This file details the changelog of Capstone. --------------------------------- Version 2.1.2: April 3rd, 2014 This is a stable release to fix some bugs deep in the core. There is no update to any architectures or bindings, so bindings version 2.1 can be used with this version 2.1.2 just fine. [ Core changes] - Support cross-compilation for all iDevices (iPhone/iPad/iPod). - X86: do not print memory offset in negative form. - Fix a bug in X86 when Capstone cannot handle short instruction. - Print negative number above -9 without prefix 0x (arm64, mips, arm). - Correct the SONAME setup for library versioning (Linux, *BSD, Solaris). - Set library versioning for dylib of OSX. --------------------------------- Version 2.1.1: March 13th, 2014 This is a stable release to fix some bugs deep in the core. There is no update to any architectures or bindings, so bindings version 2.1 can be used with this version 2.1.1 just fine. [ Core changes] - Fix a buffer overflow bug in Thumb mode (ARM). Some special input can trigger this flaw. - Fix a crash issue when embedding Capstone into OSX kernel. This should also enable Capstone to be embedded into other systems with limited stack memory size such as Linux kernel or some firmwares. - Use a proper SONAME for library versioning (Linux). --------------------------------- Version 2.1: March 5th, 2014 [ API changes ] - API version has been bumped to 2.1. - Change prototype of cs_close() to be able to invalidate closed handle. See for more information. - Extend cs_support() to handle more query types, not only about supported architectures. This change is backward compatible, however, so existent code do not need to be modified to support this. - New query type CS_SUPPORT_DIET for cs_support() to ask about diet status of the engine. - New error code CS_ERR_DIET to report errors about newly added diet mode. - New error code CS_ERR_VERSION to report issue of incompatible versions between bindings & core engine. [ Core changes ] - On memory usage, Capstone uses about 40% less memory, while still faster than version 2.0. - All architectures are much smaller: binaries size reduce at least 30%. Especially, X86-only binary reduces from 1.9MB to just 720KB. - Support "diet" mode, in which engine size is further reduced (by around 40%) for embedding purpose. The price to pay is that we have to sacrifice some non-critical data fields. See for more details. [ Architectures ] - Update all 5 architectures to fix bugs. - PowerPC: - New instructions: FMR & MSYNC. - Mips: - New instruction: DLSA - X86: - Properly handle AVX-512 instructions. - New instructions: PSETPM, SALC, INT1, GETSEC. - Fix some memory leaking issues in case of prefixed instructions such as LOCK, REP, REPNE. [ Python binding ] - Verify the core version at initialization time. Refuse to run if its version is different from the core's version. - New API disasm_lite() added to Cs class. This light API only returns tuples of (address, size, mnemonic, op_str), rather than list of CsInsn objects. This improves performance by around 30% in some benchmarks. - New API version_bind() returns binding's version, which might differ from the core's API version if the binding is out-of-date. - New API debug() returns information on Cython support, diet status & archs compiled in. - Fixed some memory leaking bugs for Cython binding. - Fix a bug crashing Cython code when accessing @regs_read/regs_write/groups. - Support diet mode. [ Java binding ] - Fix some memory leaking bugs. - New API version() returns combined version. - Support diet mode. - Better support for detail option. [ Miscellaneous ] - now can uninstall the core engine. This is done with: $ sudo ./ uninstall ---------------------------------- Version 2.0: January 22nd, 2014 Release 2.0 deprecates verison 1.0 and brings a lot of crucial changes. [ API changes ] - API version has been bumped to 2.0 (see cs_version() API) - New API cs_strerror(errno) returns a string describing error code given in its only argument. - cs_version() now returns combined version encoding both major & minor versions. - New option CS_OPT_MODE allows to change engine’s mode at run-time with cs_option(). - New option CS_OPT_MEM allows to specify user-defined functions for dynamically memory management used internally by Capstone. This is useful to embed Capstone into special environments such as kernel or firware. - New API cs_support() can be used to check if this lib supports a particular architecture (this is necessary since we now allow to choose which architectures to compile in). - The detail option is OFF by default now. To get detail information, it should be explicitly turned ON. The details then can be accessed using cs_insn.detail pointer (to newly added structure cs_detail) [ Core changes ] - On memory usage, Capstone uses much less memory, but a lot faster now. - User now can choose which architectures to be supported by modifying before compiling/installing. [ Architectures ] - Arm - Support Big-Endian mode (besides Little-Endian mode). - Support friendly register, so instead of output sub "r12,r11,0x14", we have "sub ip,fp,0x14". - Arm64: support Big-Endian mode (besides Little-Endian mode). - PowerPC: newly added. - Mips: support friendly register, so instead of output "srl $2,$1,0x1f", we have "srl $v0,$at,0x1f". - X86: bug fixes. [ Python binding ] - Python binding is vastly improved in performance: around 3 ~ 4 times faster than in 1.0. - Cython support has been added, which can further speed up over the default pure Python binding (up to 30% in some cases) - Function cs_disasm_quick() & Cs.disasm() now use generator (rather than a list) to return succesfully disassembled instructions. This improves the performance and reduces memory usage. [ Java binding ] - Better performance & bug fixes. [ Miscellaneous ] - Fixed some installation issues with Gentoo Linux. - Capstone now can easily compile/install on all *nix, including Linux, OSX, {Net, Free, Open}BSD & Solaris. ---------------------------------- [Version 1.0]: December 18th, 2013 - Initial public release.