Capstone disassembly/disassembler framework: Core (Arm, Arm64, BPF, EVM, M68K, M680X, MOS65xx, Mips, PPC, RISCV, Sparc, SystemZ, TMS320C64x, Web Assembly, X86, X86_64, XCore) + bindings. (bloaty 依赖)
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(* Capstone Disassembler Engine
* By Nguyen Anh Quynh <>, 2013> *)
open Arm
open Arm64
open Mips
open X86
open Printf (* debug *)
type arch =
type mode =
| CS_MODE_LITTLE_ENDIAN (* little-endian mode (default mode) *)
| CS_MODE_SYNTAX_INTEL (* Intel X86 asm syntax (default for CS_ARCH_X86) *)
| CS_MODE_ARM (* ARM mode *)
| CS_MODE_16 (* 16-bit mode (for X86, Mips) *)
| CS_MODE_32 (* 32-bit mode (for X86, Mips) *)
| CS_MODE_64 (* 64-bit mode (for X86, Mips) *)
| CS_MODE_THUMB (* ARM's Thumb mode, including Thumb-2 *)
| CS_MODE_MICRO (* MicroMips mode (MIPS architecture) *)
| CS_MODE_N64 (* Nintendo-64 mode (MIPS architecture) *)
| CS_MODE_SYNTAX_ATT (* X86 ATT asm syntax (for CS_ARCH_X86 only) *)
| CS_MODE_BIG_ENDIAN (* big-endian mode *)
type cs_arch =
| CS_INFO_ARM of cs_arm
| CS_INFO_ARM64 of cs_arm64
| CS_INFO_MIPS of cs_mips
| CS_INFO_X86 of cs_x86
type cs_insn0 = {
id: int;
address: int;
size: int;
mnemonic: string;
op_str: string;
regs_read: int array;
regs_write: int array;
groups: int array;
arch: cs_arch;
external cs_open: arch -> mode list -> Int64.t option = "ocaml_cs_open"
external cs_disasm_quick: arch -> mode list -> string -> Int64.t -> Int64.t -> cs_insn0 list = "ocaml_cs_disasm_quick"
external cs_disasm_dyn: arch -> Int64.t -> string -> Int64.t -> Int64.t -> cs_insn0 list = "ocaml_cs_disasm_dyn"
external cs_reg_name: arch -> int -> string = "cs_register_name"
external cs_insn_name: Int64.t -> int -> string = "cs_instruction_name"
class cs_insn c a =
let csh = c in
let (id, address, size, mnemonic, op_str, regs_read, regs_write, groups, arch) =
(, a.address, a.size, a.mnemonic, a.op_str, a.regs_read, a.regs_write,
a.groups, a.arch) in
method id = id;
method address = address;
method size = size;
method mnemonic = mnemonic;
method op_str = op_str;
method regs_read = regs_read;
method regs_write = regs_write;
method groups = groups;
method arch = arch;
method insn_name = cs_insn_name csh id;
let cs_insn_group handle insn group_id =
List.exists (fun g -> g == group_id) (Array.to_list insn.groups);;
let cs_reg_read handle insn reg_id =
List.exists (fun g -> g == reg_id) (Array.to_list insn.regs_read);;
let cs_reg_write handle insn reg_id =
List.exists (fun g -> g == reg_id) (Array.to_list insn.regs_write);;
class cs a m =
let mode = m and arch = a in
let csh = cs_open arch mode in
method disasm code offset count =
match csh with
| None -> [];
| Some v ->
let insns = (cs_disasm_dyn arch v code offset count) in (fun x -> new cs_insn v x) insns;