Merge branch 'next' of into next
28 changed files with 4069 additions and 565 deletions
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ |
Xcode Project for Capstone |
================================================================================ |
The *Capstone.xcodeproj* project is an Xcode project that mimicks the Visual |
Studio solution for Capstone. It embeds nicely into Xcode workspaces. It has 13 |
targets, two of which are the most likely to be of interest: |
* CapstoneStatic, producing `libcapstone.a`, Capstone as a static library; |
* CapstoneDynamic, producing `libcapstone.dylib`, Capstone as a shared library; |
* test, test_arm, test_arm64, test_detail, test_mips, test_ppc, test_skipdata, |
test_sparc, test_systemz, test_xcore, testing all the things. |
The project is configured to include all targets and use the system |
implementations of `malloc`, `calloc`, `realloc`, `free` and `vsnprintf`. This |
can be modified by editing the *Preprocessor Macros* build setting of either |
CapstoneStatic or CapstoneDynamic, whichever you plan to use. These settings are |
all at the target level: no specific overrides were used at the project level. |
### A Word of Warning: Static vs. Shared Library |
There is a bug in how Xcode handles static libraries and dynamic libraries of |
the same name. Currently, if you integrate the Capstone project in a workspace |
and both the static *and* the dynamic libraries are built, if you try to link |
against either, you will *always* link against the dynamic one. To work around |
this issue, you can avoid building the dynamic library if you don't plan to use |
it, or you could change the *Product Name* build setting of either. |
Reference in new issue