## c-ares version 1.26.0 - Jan 26 2024 This is a feature and bugfix release. Features: * Event Thread support. Integrators are no longer requried to monitor the file descriptors registered by c-ares for events and call `ares_process()` when enabling the event thread feature via `ARES_OPT_EVENT_THREAD` passed to `ares_init_options()`. [PR #696](https://github.com/c-ares/c-ares/pull/696) * Added flags to `are_dns_parse()` to force RAW packet parsing. [PR #693](https://github.com/c-ares/c-ares/pull/693) Changes: * Mark `ares_fds()` as deprected. [PR #691](https://github.com/c-ares/c-ares/pull/691) Bugfixes: * `adig`: Differentiate between internal and server errors. [e10b16a](https://github.com/c-ares/c-ares/commit/e10b16a) * Autotools allow make to override CFLAGS/CPPFLAGS/CXXFLAGS. [PR #695](https://github.com/c-ares/c-ares/pull/695) * Autotools: fix building for 32bit windows due to stdcall symbol mangling. [PR #689](https://github.com/c-ares/c-ares/pull/689) * RR Name should not be sanity checked against the Question. [PR #685](https://github.com/c-ares/c-ares/pull/685) Thanks go to these friendly people for their efforts and contributions for this release: * Brad House (@bradh352) * Daniel Stenberg (@bagder) * Erik Lax (@eriklax) * Gisle Vanem (@gvanem)