Capstone disassembly/disassembler framework: Core (Arm, Arm64, BPF, EVM, M68K, M680X, MOS65xx, Mips, PPC, RISCV, Sparc, SystemZ, TMS320C64x, Web Assembly, X86, X86_64, XCore) + bindings. (bloaty 依赖)
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(* Capstone Disassembler Engine
* By Nguyen Anh Quynh <>, 2013> *)
open Printf
open Capstone
open Arm64
let print_string_hex comment str =
printf "%s" comment;
for i = 0 to (Array.length str - 1) do
printf "0x%02x " str.(i)
printf "\n"
let _ARM64_CODE = "\x21\x7c\x02\x9b\x21\x7c\x00\x53\x00\x40\x21\x4b\xe1\x0b\x40\xb9\x20\x04\x81\xda\x20\x08\x02\x8b";;
let all_tests = [
let print_op i op =
( match op.value with
| ARM64_OP_INVALID _ -> (); (* this would never happens *)
| ARM64_OP_REG reg -> printf "\t\top[%d]: REG = %s\n" i (cs_reg_name CS_ARCH_ARM64 reg);
| ARM64_OP_CIMM imm -> printf "\t\top[%d]: C-IMM = %u\n" i imm;
| ARM64_OP_IMM imm -> printf "\t\top[%d]: IMM = 0x%x\n" i imm;
| ARM64_OP_FP fp -> printf "\t\top[%d]: FP = %f\n" i fp;
| ARM64_OP_MEM mem -> ( printf "\t\top[%d]: MEM\n" i;
if mem.base != 0 then
printf "\t\t\toperands[%u].mem.base: REG = %s\n" i (cs_reg_name CS_ARCH_ARM64 mem.base);
if mem.index != 0 then
printf "\t\t\toperands[%u].mem.index: REG = %s\n" i (cs_reg_name CS_ARCH_ARM64 mem.index);
if mem.displ != 0 then
printf "\t\t\toperands[%u].mem.disp: 0x%x\n" i mem.displ;
if op.shift.shift_type != _ARM64_SFT_INVALID && op.shift.shift_value > 0 then
printf "\t\t\tShift: type = %u, value = %u\n"
op.shift.shift_type op.shift.shift_value;
if op.ext != _ARM64_EXT_INVALID then
printf "\t\t\tExt: %u\n" op.ext;
let print_detail arch =
match arch with
| CS_INFO_ARM _ -> ();
| CS_INFO_MIPS _ -> ();
| CS_INFO_X86 _ -> ();
| CS_INFO_ARM64 arm64 ->
if != _ARM64_CC_AL && != _ARM64_CC_INVALID then
printf "\tCode condition: %u\n";
if arm64.update_flags then
printf "\tUpdate-flags: True\n";
if arm64.writeback then
printf "\tWriteback: True\n";
(* print all operands info (type & value) *)
if (Array.length arm64.operands) > 0 then (
printf "\top_count: %d\n" (Array.length arm64.operands);
Array.iteri print_op arm64.operands;
printf "\n";;
let print_insn insn =
printf "0x%x\t%s\t%s\n" insn.address insn.mnemonic insn.op_str;
print_detail insn.arch;;
let print_arch x =
let (arch, mode, code, comment) = x in
let insns = cs_disasm_quick arch mode code 0x1000L 0L in
printf "*************\n";
printf "Platform: %s\n" comment;
List.iter print_insn insns;;
List.iter print_arch all_tests;;
(* all below code use OO class of Capstone *)
let print_insn_cls insn =
printf "0x%x\t%s\t%s\n" insn#address insn#mnemonic insn#op_str;
print_detail insn#arch;;
let print_arch_cls x =
let (arch, mode, code, comment) = x in (
let d = new cs arch mode in
let insns = d#disasm code 0x1000L 0L in
printf "*************\n";
printf "Platform: %s\n" comment;
List.iter print_insn_cls insns;
List.iter print_arch_cls all_tests;;