v2/cluster/circuit_breaker.proto";
import "envoy/api/v2/cluster/filter.proto";
import "envoy/api/v2/cluster/outlier_detection.proto";
import "envoy/api/v2/core/address.proto";
import "envoy/api/v2/core/base.proto";
import "envoy/api/v2/core/config_source.proto";
import "envoy/api/v2/core/health_check.proto";
import "envoy/api/v2/core/protocol.proto";
import "envoy/api/v2/endpoint.proto";
import "envoy/type/percent.proto";
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
import "google/protobuf/struct.proto";
import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto";
import "envoy/annotations/deprecation.proto";
import "udpa/annotations/migrate.proto";
import "validate/validate.proto";
option java_package = "io.envoyproxy.envoy.api.v2";
option java_outer_classname = "ClusterProto";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option (udpa.annotations.file_migrate).move_to_package = "envoy.config.cluster.v3";
// [#protodoc-title: Cluster configuration]
// Configuration for a single upstream cluster.
// [#next-free-field: 48]
message Cluster {
// Refer to :ref:`service discovery type <arch_overview_service_discovery_types>`
// for an explanation on each type.
enum DiscoveryType {
// Refer to the :ref:`static discovery type<arch_overview_service_discovery_types_static>`
// for an explanation.
// Refer to the :ref:`strict DNS discovery
// type<arch_overview_service_discovery_types_strict_dns>`
// for an explanation.
// Refer to the :ref:`logical DNS discovery
// type<arch_overview_service_discovery_types_logical_dns>`
// for an explanation.
// Refer to the :ref:`service discovery type<arch_overview_service_discovery_types_eds>`
// for an explanation.
EDS = 3;
// Refer to the :ref:`original destination discovery
// type<arch_overview_service_discovery_types_original_destination>`
// for an explanation.
// Refer to :ref:`load balancer type <arch_overview_load_balancing_types>` architecture
// overview section for information on each type.
enum LbPolicy {
// Refer to the :ref:`round robin load balancing
// policy<arch_overview_load_balancing_types_round_robin>`
// for an explanation.
// Refer to the :ref:`least request load balancing
// policy<arch_overview_load_balancing_types_least_request>`
// for an explanation.
// Refer to the :ref:`ring hash load balancing
// policy<arch_overview_load_balancing_types_ring_hash>`
// for an explanation.
// Refer to the :ref:`random load balancing
// policy<arch_overview_load_balancing_types_random>`
// for an explanation.
// Refer to the :ref:`original destination load balancing
// policy<arch_overview_load_balancing_types_original_destination>`
// for an explanation.
// .. attention::
// **This load balancing policy is deprecated**. Use CLUSTER_PROVIDED instead.
ORIGINAL_DST_LB = 4 [deprecated = true, (envoy.annotations.disallowed_by_default_enum) = true];
// Refer to the :ref:`Maglev load balancing policy<arch_overview_load_balancing_types_maglev>`
// for an explanation.
// This load balancer type must be specified if the configured cluster provides a cluster
// specific load balancer. Consult the configured cluster's documentation for whether to set
// this option or not.
// [#not-implemented-hide:] Use the new :ref:`load_balancing_policy
// <envoy_api_field_Cluster.load_balancing_policy>` field to determine the LB policy.
// [#next-major-version: In the v3 API, we should consider deprecating the lb_policy field
// and instead using the new load_balancing_policy field as the one and only mechanism for
// configuring this.]
// When V4_ONLY is selected, the DNS resolver will only perform a lookup for
// addresses in the IPv4 family. If V6_ONLY is selected, the DNS resolver will
// only perform a lookup for addresses in the IPv6 family. If AUTO is
// specified, the DNS resolver will first perform a lookup for addresses in
// the IPv6 family and fallback to a lookup for addresses in the IPv4 family.
// For cluster types other than
// :ref:`STRICT_DNS<envoy_api_enum_value_Cluster.DiscoveryType.STRICT_DNS>` and
// :ref:`LOGICAL_DNS<envoy_api_enum_value_Cluster.DiscoveryType.LOGICAL_DNS>`,
// this setting is
// ignored.
enum DnsLookupFamily {
AUTO = 0;
V4_ONLY = 1;
V6_ONLY = 2;
enum ClusterProtocolSelection {
// Cluster can only operate on one of the possible upstream protocols (HTTP1.1, HTTP2).
// If :ref:`http2_protocol_options <envoy_api_field_Cluster.http2_protocol_options>` are
// present, HTTP2 will be used, otherwise HTTP1.1 will be used.
// Use HTTP1.1 or HTTP2, depending on which one is used on the downstream connection.
// TransportSocketMatch specifies what transport socket config will be used
// when the match conditions are satisfied.
message TransportSocketMatch {
// The name of the match, used in stats generation.
string name = 1 [(validate.rules).string = {min_len: 1}];
// Optional endpoint metadata match criteria.
// The connection to the endpoint with metadata matching what is set in this field
// will use the transport socket configuration specified here.
// The endpoint's metadata entry in *envoy.transport_socket_match* is used to match
// against the values specified in this field.
google.protobuf.Struct match = 2;
// The configuration of the transport socket.
core.TransportSocket transport_socket = 3;
// Extended cluster type.
message CustomClusterType {
// The type of the cluster to instantiate. The name must match a supported cluster type.
string name = 1 [(validate.rules).string = {min_bytes: 1}];
// Cluster specific configuration which depends on the cluster being instantiated.
// See the supported cluster for further documentation.
google.protobuf.Any typed_config = 2;
// Only valid when discovery type is EDS.
message EdsClusterConfig {
// Configuration for the source of EDS updates for this Cluster.
core.ConfigSource eds_config = 1;
// Optional alternative to cluster name to present to EDS. This does not
// have the same restrictions as cluster name, i.e. it may be arbitrary
// length.
string service_name = 2;
// Optionally divide the endpoints in this cluster into subsets defined by
// endpoint metadata and selected by route and weighted cluster metadata.
// [#next-free-field: 8]
message LbSubsetConfig {
// If NO_FALLBACK is selected, a result
// equivalent to no healthy hosts is reported. If ANY_ENDPOINT is selected,
// any cluster endpoint may be returned (subject to policy, health checks,
// etc). If DEFAULT_SUBSET is selected, load balancing is performed over the
// endpoints matching the values from the default_subset field.
enum LbSubsetFallbackPolicy {
// Specifications for subsets.
message LbSubsetSelector {
// Allows to override top level fallback policy per selector.
enum LbSubsetSelectorFallbackPolicy {
// If NOT_DEFINED top level config fallback policy is used instead.
// If NO_FALLBACK is selected, a result equivalent to no healthy hosts is reported.
// If ANY_ENDPOINT is selected, any cluster endpoint may be returned
// (subject to policy, health checks, etc).
// If DEFAULT_SUBSET is selected, load balancing is performed over the
// endpoints matching the values from the default_subset field.
// If KEYS_SUBSET is selected, subset selector matching is performed again with metadata
// keys reduced to
// :ref:`fallback_keys_subset<envoy_api_field_Cluster.LbSubsetConfig.LbSubsetSelector.fallback_keys_subset>`.
// It allows for a fallback to a different, less specific selector if some of the keys of
// the selector are considered optional.
// List of keys to match with the weighted cluster metadata.
repeated string keys = 1;
// The behavior used when no endpoint subset matches the selected route's
// metadata.
LbSubsetSelectorFallbackPolicy fallback_policy = 2
[(validate.rules).enum = {defined_only: true}];
// Subset of
// :ref:`keys<envoy_api_field_Cluster.LbSubsetConfig.LbSubsetSelector.keys>` used by
// :ref:`KEYS_SUBSET<envoy_api_enum_value_Cluster.LbSubsetConfig.LbSubsetSelector.LbSubsetSelectorFallbackPolicy.KEYS_SUBSET>`
// fallback policy.
// It has to be a non empty list if KEYS_SUBSET fallback policy is selected.
// For any other fallback policy the parameter is not used and should not be set.
// Only values also present in
// :ref:`keys<envoy_api_field_Cluster.LbSubsetConfig.LbSubsetSelector.keys>` are allowed, but
// `fallback_keys_subset` cannot be equal to `keys`.
repeated string fallback_keys_subset = 3;
// The behavior used when no endpoint subset matches the selected route's
// metadata. The value defaults to
// :ref:`NO_FALLBACK<envoy_api_enum_value_Cluster.LbSubsetConfig.LbSubsetFallbackPolicy.NO_FALLBACK>`.
LbSubsetFallbackPolicy fallback_policy = 1 [(validate.rules).enum = {defined_only: true}];
// Specifies the default subset of endpoints used during fallback if
// fallback_policy is
// :ref:`DEFAULT_SUBSET<envoy_api_enum_value_Cluster.LbSubsetConfig.LbSubsetFallbackPolicy.DEFAULT_SUBSET>`.
// Each field in default_subset is
// compared to the matching LbEndpoint.Metadata under the *envoy.lb*
// namespace. It is valid for no hosts to match, in which case the behavior
// is the same as a fallback_policy of
// :ref:`NO_FALLBACK<envoy_api_enum_value_Cluster.LbSubsetConfig.LbSubsetFallbackPolicy.NO_FALLBACK>`.
google.protobuf.Struct default_subset = 2;
// For each entry, LbEndpoint.Metadata's
// *envoy.lb* namespace is traversed and a subset is created for each unique
// combination of key and value. For example:
// .. code-block:: json
// { "subset_selectors": [
// { "keys": [ "version" ] },
// { "keys": [ "stage", "hardware_type" ] }
// ]}
// A subset is matched when the metadata from the selected route and
// weighted cluster contains the same keys and values as the subset's
// metadata. The same host may appear in multiple subsets.
repeated LbSubsetSelector subset_selectors = 3;
// If true, routing to subsets will take into account the localities and locality weights of the
// endpoints when making the routing decision.
// There are some potential pitfalls associated with enabling this feature, as the resulting
// traffic split after applying both a subset match and locality weights might be undesirable.
// Consider for example a situation in which you have 50/50 split across two localities X/Y
// which have 100 hosts each without subsetting. If the subset LB results in X having only 1
// host selected but Y having 100, then a lot more load is being dumped on the single host in X
// than originally anticipated in the load balancing assignment delivered via EDS.
bool locality_weight_aware = 4;
// When used with locality_weight_aware, scales the weight of each locality by the ratio
// of hosts in the subset vs hosts in the original subset. This aims to even out the load
// going to an individual locality if said locality is disproportionately affected by the
// subset predicate.
bool scale_locality_weight = 5;
// If true, when a fallback policy is configured and its corresponding subset fails to find
// a host this will cause any host to be selected instead.
// This is useful when using the default subset as the fallback policy, given the default
// subset might become empty. With this option enabled, if that happens the LB will attempt
// to select a host from the entire cluster.
bool panic_mode_any = 6;
// If true, metadata specified for a metadata key will be matched against the corresponding
// endpoint metadata if the endpoint metadata matches the value exactly OR it is a list value
// and any of the elements in the list matches the criteria.
bool list_as_any = 7;
// Specific configuration for the LeastRequest load balancing policy.
message LeastRequestLbConfig {
// The number of random healthy hosts from which the host with the fewest active requests will
// be chosen. Defaults to 2 so that we perform two-choice selection if the field is not set.
google.protobuf.UInt32Value choice_count = 1 [(validate.rules).uint32 = {gte: 2}];
// Specific configuration for the :ref:`RingHash<arch_overview_load_balancing_types_ring_hash>`
// load balancing policy.
message RingHashLbConfig {
// The hash function used to hash hosts onto the ketama ring.
enum HashFunction {
// Use `xxHash <https://github.com/Cyan4973/xxHash>`_, this is the default hash function.
XX_HASH = 0;
// Use `MurmurHash2 <https://sites.google.com/site/murmurhash/>`_, this is compatible with
// std:hash<string> in GNU libstdc++ 3.4.20 or above. This is typically the case when compiled
// on Linux and not macOS.
reserved 2;
// Minimum hash ring size. The larger the ring is (that is, the more hashes there are for each
// provided host) the better the request distribution will reflect the desired weights. Defaults
// to 1024 entries, and limited to 8M entries. See also
// :ref:`maximum_ring_size<envoy_api_field_Cluster.RingHashLbConfig.maximum_ring_size>`.
google.protobuf.UInt64Value minimum_ring_size = 1 [(validate.rules).uint64 = {lte: 8388608}];
// The hash function used to hash hosts onto the ketama ring. The value defaults to
// :ref:`XX_HASH<envoy_api_enum_value_Cluster.RingHashLbConfig.HashFunction.XX_HASH>`.
HashFunction hash_function = 3 [(validate.rules).enum = {defined_only: true}];
// Maximum hash ring size. Defaults to 8M entries, and limited to 8M entries, but can be lowered
// to further constrain resource use. See also
// :ref:`minimum_ring_size<envoy_api_field_Cluster.RingHashLbConfig.minimum_ring_size>`.
google.protobuf.UInt64Value maximum_ring_size = 4 [(validate.rules).uint64 = {lte: 8388608}];
// Specific configuration for the
// :ref:`Original Destination <arch_overview_load_balancing_types_original_destination>`
// load balancing policy.
message OriginalDstLbConfig {
// When true, :ref:`x-envoy-original-dst-host
// <config_http_conn_man_headers_x-envoy-original-dst-host>` can be used to override destination
// address.
// .. attention::
// This header isn't sanitized by default, so enabling this feature allows HTTP clients to
// route traffic to arbitrary hosts and/or ports, which may have serious security
// consequences.
bool use_http_header = 1;
// Common configuration for all load balancer implementations.
// [#next-free-field: 7]
message CommonLbConfig {
// Configuration for :ref:`zone aware routing
// <arch_overview_load_balancing_zone_aware_routing>`.
message ZoneAwareLbConfig {
// Configures percentage of requests that will be considered for zone aware routing
// if zone aware routing is configured. If not specified, the default is 100%.
// * :ref:`runtime values <config_cluster_manager_cluster_runtime_zone_routing>`.
// * :ref:`Zone aware routing support <arch_overview_load_balancing_zone_aware_routing>`.
type.Percent routing_enabled = 1;
// Configures minimum upstream cluster size required for zone aware routing
// If upstream cluster size is less than specified, zone aware routing is not performed
// even if zone aware routing is configured. If not specified, the default is 6.
// * :ref:`runtime values <config_cluster_manager_cluster_runtime_zone_routing>`.
// * :ref:`Zone aware routing support <arch_overview_load_balancing_zone_aware_routing>`.
google.protobuf.UInt64Value min_cluster_size = 2;
// If set to true, Envoy will not consider any hosts when the cluster is in :ref:`panic
// mode<arch_overview_load_balancing_panic_threshold>`. Instead, the cluster will fail all
// requests as if all hosts are unhealthy. This can help avoid potentially overwhelming a
// failing service.
bool fail_traffic_on_panic = 3;
// Configuration for :ref:`locality weighted load balancing
// <arch_overview_load_balancing_locality_weighted_lb>`
message LocalityWeightedLbConfig {
// Configures the :ref:`healthy panic threshold <arch_overview_load_balancing_panic_threshold>`.
// If not specified, the default is 50%.
// To disable panic mode, set to 0%.
// .. note::
// The specified percent will be truncated to the nearest 1%.
type.Percent healthy_panic_threshold = 1;
oneof locality_config_specifier {
ZoneAwareLbConfig zone_aware_lb_config = 2;
LocalityWeightedLbConfig locality_weighted_lb_config = 3;
// If set, all health check/weight/metadata updates that happen within this duration will be
// merged and delivered in one shot when the duration expires. The start of the duration is when
// the first update happens. This is useful for big clusters, with potentially noisy deploys
// that might trigger excessive CPU usage due to a constant stream of healthcheck state changes
// or metadata updates. The first set of updates to be seen apply immediately (e.g.: a new
// cluster). Please always keep in mind that the use of sandbox technologies may change this
// behavior.
// If this is not set, we default to a merge window of 1000ms. To disable it, set the merge
// window to 0.
// Note: merging does not apply to cluster membership changes (e.g.: adds/removes); this is
// because merging those updates isn't currently safe. See
// https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy/pull/3941.
google.protobuf.Duration update_merge_window = 4;
// If set to true, Envoy will not consider new hosts when computing load balancing weights until
// they have been health checked for the first time. This will have no effect unless
// active health checking is also configured.
// Ignoring a host means that for any load balancing calculations that adjust weights based
// on the ratio of eligible hosts and total hosts (priority spillover, locality weighting and
// panic mode) Envoy will exclude these hosts in the denominator.
// For example, with hosts in two priorities P0 and P1, where P0 looks like
// {healthy, unhealthy (new), unhealthy (new)}
// and where P1 looks like
// {healthy, healthy}
// all traffic will still hit P0, as 1 / (3 - 2) = 1.
// Enabling this will allow scaling up the number of hosts for a given cluster without entering
// panic mode or triggering priority spillover, assuming the hosts pass the first health check.
// If panic mode is triggered, new hosts are still eligible for traffic; they simply do not
// contribute to the calculation when deciding whether panic mode is enabled or not.
bool ignore_new_hosts_until_first_hc = 5;
// If set to `true`, the cluster manager will drain all existing
// connections to upstream hosts whenever hosts are added or removed from the cluster.
bool close_connections_on_host_set_change = 6;
message RefreshRate {
// Specifies the base interval between refreshes. This parameter is required and must be greater
// than zero and less than
// :ref:`max_interval <envoy_api_field_Cluster.RefreshRate.max_interval>`.
google.protobuf.Duration base_interval = 1 [(validate.rules).duration = {
required: true
gt {nanos: 1000000}
// Specifies the maximum interval between refreshes. This parameter is optional, but must be
// greater than or equal to the
// :ref:`base_interval <envoy_api_field_Cluster.RefreshRate.base_interval>` if set. The default
// is 10 times the :ref:`base_interval <envoy_api_field_Cluster.RefreshRate.base_interval>`.
google.protobuf.Duration max_interval = 2 [(validate.rules).duration = {gt {nanos: 1000000}}];
reserved 12, 15;
// Configuration to use different transport sockets for different endpoints.
// The entry of *envoy.transport_socket* in the
// :ref:`LbEndpoint.Metadata <envoy_api_field_endpoint.LbEndpoint.metadata>`
// is used to match against the transport sockets as they appear in the list. The first
// :ref:`match <envoy_api_msg_Cluster.TransportSocketMatch>` is used.
// For example, with the following match
// .. code-block:: yaml
// transport_socket_matches:
// - name: "enableMTLS"
// match:
// acceptMTLS: true
// transport_socket:
// name: envoy.transport_sockets.tls
// config: { ... } # tls socket configuration
// - name: "defaultToPlaintext"
// match: {}
// transport_socket:
// name: envoy.transport_sockets.raw_buffer
// Connections to the endpoints whose metadata value under *envoy.transport_socket*
// having "acceptMTLS"/"true" key/value pair use the "enableMTLS" socket configuration.
// If a :ref:`socket match <envoy_api_msg_Cluster.TransportSocketMatch>` with empty match
// criteria is provided, that always match any endpoint. For example, the "defaultToPlaintext"
// socket match in case above.
// If an endpoint metadata's value under *envoy.transport_socket* does not match any
// *TransportSocketMatch*, socket configuration fallbacks to use the *tls_context* or
// *transport_socket* specified in this cluster.
// This field allows gradual and flexible transport socket configuration changes.
// The metadata of endpoints in EDS can indicate transport socket capabilities. For example,
// an endpoint's metadata can have two key value pairs as "acceptMTLS": "true",
// "acceptPlaintext": "true". While some other endpoints, only accepting plaintext traffic
// has "acceptPlaintext": "true" metadata information.
// Then the xDS server can configure the CDS to a client, Envoy A, to send mutual TLS
// traffic for endpoints with "acceptMTLS": "true", by adding a corresponding
// *TransportSocketMatch* in this field. Other client Envoys receive CDS without
// *transport_socket_match* set, and still send plain text traffic to the same cluster.
// [#comment:TODO(incfly): add a detailed architecture doc on intended usage.]
repeated TransportSocketMatch transport_socket_matches = 43;
// Supplies the name of the cluster which must be unique across all clusters.
// The cluster name is used when emitting
// :ref:`statistics <config_cluster_manager_cluster_stats>` if :ref:`alt_stat_name
// <envoy_api_field_Cluster.alt_stat_name>` is not provided.
// Any ``:`` in the cluster name will be converted to ``_`` when emitting statistics.
string name = 1 [(validate.rules).string = {min_bytes: 1}];
// An optional alternative to the cluster name to be used while emitting stats.
// Any ``:`` in the name will be converted to ``_`` when emitting statistics. This should not be
// confused with :ref:`Router Filter Header
// <config_http_filters_router_x-envoy-upstream-alt-stat-name>`.
string alt_stat_name = 28;
oneof cluster_discovery_type {
// The :ref:`service discovery type <arch_overview_service_discovery_types>`
// to use for resolving the cluster.
DiscoveryType type = 2 [(validate.rules).enum = {defined_only: true}];
// The custom cluster type.
CustomClusterType cluster_type = 38;
// Configuration to use for EDS updates for the Cluster.
EdsClusterConfig eds_cluster_config = 3;
// The timeout for new network connections to hosts in the cluster.
google.protobuf.Duration connect_timeout = 4 [(validate.rules).duration = {gt {}}];
// Soft limit on size of the cluster’s connections read and write buffers. If
// unspecified, an implementation defined default is applied (1MiB).
google.protobuf.UInt32Value per_connection_buffer_limit_bytes = 5;
// The :ref:`load balancer type <arch_overview_load_balancing_types>` to use
// when picking a host in the cluster.
LbPolicy lb_policy = 6 [(validate.rules).enum = {defined_only: true}];
// If the service discovery type is
// :ref:`STATIC<envoy_api_enum_value_Cluster.DiscoveryType.STATIC>`,
// :ref:`STRICT_DNS<envoy_api_enum_value_Cluster.DiscoveryType.STRICT_DNS>`
// or :ref:`LOGICAL_DNS<envoy_api_enum_value_Cluster.DiscoveryType.LOGICAL_DNS>`,
// then hosts is required.
// .. attention::
// **This field is deprecated**. Set the
// :ref:`load_assignment<envoy_api_field_Cluster.load_assignment>` field instead.
repeated core.Address hosts = 7 [deprecated = true];
// Setting this is required for specifying members of
// :ref:`STATIC<envoy_api_enum_value_Cluster.DiscoveryType.STATIC>`,
// :ref:`STRICT_DNS<envoy_api_enum_value_Cluster.DiscoveryType.STRICT_DNS>`
// or :ref:`LOGICAL_DNS<envoy_api_enum_value_Cluster.DiscoveryType.LOGICAL_DNS>` clusters.
// This field supersedes :ref:`hosts<envoy_api_field_Cluster.hosts>` field.
// [#comment:TODO(dio): Deprecate the hosts field and add it to :ref:`deprecated log<deprecated>`
// once load_assignment is implemented.]
// .. attention::
// Setting this allows non-EDS cluster types to contain embedded EDS equivalent
// :ref:`endpoint assignments<envoy_api_msg_ClusterLoadAssignment>`.
// Setting this overrides :ref:`hosts<envoy_api_field_Cluster.hosts>` values.
ClusterLoadAssignment load_assignment = 33;
// Optional :ref:`active health checking <arch_overview_health_checking>`
// configuration for the cluster. If no
// configuration is specified no health checking will be done and all cluster
// members will be considered healthy at all times.
repeated core.HealthCheck health_checks = 8;
// Optional maximum requests for a single upstream connection. This parameter
// is respected by both the HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 connection pool
// implementations. If not specified, there is no limit. Setting this
// parameter to 1 will effectively disable keep alive.
google.protobuf.UInt32Value max_requests_per_connection = 9;
// Optional :ref:`circuit breaking <arch_overview_circuit_break>` for the cluster.
cluster.CircuitBreakers circuit_breakers = 10;
// The TLS configuration for connections to the upstream cluster.
// .. attention::
// **This field is deprecated**. Use `transport_socket` with name `tls` instead. If both are
// set, `transport_socket` takes priority.
auth.UpstreamTlsContext tls_context = 11
[deprecated = true, (envoy.annotations.disallowed_by_default) = true];
// HTTP protocol options that are applied only to upstream HTTP connections.
// These options apply to all HTTP versions.
core.UpstreamHttpProtocolOptions upstream_http_protocol_options = 46;
// Additional options when handling HTTP requests upstream. These options will be applicable to
// both HTTP1 and HTTP2 requests.
core.HttpProtocolOptions common_http_protocol_options = 29;
// Additional options when handling HTTP1 requests.
core.Http1ProtocolOptions http_protocol_options = 13;
// Even if default HTTP2 protocol options are desired, this field must be
// set so that Envoy will assume that the upstream supports HTTP/2 when
// making new HTTP connection pool connections. Currently, Envoy only
// supports prior knowledge for upstream connections. Even if TLS is used
// with ALPN, `http2_protocol_options` must be specified. As an aside this allows HTTP/2
// connections to happen over plain text.
core.Http2ProtocolOptions http2_protocol_options = 14;
// The extension_protocol_options field is used to provide extension-specific protocol options
// for upstream connections. The key should match the extension filter name, such as
// "envoy.filters.network.thrift_proxy". See the extension's documentation for details on
// specific options.
map<string, google.protobuf.Struct> extension_protocol_options = 35
[deprecated = true, (envoy.annotations.disallowed_by_default) = true];
// The extension_protocol_options field is used to provide extension-specific protocol options
// for upstream connections. The key should match the extension filter name, such as
// "envoy.filters.network.thrift_proxy". See the extension's documentation for details on
// specific options.
map<string, google.protobuf.Any> typed_extension_protocol_options = 36;
// If the DNS refresh rate is specified and the cluster type is either
// :ref:`STRICT_DNS<envoy_api_enum_value_Cluster.DiscoveryType.STRICT_DNS>`,
// or :ref:`LOGICAL_DNS<envoy_api_enum_value_Cluster.DiscoveryType.LOGICAL_DNS>`,
// this value is used as the cluster’s DNS refresh
// rate. The value configured must be at least 1ms. If this setting is not specified, the
// value defaults to 5000ms. For cluster types other than
// :ref:`STRICT_DNS<envoy_api_enum_value_Cluster.DiscoveryType.STRICT_DNS>`
// and :ref:`LOGICAL_DNS<envoy_api_enum_value_Cluster.DiscoveryType.LOGICAL_DNS>`
// this setting is ignored.
google.protobuf.Duration dns_refresh_rate = 16
[(validate.rules).duration = {gt {nanos: 1000000}}];
// If the DNS failure refresh rate is specified and the cluster type is either
// :ref:`STRICT_DNS<envoy_api_enum_value_Cluster.DiscoveryType.STRICT_DNS>`,
// or :ref:`LOGICAL_DNS<envoy_api_enum_value_Cluster.DiscoveryType.LOGICAL_DNS>`,
// this is used as the cluster’s DNS refresh rate when requests are failing. If this setting is
// not specified, the failure refresh rate defaults to the DNS refresh rate. For cluster types
// other than :ref:`STRICT_DNS<envoy_api_enum_value_Cluster.DiscoveryType.STRICT_DNS>` and
// :ref:`LOGICAL_DNS<envoy_api_enum_value_Cluster.DiscoveryType.LOGICAL_DNS>` this setting is
// ignored.
// Note: Currently, DNS failures and empty DNS responses are not treated differently and this
// configuration is applied in both situations.
RefreshRate dns_failure_refresh_rate = 44;
// Optional configuration for setting cluster's DNS refresh rate. If the value is set to true,
// cluster's DNS refresh rate will be set to resource record's TTL which comes from DNS
// resolution.
bool respect_dns_ttl = 39;
// The DNS IP address resolution policy. If this setting is not specified, the
// value defaults to
// :ref:`AUTO<envoy_api_enum_value_Cluster.DnsLookupFamily.AUTO>`.
DnsLookupFamily dns_lookup_family = 17 [(validate.rules).enum = {defined_only: true}];
// If DNS resolvers are specified and the cluster type is either
// :ref:`STRICT_DNS<envoy_api_enum_value_Cluster.DiscoveryType.STRICT_DNS>`,
// or :ref:`LOGICAL_DNS<envoy_api_enum_value_Cluster.DiscoveryType.LOGICAL_DNS>`,
// this value is used to specify the cluster’s dns resolvers.
// If this setting is not specified, the value defaults to the default
// resolver, which uses /etc/resolv.conf for configuration. For cluster types
// other than
// :ref:`STRICT_DNS<envoy_api_enum_value_Cluster.DiscoveryType.STRICT_DNS>`
// and :ref:`LOGICAL_DNS<envoy_api_enum_value_Cluster.DiscoveryType.LOGICAL_DNS>`
// this setting is ignored.
repeated core.Address dns_resolvers = 18;
// [#next-major-version: Reconcile DNS options in a single message.]
// Always use TCP queries instead of UDP queries for DNS lookups.
bool use_tcp_for_dns_lookups = 45;
// If specified, outlier detection will be enabled for this upstream cluster.
// Each of the configuration values can be overridden via
// :ref:`runtime values <config_cluster_manager_cluster_runtime_outlier_detection>`.
cluster.OutlierDetection outlier_detection = 19;
// The interval for removing stale hosts from a cluster type
// :ref:`ORIGINAL_DST<envoy_api_enum_value_Cluster.DiscoveryType.ORIGINAL_DST>`.
// Hosts are considered stale if they have not been used
// as upstream destinations during this interval. New hosts are added
// to original destination clusters on demand as new connections are
// redirected to Envoy, causing the number of hosts in the cluster to
// grow over time. Hosts that are not stale (they are actively used as
// destinations) are kept in the cluster, which allows connections to
// them remain open, saving the latency that would otherwise be spent
// on opening new connections. If this setting is not specified, the
// value defaults to 5000ms. For cluster types other than
// :ref:`ORIGINAL_DST<envoy_api_enum_value_Cluster.DiscoveryType.ORIGINAL_DST>`
// this setting is ignored.
google.protobuf.Duration cleanup_interval = 20 [(validate.rules).duration = {gt {}}];
// Optional configuration used to bind newly established upstream connections.
// This overrides any bind_config specified in the bootstrap proto.
// If the address and port are empty, no bind will be performed.
core.BindConfig upstream_bind_config = 21;
// Configuration for load balancing subsetting.
LbSubsetConfig lb_subset_config = 22;
// Optional configuration for the load balancing algorithm selected by
// LbPolicy. Currently only
// :ref:`RING_HASH<envoy_api_enum_value_Cluster.LbPolicy.RING_HASH>` and
// :ref:`LEAST_REQUEST<envoy_api_enum_value_Cluster.LbPolicy.LEAST_REQUEST>`
// has additional configuration options.
// Specifying ring_hash_lb_config or least_request_lb_config without setting the corresponding
// LbPolicy will generate an error at runtime.
oneof lb_config {
// Optional configuration for the Ring Hash load balancing policy.
RingHashLbConfig ring_hash_lb_config = 23;
// Optional configuration for the Original Destination load balancing policy.
OriginalDstLbConfig original_dst_lb_config = 34;
// Optional configuration for the LeastRequest load balancing policy.
LeastRequestLbConfig least_request_lb_config = 37;
// Common configuration for all load balancer implementations.
CommonLbConfig common_lb_config = 27;
// Optional custom transport socket implementation to use for upstream connections.
// To setup TLS, set a transport socket with name `tls` and
// :ref:`UpstreamTlsContexts <envoy_api_msg_auth.UpstreamTlsContext>` in the `typed_config`.
// If no transport socket configuration is specified, new connections
// will be set up with plaintext.
core.TransportSocket transport_socket = 24;
// The Metadata field can be used to provide additional information about the
// cluster. It can be used for stats, logging, and varying filter behavior.
// Fields should use reverse DNS notation to denote which entity within Envoy
// will need the information. For instance, if the metadata is intended for
// the Router filter, the filter name should be specified as *envoy.router*.
core.Metadata metadata = 25;
// Determines how Envoy selects the protocol used to speak to upstream hosts.
ClusterProtocolSelection protocol_selection = 26;
// Optional options for upstream connections.
UpstreamConnectionOptions upstream_connection_options = 30;
// If an upstream host becomes unhealthy (as determined by the configured health checks
// or outlier detection), immediately close all connections to the failed host.
// .. note::
// This is currently only supported for connections created by tcp_proxy.
// .. note::
// The current implementation of this feature closes all connections immediately when
// the unhealthy status is detected. If there are a large number of connections open
// to an upstream host that becomes unhealthy, Envoy may spend a substantial amount of
// time exclusively closing these connections, and not processing any other traffic.
bool close_connections_on_host_health_failure = 31;
// If set to true, Envoy will ignore the health value of a host when processing its removal
// from service discovery. This means that if active health checking is used, Envoy will *not*
// wait for the endpoint to go unhealthy before removing it.
bool drain_connections_on_host_removal = 32
[(udpa.annotations.field_migrate).rename = "ignore_health_on_host_removal"];
// An (optional) network filter chain, listed in the order the filters should be applied.
// The chain will be applied to all outgoing connections that Envoy makes to the upstream
// servers of this cluster.
repeated cluster.Filter filters = 40;
// [#not-implemented-hide:] New mechanism for LB policy configuration. Used only if the
// :ref:`lb_policy<envoy_api_field_Cluster.lb_policy>` field has the value
// :ref:`LOAD_BALANCING_POLICY_CONFIG<envoy_api_enum_value_Cluster.LbPolicy.LOAD_BALANCING_POLICY_CONFIG>`.
LoadBalancingPolicy load_balancing_policy = 41;
// [#not-implemented-hide:]
// If present, tells the client where to send load reports via LRS. If not present, the
// client will fall back to a client-side default, which may be either (a) don't send any
// load reports or (b) send load reports for all clusters to a single default server
// (which may be configured in the bootstrap file).
// Note that if multiple clusters point to the same LRS server, the client may choose to
// create a separate stream for each cluster or it may choose to coalesce the data for
// multiple clusters onto a single stream. Either way, the client must make sure to send
// the data for any given cluster on no more than one stream.
// [#next-major-version: In the v3 API, we should consider restructuring this somehow,
// maybe by allowing LRS to go on the ADS stream, or maybe by moving some of the negotiation
// from the LRS stream here.]
core.ConfigSource lrs_server = 42;
// If track_timeout_budgets is true, the :ref:`timeout budget histograms
// <config_cluster_manager_cluster_stats_timeout_budgets>` will be published for each
// request. These show what percentage of a request's per try and global timeout was used. A value
// of 0 would indicate that none of the timeout was used or that the timeout was infinite. A value
// of 100 would indicate that the request took the entirety of the timeout given to it.
bool track_timeout_budgets = 47;
// [#not-implemented-hide:] Extensible load balancing policy configuration.
// Every LB policy defined via this mechanism will be identified via a unique name using reverse
// DNS notation. If the policy needs configuration parameters, it must define a message for its
// own configuration, which will be stored in the config field. The name of the policy will tell
// clients which type of message they should expect to see in the config field.
// Note that there are cases where it is useful to be able to independently select LB policies
// for choosing a locality and for choosing an endpoint within that locality. For example, a
// given deployment may always use the same policy to choose the locality, but for choosing the
// endpoint within the locality, some clusters may use weighted-round-robin, while others may
// use some sort of session-based balancing.
// This can be accomplished via hierarchical LB policies, where the parent LB policy creates a
// child LB policy for each locality. For each request, the parent chooses the locality and then
// delegates to the child policy for that locality to choose the endpoint within the locality.
// To facilitate this, the config message for the top-level LB policy may include a field of
// type LoadBalancingPolicy that specifies the child policy.
message LoadBalancingPolicy {
message Policy {
// Required. The name of the LB policy.
string name = 1;
// Optional config for the LB policy.
// No more than one of these two fields may be populated.
google.protobuf.Struct config = 2 [deprecated = true];
google.protobuf.Any typed_config = 3;
// Each client will iterate over the list in order and stop at the first policy that it
// supports. This provides a mechanism for starting to use new LB policies that are not yet
// supported by all clients.
repeated Policy policies = 1;
// An extensible structure containing the address Envoy should bind to when
// establishing upstream connections.
message UpstreamBindConfig {
// The address Envoy should bind to when establishing upstream connections.
core.Address source_address = 1;
message UpstreamConnectionOptions {
// If set then set SO_KEEPALIVE on the socket to enable TCP Keepalives.
core.TcpKeepalive tcp_keepalive = 1;