# Copyright (C) The c-ares project and its contributors # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT image: Previous Visual Studio 2022 # Github/Bitbucket only: get source code for one particular commit as zip archive, instead of git clone'ing. shallow_clone: true # Github/Bitbucket only: per-file commit filtering skip_commits: files: - .gitignore - '**/*.md' - .travis.yml - .cirrus.yml - '.github/**' # List of build configurations to test. configuration: - DEBUG # Note: You can set extra cmake args for a particular matrix entry with CMAKE_EXTRA_OPTIONS. For example: # CMAKE_EXTRA_OPTIONS: -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=C:/OpenSSL-Win32 environment: matrix: # MSVC 2022, 32-bit x86 (cmake) - COMPILER: MSVC CONFTOOL: CMAKE SYSTEM: CONSOLE SKIP_TESTS: no MSVC_SETUP_ARG: x86 MSVC_SETUP_PATH: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars32.bat CMAKE_EXTRA_OPTIONS: -GNinja -DCARES_BUILD_TESTS=ON -DGTEST_ROOT=C:\projects\googletest -DCMAKE_MSVC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY=MultiThreadedDebugDLL TOOLSDIR: ./build/bin TESTDIR: ./build/bin BUILD_GOOGLETEST: yes GTEST_INSTALL_FAILURE_SIGNAL_HANDLER: 1 # MSVC 2022, 64-bit x64 (cmake) - COMPILER: MSVC CONFTOOL: CMAKE SYSTEM: CONSOLE SKIP_TESTS: no MSVC_SETUP_ARG: x64 MSVC_SETUP_PATH: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat TOOLSDIR: ./build/bin TESTDIR: ./build/bin CMAKE_EXTRA_OPTIONS: -GNinja -DCARES_BUILD_TESTS=ON -DGTEST_ROOT=C:\projects\googletest -DCMAKE_MSVC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY=MultiThreadedDebugDLL BUILD_GOOGLETEST: yes GTEST_INSTALL_FAILURE_SIGNAL_HANDLER: 1 # MSVC 2022, 64-bit x86 (nmake) - COMPILER: MSVC CONFTOOL: NMAKE SYSTEM: CONSOLE SKIP_TESTS: no MSVC_SETUP_ARG: x64 MSVC_SETUP_PATH: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat BUILD_GOOGLETEST: yes GTEST_INSTALL_FAILURE_SIGNAL_HANDLER: 1 # MSVC 2022, 32-bit x86 (nmake) - COMPILER: MSVC CONFTOOL: NMAKE SYSTEM: CONSOLE SKIP_TESTS: no MSVC_SETUP_ARG: x86 MSVC_SETUP_PATH: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars32.bat BUILD_GOOGLETEST: yes GTEST_INSTALL_FAILURE_SIGNAL_HANDLER: 1 # MinGW, 32-bit x86 (makefiles) - COMPILER: MINGW CONFTOOL: MAKE SYSTEM: CONSOLE SKIP_TESTS: no PATH: C:\mingw-w64\i686-8.1.0-posix-dwarf-rt_v6-rev0\mingw32\bin;%PATH% BUILD_GOOGLETEST: yes GTEST_INSTALL_FAILURE_SIGNAL_HANDLER: 1 # MinGW, 32-bit x86 (cmake static only) - COMPILER: MINGW CONFTOOL: CMAKE SYSTEM: CONSOLE SKIP_TESTS: no TOOLSDIR: ./build/bin TESTDIR: ./build/bin PATH: C:\mingw-w64\i686-8.1.0-posix-dwarf-rt_v6-rev0\mingw32\bin;%PATH% CMAKE_EXTRA_OPTIONS: -DCARES_SHARED=OFF -GNinja -DCARES_BUILD_TESTS=ON -DGTEST_ROOT=C:\projects\googletest BUILD_GOOGLETEST: yes GTEST_INSTALL_FAILURE_SIGNAL_HANDLER: 1 # Disabled until AppVeyor updates their Visual Studio with this patch: # https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/t/clexe-compiler-error-C1007-when-compili/10486219 # # MSVC 2022, UWP (cmake) # - COMPILER: MSVC # CONFTOOL: CMAKE # SYSTEM: CONSOLE # SKIP_TESTS: yes # MSVC_SETUP_ARG: x64 store # MSVC_SETUP_PATH: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat # CMAKE_EXTRA_OPTIONS: -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=WindowsStore -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION=10.0 -A x64 install: - if "%COMPILER%" == "MINGW" rename "C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\sh.exe" "sh2.exe" before_build: # Setup build environment for the selected compiler (not all compilers need to do anything here). # -- Visual Studio -- - if "%COMPILER%" == "MSVC" call "%MSVC_SETUP_PATH%" %MSVC_SETUP_ARG% - if "%BUILD_GOOGLETEST%" == "yes" git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/google/googletest googletest - if "%BUILD_GOOGLETEST%" == "yes" cd googletest - if "%BUILD_GOOGLETEST%" == "yes" cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=C:\projects\googletest -DCMAKE_POLICY_DEFAULT_CMP0091:STRING=NEW -DCMAKE_MSVC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY=MultiThreadedDebugDLL -GNinja -Bbuild - if "%BUILD_GOOGLETEST%" == "yes" cmake --build build --config Debug - if "%BUILD_GOOGLETEST%" == "yes" cmake --install build --config Debug - if "%BUILD_GOOGLETEST%" == "yes" cd .. build_script: - if "%SYSTEM%" == "CONSOLE" if "%CONFTOOL%" == "NMAKE" copy .\include\ares_build.h.dist .\include\ares_build.h - if "%SYSTEM%" == "CONSOLE" if "%CONFTOOL%" == "NMAKE" nmake /NOLOGO /f .\Makefile.msvc - if "%SYSTEM%" == "CONSOLE" if "%CONFTOOL%" == "CMAKE" cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=%configuration% -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=C:\projects\build-cares\test_install -DCARES_STATIC=ON -DCARES_STATIC_PIC=ON %CMAKE_EXTRA_OPTIONS% -Bbuild - if "%SYSTEM%" == "CONSOLE" if "%CONFTOOL%" == "CMAKE" cmake --build build --config Debug - if "%SYSTEM%" == "CONSOLE" if "%CONFTOOL%" == "CMAKE" cmake --install build --config Debug - if "%SYSTEM%" == "CONSOLE" if "%CONFTOOL%" == "MAKE" copy .\include\ares_build.h.dist .\include\ares_build.h - if "%SYSTEM%" == "CONSOLE" if "%CONFTOOL%" == "MAKE" mingw32-make.exe -f Makefile.m32 demos test_script: # We can't use powershell for tests due to treating stderr as an error - if "%SYSTEM%" == "CONSOLE" if "%CONFTOOL%" == "NMAKE" if not "%SKIP_TESTS%" == "yes" cd test - if "%SYSTEM%" == "CONSOLE" if "%CONFTOOL%" == "NMAKE" if not "%SKIP_TESTS%" == "yes" nmake GTEST_ROOT=C:\projects\googletest /NOLOGO /f .\Makefile.msvc vtest - if "%SYSTEM%" == "CONSOLE" if "%CONFTOOL%" == "NMAKE" if not "%SKIP_TESTS%" == "yes" nmake GTEST_ROOT=C:\projects\googletest /NOLOGO /f .\Makefile.msvc aresfuzz aresfuzzname dnsdump - if "%SYSTEM%" == "CONSOLE" if "%CONFTOOL%" == "NMAKE" if not "%SKIP_TESTS%" == "yes" .\msvc\arestest\lib-debug\dnsdump.exe fuzzinput\answer_a fuzzinput\answer_aaaa - if "%SYSTEM%" == "CONSOLE" if "%CONFTOOL%" == "MAKE" if not "%SKIP_TESTS%" == "yes" cd test - if "%SYSTEM%" == "CONSOLE" if "%CONFTOOL%" == "MAKE" if not "%SKIP_TESTS%" == "yes" mingw32-make.exe GTEST_ROOT=C:\projects\googletest -f Makefile.m32 vtest - if "%SYSTEM%" == "CONSOLE" if "%CONFTOOL%" == "MAKE" if not "%SKIP_TESTS%" == "yes" mingw32-make.exe GTEST_ROOT=C:\projects\googletest -f Makefile.m32 aresfuzz.exe aresfuzzname.exe dnsdump.exe - if "%SYSTEM%" == "CONSOLE" if "%CONFTOOL%" == "MAKE" if not "%SKIP_TESTS%" == "yes" .\dnsdump.exe fuzzinput\answer_a fuzzinput\answer_aaaa - if "%SYSTEM%" == "CONSOLE" if "%CONFTOOL%" == "CMAKE" if not "%SKIP_TESTS%" == "yes" cd %TESTDIR% - if "%SYSTEM%" == "CONSOLE" if "%CONFTOOL%" == "CMAKE" if not "%SKIP_TESTS%" == "yes" .\adig.exe www.google.com - if "%SYSTEM%" == "CONSOLE" if "%CONFTOOL%" == "CMAKE" if not "%SKIP_TESTS%" == "yes" .\ahost.exe www.google.com - if "%SYSTEM%" == "CONSOLE" if "%CONFTOOL%" == "CMAKE" if not "%SKIP_TESTS%" == "yes" .\arestest.exe -4 -v --gtest_filter=-*LiveSearchTXT*:*LiveSearchANY*:*LiveGetLocalhostByAddr* - if "%SYSTEM%" == "CONSOLE" if "%CONFTOOL%" == "CMAKE" if not "%SKIP_TESTS%" == "yes" .\dnsdump.exe "%APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%\test\fuzzinput\answer_a" "%APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%\test\fuzzinput\answer_aaaa" #on_finish: # - cd C:\projects\build-cares\test # - dir /B *.log > list.txt # - cmake -E tar cfv all_tests.zip --format=zip --files-from=list.txt # - appveyor PushArtifact all_tests.zip # - ps: $blockRdp = $true; iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/appveyor/ci/master/scripts/enable-rdp.ps1')) # Force build worker to stay open after build is done, so we can RDP into it. # Enable RDP connections into build worker. #init: # - ps: iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/appveyor/ci/master/scripts/enable-rdp.ps1'))