Improve cython by using CCsInsn when possible

danghvu 11 years ago
parent f48a879e31
commit cfd41dd6f5
  1. 1
  2. 8
  3. 65
  4. 167
  5. 1

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ install:
# NOTE: Newer cython can be installed by: sudo pip install --upgrade cython
# Copy code from capstone/ to pyx/
cp capstone/ccapstone.* pyx/
cp capstone/ pyx/
cp capstone/ pyx/capstone.pyx
cp capstone/ pyx/arm.pyx

@ -395,6 +395,14 @@ class Cs(object):
self.csh = None
raise CsError(status)
from ccapstone import CCs
# rewire disasm to use the faster version
self.ccs = CCs(self)
self.disasm = self.ccs.disasm
self.ccs = None
if arch == CS_ARCH_X86:
# Intel syntax is default for X86
self._syntax = CS_OPT_SYNTAX_INTEL

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
from libcpp cimport bool
from libc.stdint cimport uint8_t, uint64_t, uint16_t
cdef extern from "<capstone/capstone.h>":
ctypedef size_t csh
ctypedef enum cs_mode:
ctypedef enum cs_arch:
ctypedef struct cs_detail:
ctypedef struct cs_insn:
unsigned int id
uint64_t address
uint16_t size
uint8_t bytes[16]
char mnemonic[32]
char op_str[96]
cs_detail *detail
ctypedef enum cs_err:
ctypedef enum cs_opt_type:
unsigned int cs_version(int *major, int *minor)
bool cs_support(int arch)
cs_err cs_open(cs_arch arch, cs_mode mode, csh *handle)
cs_err cs_close(csh handle)
cs_err cs_errno(csh handle)
size_t cs_disasm_ex(csh handle,
const uint8_t *code, size_t code_size,
uint64_t address,
size_t count,
cs_insn **insn)
cs_err cs_option(csh handle, cs_opt_type type, size_t value)
void cs_free(cs_insn *insn, size_t count)
const char *cs_reg_name(csh handle, unsigned int reg_id)
const char *cs_insn_name(csh handle, unsigned int insn_id)
bool cs_insn_group(csh handle, cs_insn *insn, unsigned int group_id)
bool cs_reg_read(csh handle, cs_insn *insn, unsigned int reg_id)
bool cs_reg_write(csh handle, cs_insn *insn, unsigned int reg_id)
int cs_op_count(csh handle, cs_insn *insn, unsigned int op_type)
int cs_op_index(csh handle, cs_insn *insn, unsigned int op_type,
unsigned int position)

@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
cimport ccapstone as cc
import ctypes
from capstone import *
import capstone
from capstone import arm, x86, mips, ppc, arm64
class CsDetail:
def __init__(self, arch, raw_detail = None):
if not raw_detail:
detail = ctypes.cast(raw_detail, ctypes.POINTER(capstone._cs_detail)).contents
self.regs_read = detail.regs_read
self.regs_write = detail.regs_write
self.groups = detail.groups
if arch == capstone.CS_ARCH_ARM:
(, self.update_flags, self.writeback, self.operands) = \
elif arch == capstone.CS_ARCH_ARM64:
(, self.update_flags, self.writeback, self.operands) = \
elif arch == capstone.CS_ARCH_X86:
(self.prefix, self.segment, self.opcode, self.op_size, self.addr_size, \
self.disp_size, self.imm_size, self.modrm, self.sib, self.disp, \
self.sib_index, self.sib_scale, self.sib_base, self.operands) = x86.get_arch_info(detail.arch.x86)
elif arch == capstone.CS_ARCH_MIPS:
self.operands = mips.get_arch_info(detail.arch.mips)
elif arch == capstone.CS_ARCH_PPC:
(self.bc,, self.update_cr0, self.operands) = \
cdef class CCsInsn(object):
cdef cc.cs_insn _raw
cdef cc.csh _csh
cdef object _detail
def __cinit__(self, _detail):
self._detail = _detail
def __getattr__(self, name):
_detail = self._detail
return getattr(_detail, name)
def operands(self):
return self._detail.operands
def id(self):
def address(self):
return self._raw.address
def size(self):
return self._raw.size
def bytes(self):
return bytearray(self._raw.bytes)[:self._raw.size]
def mnemonic(self):
return self._raw.mnemonic
def op_str(self):
return self._raw.op_str
def regs_read(self):
if self._detail:
detail = self._detail
return detail.regs_read[:detail.regs_read_count]
raise CsError(CS_ERR_DETAIL)
def regs_write(self):
if self._detail:
detail = self._detail
return detail.regs_write[:detail.regs_write_count]
raise CsError(CS_ERR_DETAIL)
def groups(self):
if self._detail:
detail = self._detail
return detail.groups[:detail.groups_count]
raise CsError(CS_ERR_DETAIL)
# get the last error code
def errno(self):
return cc.cs_errno(self._csh)
# get the register name, given the register ID
def reg_name(self, reg_id):
return cc.cs_reg_name(self._csh, reg_id)
# get the instruction string
def insn_name(self):
return cc.cs_insn_name(self._csh,
# verify if this insn belong to group with id as @group_id
def group(self, group_id):
return group_id in self._detail.groups
# verify if this instruction implicitly read register @reg_id
def reg_read(self, reg_id):
return reg_id in self._detail.regs_read
# verify if this instruction implicitly modified register @reg_id
def reg_write(self, reg_id):
return reg_id in self._detail.regs_write
# return number of operands having same operand type @op_type
def op_count(self, op_type):
c = 0
for op in self._detail.operands:
if op.type == op_type:
c += 1
return c
# get the operand at position @position of all operands having the same type @op_type
def op_find(self, op_type, position):
c = 0
for op in self._detail.operands:
if op.type == op_type:
c += 1
if c == position:
return op
cdef class CCs:
cdef cc.csh csh
cdef object _cs
def __cinit__(self, _cs):
self.csh = <cc.csh> _cs.csh.value
self._cs = _cs
def getcsh(self):
return ctypes.c_size_t(<size_t>self.csh)
def disasm(self, code, addr, count=0):
cdef cc.cs_insn *allinsn
cdef res = cc.cs_disasm_ex(self.csh, code, len(code), addr, count, &allinsn)
detail = self._cs.detail
arch = self._cs.arch
for i from 0 <= i < res:
if detail:
dummy = CCsInsn(CsDetail(arch, <size_t>allinsn[i].detail))
dummy = CCsInsn(None)
dummy._raw = allinsn[i]
dummy._csh = self.csh
yield dummy

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ VERSION = '2.0'
compile_args = ['-O3', '-fomit-frame-pointer']
ext_modules = [ Extension("capstone.capstone", ["pyx/capstone.pyx"], extra_compile_args=compile_args),
Extension("capstone.ccapstone", ["pyx/ccapstone.pyx"], libraries=["capstone"], extra_compile_args=compile_args),
Extension("capstone.arm", ["pyx/arm.pyx"], extra_compile_args=compile_args),
Extension("capstone.arm_const", ["pyx/arm_const.pyx"], extra_compile_args=compile_args),
Extension("capstone.arm64", ["pyx/arm64.pyx"], extra_compile_args=compile_args),
