Capstone disassembly/disassembler framework: Core (Arm, Arm64, BPF, EVM, M68K, M680X, MOS65xx, Mips, PPC, RISCV, Sparc, SystemZ, TMS320C64x, Web Assembly, X86, X86_64, XCore) + bindings. (bloaty 依赖)
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This documentation explains how to compile Capstone on Windows using
Microsoft Visual Studio version 2010 or newer.
Capstone requires no prerequisite packages, so it is easy to compile & install.
Open the Visual Studio solution "msvc/capstone.sln" and follow the instructions
NOTE: This requires Visual Studio 2010 or newer versions.
(0) Tailor Capstone to your need.
Out of 8 archtitectures supported by Capstone (Arm, Arm64, Mips, PPC, Sparc,
SystemZ, X86 & XCore), if you just need several selected archs, choose the ones
you want to compile in by opening Visual Studio solution "msvc\capstone.sln",
then directly editing the projects "capstone_static" & "capstone_dll" for static
and dynamic libraries, respectively. This must be done before going to the
next steps.
In VisualStudio interface, modify the preprocessor definitions via
"Project Properties" -> "Configuration Propertis" -> "C/C++" -> "Preprocessor"
to customize Capstone library, as followings.
- CAPSTONE_HAS_ARM: support ARM. Delete this to remove ARM support.
- CAPSTONE_HAS_ARM64: support ARM64. Delete this to remove ARM64 support.
- CAPSTONE_HAS_MIPS: support Mips. Delete this to remove Mips support.
- CAPSTONE_HAS_PPC: support PPC. Delete this to remove PPC support.
- CAPSTONE_HAS_SPARC: support Sparc. Delete this to remove Sparc support.
- CAPSTONE_HAS_SYSZ: support SystemZ. Delete this to remove SystemZ support.
- CAPSTONE_HAS_X86: support X86. Delete this to remove X86 support.
- CAPSTONE_HAS_XCORE: support XCore. Delete this to remove XCore support.
By default, all 8 architectures are compiled in.
Besides, Capstone also allows some more customization via following macros.
- CAPSTONE_USE_SYS_DYN_MEM: delete this to use your own dynamic memory management.
- CAPSTONE_DIET_NO: rename this to "CAPSTONE_DIET" to make the binaries more compact.
- CAPSTONE_X86_REDUCE_NO: rename this to "CAPSTONE_X86_REDUCE" to make X86 binary smaller.
By default, Capstone use system dynamic memory management, and both DIET and X86_REDUCE
modes are disable.
For each option, refer to docs/README for more details.
(1) Compile from source on Windows with Visual Studio
- Choose the configuration and the platform you want: Release/Debug & Win32/Win64.
- Build only the libraries, or the libraries along with all the tests.
(2) You can make sure the prior steps successfully worked by launching one of the
testing binary (test*.exe).