c-ares release procedure - how to do a release ============================================== in the source code repo ----------------------- - edit `RELEASE-NOTES` to be accurate - edit `configure.ac`'s `CARES_VERSION_INFO`, and `CMakeLists.txt`'s `CARES_LIB_VERSIONINFO` set to the same value to denote the current shared object versioning. - make sure all relevant changes are committed on the master branch - tag the git repo in this style: `git tag -a cares-1_14_0` -a annotates the tag and we use underscores instead of dots in the version number. - run "./maketgz 1.14.0" to build the release tarball. It is important that you run this on a machine with the correct set of autotools etc installed as this is what then will be shipped and used by most users on *nix like systems. - push the git commits and the new tag - gpg sign the tarball - upload the resulting files to https://c-ares.haxx.se/download/ - update `ares_version.h` for the next version in the c-ares-www repo ---------------------- - edit `index.t` (version number and date), - edit `changelog.t` (add the new release in there) - commit all local changes - tag the repo with the same tag as used for the source repo - push the git commits and the new tag inform ------ - send an email to the c-ares mailing list. Insert the RELEASE-NOTES into the mail. celebrate --------- - suitable beverage intake is encouraged for the festivities