/* Capstone Disassembly Engine bindings for VB6 Contributed by FireEye FLARE Team Author: David Zimmer , License: Apache Copyright: FireEye 2017 This dll is a small stdcall shim so VB6 can access the capstone API */ #include #include #include #include #pragma comment(lib, "capstone.lib") #define EXPORT comment(linker, "/EXPORT:"__FUNCTION__"="__FUNCDNAME__) unsigned int __stdcall bs_version(int *major, int *minor){ #pragma EXPORT return cs_version(major,minor); } bool __stdcall bs_support(int query){ #pragma EXPORT return cs_support(query); } cs_err __stdcall bs_open(cs_arch arch, cs_mode mode, csh *handle){ #pragma EXPORT return cs_open(arch, mode, handle); } cs_err __stdcall bs_close(csh *handle){ #pragma EXPORT return cs_close(handle); } cs_err __stdcall bs_option(csh handle, cs_opt_type type, size_t value){ #pragma EXPORT return cs_option(handle, type, value); } cs_err __stdcall bs_errno(csh handle){ #pragma EXPORT return cs_errno(handle); } const char* __stdcall bs_strerror(cs_err code){ #pragma EXPORT return cs_strerror(code); } size_t __stdcall bs_disasm(csh handle, const uint8_t *code, size_t code_size, uint64_t address, size_t count, cs_insn **insn){ #pragma EXPORT return cs_disasm(handle, code, code_size, address, count, insn); } void __stdcall getInstruction(cs_insn *insn, uint32_t index, void* curInst, uint32_t bufSize){ #pragma EXPORT memcpy(curInst, (void*)&insn[index], bufSize); //size lets us get a partial version of whatever we have implemented in the vbstruct... } const char* __stdcall bs_reg_name(csh handle, unsigned int reg_id){ #pragma EXPORT return cs_reg_name(handle, reg_id); } void __stdcall bs_free(cs_insn *insn, size_t count){ #pragma EXPORT return cs_free(insn, count); } cs_insn* __stdcall bs_malloc(csh handle){ #pragma EXPORT return cs_malloc(handle); } int __stdcall bs_op_index(csh handle, const cs_insn *insn, unsigned int op_type, unsigned int position){ #pragma EXPORT return cs_op_index(handle,insn,op_type,position); } int __stdcall bs_op_count(csh handle, const cs_insn *insn, unsigned int op_type){ #pragma EXPORT return cs_op_count(handle,insn,op_type); } bool __stdcall bs_reg_write(csh handle, const cs_insn *insn, unsigned int reg_id){ #pragma EXPORT return cs_reg_write(handle,insn,reg_id); } bool __stdcall bs_reg_read(csh handle, const cs_insn *insn, unsigned int reg_id){ #pragma EXPORT return cs_reg_read(handle,insn,reg_id); } bool __stdcall bs_insn_group(csh handle, const cs_insn *insn, unsigned int group_id){ #pragma EXPORT return cs_insn_group(handle,insn,group_id); } const char* __stdcall bcs_group_name(csh handle, unsigned int group_id){ #pragma EXPORT return cs_group_name(handle,group_id); } const char* __stdcall bs_insn_name(csh handle, unsigned int insn_id){ #pragma EXPORT return cs_insn_name(handle,insn_id); } bool __stdcall bs_disasm_iter(csh handle, const uint8_t **code, size_t *size, uint64_t *address, cs_insn *insn){ #pragma EXPORT return cs_disasm_iter(handle, code, size, address, insn); }