@ -52,103 +52,111 @@
* which means we can hook in non - socket related events .
* The information for this implementation was gathered from " wepoll " and
* " libuv " which both use slight variants on this , but this implementation
* doesn ' t directly follow either methodology .
* " libuv " which both use slight variants on this . We originally went with
* an implementation methodology more similar to " libuv " , but we had a few
* user reports of crashes during shutdown and memory leaks due to some
* events not being delivered for cleanup of closed sockets .
* Initialization :
* 1. Dynamically load the NtDeviceIoControlFile and NtCancelIoFileEx internal
* symbols from ntdll . dll . These functions are used to submit the AFD POLL
* request and to cancel a prior request , respectively .
* 1. Dynamically load the NtDeviceIoControlFile , NtCreateFile , and
* NtCancelIoFileEx internal symbols from ntdll . dll . ( Don ' t believe
* Microsoft ' s documentation for NtCancelIoFileEx as it documents an
* invalid prototype ) . These functions are to open a reference to the
* Ancillary Function Driver ( AFD ) , and to submit and cancel POLL
* requests .
* 2. Create an IO Completion Port base handle via CreateIoCompletionPort ( )
* that all socket events will be delivered through .
* 3. Create a callback to be used to be able to interrupt waiting for IOCP
* 3. Create a list of AFD Handles and track the number of poll requests
* per AFD handle . When we exceed a pre - determined limit of poll requests
* for a handle ( 128 ) , we will automatically create a new handle . The
* reason behind this is NtCancelIoFileEx uses a horrible algorithm for
* issuing cancellations . See :
* https : //github.com/python-trio/trio/issues/52#issuecomment-548215128
* 4. Create a callback to be used to be able to interrupt waiting for IOCP
* events , this may be called for allowing enqueuing of additional socket
* events or removing socket events . PostQueuedCompletionStatus ( ) is the
* obvious choice . Use the same container structure as used with a Socket
* but tagged indicating it is not as the CompletionKey ( important ! ) .
* obvious choice . We can use the same container format , the event
* delivered won ' t have an OVERLAPPED pointer so we can differentiate from
* socket events . Use the container as the completion key .
* Socket Add :
* 1. Create / Allocate a container for holding metadata about a socket :
* 1. Create / Allocate a container for holding metadata about a socket
* including :
* - SOCKET base_socket ;
* - SOCKET peer_socket ;
* - OVERLAPPED overlapped ; - - Used by AFD POLL
* - IO_STATUS_BLOCK iosb ; - - Used by AFD POLL , returned as OVERLAPPED
* - AFD_POLL_INFO afd_poll_info ; - - Used by AFD POLL
* - afd list node - - for tracking which AFD handle a POLL request was
* submitted to .
* 2. Call WSAIoctl ( . . . , SIO_BASE_HANDLE , . . . ) to unwrap the SOCKET and get
* the " base socket " we can use for polling . It appears this may fail so
* we should call WSAIoctl ( . . . , SIO_BSP_HANDLE_POLL , . . . ) as a fallback .
* 3. The SOCKET handle we have is most likely not capable of supporting
* OVERLAPPED , and we need to have a way to unbind a socket from IOCP
* ( which is done via a simple closesocket ( ) ) so we need to duplicate the
* " base socket " using WSADuplicateSocketW ( ) followed by
* WSASocketW ( . . . , WSA_FLAG_OVERLAPPED ) to create this " peer socket " for
* submitting AFD POLL requests .
* 4. Bind to IOCP using CreateIoCompletionPort ( ) referencing the " peer
* socket " and the base IOCP handle from " Initialization " . Use the
* pointer to the socket container as the " CompletionKey " which will be
* returned when an event occurs .
* 5. Submit AFD POLL request ( see " AFD POLL Request " section )
* 3. Submit AFD POLL request ( see " AFD POLL Request " section )
* 4. Record a mapping between the " IO Status Block " and the socket container
* so when events are delivered we can dereference .
* Socket Delete :
* 1. Call " AFD Poll Cancel " ( see Section of same name )
* 2. If a cancel was requested ( not bypassed due to no events , etc ) , tag the
* " container " for the socket as pending delete , and when the next IOCP
* event for the socket is dequeued , cleanup .
* 3. Otherwise , call closesocket ( peer_socket ) then free ( ) the container
* which will officially delete it .
* NOTE : Deferring delete may be completely unnecessary . In theory closing
* the peer_socket ( ) should guarantee no additional events will be
* delivered . But maybe if there ' s a pending event that hasn ' t been
* read yet but already trigggered it would be an issue , so this is
* " safer " unless we can prove its not necessary .
* 1. Call
* NtCancelIoFileEx ( afd , iosb , & temp_iosb ) ;
* to cancel any pending operations .
* 2. Tag the socket container as being queued for deletion
* 3. Wait for an event to be delivered for the socket ( cancel isn ' t
* immediate , it delivers an event to know its complete ) . Delete only once
* that event has been delivered . If we don ' t do this we could try to
* access free ( ) ' d memory at a later point .
* Socket Modify :
* 1. Call " AFD Poll Cancel " ( see Section of same name )
* 2. If a cancel was not enqueued because there is no pending request ,
* submit AFD POLL request ( see " AFD POLL Request " section ) , otherwise
* defer until next socket event .
* 1. Call
* NtCancelIoFileEx ( afd , iosb , & temp_iosb )
* to cancel any pending operation .
* 2. When the event comes through that the cancel is complete , enqueue
* another " AFD Poll Request " for the desired events .
* Event Wait :
* 1. Call GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx ( ) with the base IOCP handle , a
* stack allocated array of OVERLAPPED_ENTRY ' s , and an appropriate
* timeout .
* 2. Iterate across returned events , the CompletionKey is a pointer to the
* container registered with CreateIoCompletionPort ( ) or
* PostQueuedCompletionStatus ( )
* 3. If object indicates it is pending delete , go ahead and
* closesocket ( peer_socket ) and free ( ) the container . Go to the next event .
* 4. Submit AFD POLL Request ( see " AFD POLL Request " ) . We must re - enable
* the request each time we receive a response , it is not persistent .
* 5. Notify of any events received as indicated in the AFD_POLL_INFO
* Handles [ 0 ] . Events ( NOTE : check NumberOfHandles first , make sure it is
* > 0 , otherwise we might not have events such as if our last request
* was cancelled ) .
* 2. Iterate across returned events , if the lpOverlapped is NULL , then the
* the CompletionKey is a pointer to the container registered via
* PostQueuedCompletionStatus ( ) , otherwise it is the " IO Status Block "
* registered with the " AFD Poll Request " which needs to be dereferenced
* to the " socket container " .
* 3. If it is a " socket container " , disassociate it from the afd list node
* it was previously submitted to .
* 4. If it is a " socket container " check to see if we are cleaning up , if so ,
* clean it up .
* 5. If it is a " socket container " that is still valid , Submit an
* AFD POLL Request ( see " AFD POLL Request " ) . We must re - enable the request
* each time we receive a response , it is not persistent .
* 6. Notify of any events received as indicated in the AFD_POLL_INFO
* Handles [ 0 ] . Events ( NOTE : check NumberOfHandles > 0 , and the status in
* the IO_STATUS_BLOCK . If we received an AFD_POLL_LOCAL_CLOSE , clean up
* the connection like the integrator requested it to be cleaned up .
* AFD Poll Request :
* 1. Initialize the AFD_POLL_INFO structure :
* Exclusive = TRUE ; // Auto cancel duplicates for same socket
* 1. Find an afd poll handle in the list that has fewer pending requests than
* the limit .
* 2. If an afd poll handle was not associated ( e . g . due to all being over
* limit ) , create a new afd poll handle by calling NtCreateFile ( )
* with path \ Device \ Afd , then add the AFD handle to the IO Completion
* Port . We can leave the completion key as blank since events for
* multiple sockets will be delivered through this and we need to
* differentiate via the OVERLAPPED member returned . Add the new AFD
* handle to the list of handles .
* 3. Initialize the AFD_POLL_INFO structure :
* Exclusive = FALSE ; // allow multiple requests
* NumberOfHandles = 1 ;
* Timeout . QuadPart = LLONG_MAX ;
* Handles [ 0 ] . Handle = ( HANDLE ) base_socket ;
* Handles [ 0 ] . Status = 0 ;
* Handles [ 0 ] . Events = . . . set as appropriate AFD_POLL_RECEIVE , etc ;
* 2. Zero out the OVERLAPPED structure
* 3. Create an IO_STATUS_BLOCK pointer ( iosb ) and set it to the address of
* the OVERLAPPED " Internal " member .
* 4. Set the " Status " member of IO_STATUS_BLOCK to STATUS_PENDING
* 5. Call
* NtDeviceIoControlFile ( ( HANDLE ) peer_socket , NULL , NULL , & overlapped ,
* Handles [ 0 ] . Events = AFD_POLL_LOCAL_CLOSE + additional events to wait for
* such as AFD_POLL_RECEIVE , etc ;
* 4. Zero out the IO_STATUS_BLOCK structures
* 5. Set the " Status " member of IO_STATUS_BLOCK to STATUS_PENDING
* 6. Call
* NtDeviceIoControlFile ( afd , NULL , NULL , & iosb ,
* & iosb , IOCTL_AFD_POLL
* & afd_poll_info , sizeof ( afd_poll_info ) ,
* & afd_poll_info , sizeof ( afd_poll_info ) ) ;
* NOTE : Its not clear to me if the IO_STATUS_BLOCK pointing to OVERLAPPED
* is for efficiency or if its a requirement for AFD . This is what
* libuv does , so I ' m doing it here too .
* AFD Poll Cancel :
* 1. Check to see if the IO_STATUS_BLOCK " Status " member for the socket
* is still STATUS_PENDING , if not , no cancel request is necessary .
* 2. Call
* NtCancelIoFileEx ( ( HANDLE ) peer_socket , iosb , & temp_iosb ) ;
* References :
@ -156,15 +164,62 @@
* - https : //github.com/libuv/libuv/
/* Cap the number of outstanding AFD poll requests per AFD handle due to known
* slowdowns with large lists and NtCancelIoFileEx ( ) */
# define AFD_POLL_PER_HANDLE 128
# include <stdarg.h>
/* # define CARES_DEBUG 1 */
# ifdef __GNUC__
# define CARES_PRINTF_LIKE(fmt, args) \
__attribute__ ( ( format ( printf , fmt , args ) ) )
# else
# define CARES_PRINTF_LIKE(fmt, args)
# endif
static void CARES_DEBUG_LOG ( const char * fmt , . . . ) CARES_PRINTF_LIKE ( 1 , 2 ) ;
static void CARES_DEBUG_LOG ( const char * fmt , . . . )
va_list ap ;
va_start ( ap , fmt ) ;
vfprintf ( stderr , fmt , ap ) ;
fflush ( stderr ) ;
# endif
va_end ( ap ) ;
typedef struct {
/* Dynamically loaded symbols */
NtCreateFile_t NtCreateFile ;
NtDeviceIoControlFile_t NtDeviceIoControlFile ;
NtCancelIoFileEx_t NtCancelIoFileEx ;
/* Implementation details */
ares__slist_t * afd_handles ;
HANDLE iocp_handle ;
/* IO_STATUS_BLOCK * -> ares_evsys_win32_eventdata_t * mapping. There is
* no completion key passed to IOCP with this method so we have to look
* up based on the lpOverlapped returned ( which is mapped to IO_STATUS_BLOCK )
ares__htable_vpvp_t * sockets ;
/* Flag about whether or not we are shutting down */
ares_bool_t is_shutdown ;
} ares_evsys_win32_t ;
typedef enum {
} poll_status_t ;
typedef struct {
/*! Pointer to parent event container */
ares_event_t * event ;
@ -172,22 +227,39 @@ typedef struct {
SOCKET socket ;
/*! Base socket derived from provided socket */
SOCKET base_socket ;
/*! New socket (duplicate base_socket handle) supporting OVERLAPPED operation
SOCKET peer_socket ;
/*! Structure for submitting AFD POLL requests (Internals!) */
AFD_POLL_INFO afd_poll_info ;
/*! Overlapped structure submitted with AFD POLL requests and returned with
* IOCP results */
OVERLAPPED overlapped ;
/*! Status of current polling operation */
poll_status_t poll_status ;
/*! IO Status Block structure submitted with AFD POLL requests and returned
* with IOCP results as lpOverlapped ( even though its a different structure )
/*! AFD handle node an outstanding poll request is associated with */
ares__slist_node_t * afd_handle_node ;
/* Lock is only for PostQueuedCompletionStatus() to prevent multiple
* signals . Tracking via POLL_STATUS_PENDING / POLL_STATUS_NONE */
ares__thread_mutex_t * lock ;
} ares_evsys_win32_eventdata_t ;
static size_t ares_evsys_win32_wait ( ares_event_thread_t * e ,
unsigned long timeout_ms ) ;
static void ares_iocpevent_signal ( const ares_event_t * event )
ares_event_thread_t * e = event - > e ;
ares_evsys_win32_t * ew = e - > ev_sys_data ;
ares_evsys_win32_eventdata_t * ed = event - > data ;
ares_bool_t queue_event = ARES_FALSE ;
if ( e = = NULL ) {
ares__thread_mutex_lock ( ed - > lock ) ;
if ( ed - > poll_status ! = POLL_STATUS_PENDING ) {
ed - > poll_status = POLL_STATUS_PENDING ;
queue_event = ARES_TRUE ;
ares__thread_mutex_unlock ( ed - > lock ) ;
if ( ! queue_event ) {
return ;
@ -197,10 +269,13 @@ static void ares_iocpevent_signal(const ares_event_t *event)
static void ares_iocpevent_cb ( ares_event_thread_t * e , ares_socket_t fd ,
void * data , ares_event_flags_t flags )
ares_evsys_win32_eventdata_t * ed = data ;
( void ) e ;
( void ) data ;
( void ) fd ;
( void ) flags ;
ares__thread_mutex_lock ( ed - > lock ) ;
ed - > poll_status = POLL_STATUS_NONE ;
ares__thread_mutex_unlock ( ed - > lock ) ;
static ares_event_t * ares_iocpevent_create ( ares_event_thread_t * e )
@ -226,24 +301,140 @@ static void ares_evsys_win32_destroy(ares_event_thread_t *e)
return ;
CARES_DEBUG_LOG ( " ** Win32 Event Destroy \n " ) ;
ew = e - > ev_sys_data ;
if ( ew = = NULL ) {
return ;
ew - > is_shutdown = ARES_TRUE ;
CARES_DEBUG_LOG ( " ** waiting on %lu remaining sockets to be destroyed \n " ,
( unsigned long ) ares__htable_vpvp_num_keys ( ew - > sockets ) ) ;
while ( ares__htable_vpvp_num_keys ( ew - > sockets ) ) {
ares_evsys_win32_wait ( e , 0 ) ;
CARES_DEBUG_LOG ( " ** all sockets cleaned up \n " ) ;
if ( ew - > iocp_handle ! = NULL ) {
CloseHandle ( ew - > iocp_handle ) ;
ares__slist_destroy ( ew - > afd_handles ) ;
ares__htable_vpvp_destroy ( ew - > sockets ) ;
ares_free ( ew ) ;
e - > ev_sys_data = NULL ;
typedef struct {
size_t poll_cnt ;
HANDLE afd_handle ;
} ares_afd_handle_t ;
static void ares_afd_handle_destroy ( void * arg )
ares_afd_handle_t * hnd = arg ;
CloseHandle ( hnd - > afd_handle ) ;
ares_free ( hnd ) ;
static int ares_afd_handle_cmp ( const void * data1 , const void * data2 )
const ares_afd_handle_t * hnd1 = data1 ;
const ares_afd_handle_t * hnd2 = data2 ;
if ( hnd1 - > poll_cnt > hnd2 - > poll_cnt ) {
return 1 ;
if ( hnd1 - > poll_cnt < hnd2 - > poll_cnt ) {
return - 1 ;
return 0 ;
static void fill_object_attributes ( OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES * attr ,
UNICODE_STRING * name , ULONG attributes )
memset ( attr , 0 , sizeof ( * attr ) ) ;
attr - > Length = sizeof ( * attr ) ;
attr - > ObjectName = name ;
attr - > Attributes = attributes ;
{ ( sizeof ( s ) - 1 ) * sizeof ( wchar_t ) , sizeof ( s ) * sizeof ( wchar_t ) , L # # s }
static ares__slist_node_t * ares_afd_handle_create ( ares_evsys_win32_t * ew )
UNICODE_STRING afd_device_name = UNICODE_STRING_CONSTANT ( " \\ Device \\ Afd " ) ;
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES afd_attributes ;
NTSTATUS status ;
ares_afd_handle_t * afd = ares_malloc_zero ( sizeof ( * afd ) ) ;
ares__slist_node_t * node = NULL ;
if ( afd = = NULL ) {
goto fail ;
/* Open a handle to the AFD subsystem */
fill_object_attributes ( & afd_attributes , & afd_device_name , 0 ) ;
memset ( & iosb , 0 , sizeof ( iosb ) ) ;
iosb . Status = STATUS_PENDING ;
status = ew - > NtCreateFile ( & afd - > afd_handle , SYNCHRONIZE , & afd_attributes ,
FILE_OPEN , 0 , NULL , 0 ) ;
if ( status ! = STATUS_SUCCESS ) {
CARES_DEBUG_LOG ( " ** Failed to create AFD endpoint \n " ) ;
goto fail ;
if ( CreateIoCompletionPort ( afd - > afd_handle , ew - > iocp_handle ,
0 /* CompletionKey */ , 0 ) = = NULL ) {
goto fail ;
if ( ! SetFileCompletionNotificationModes ( afd - > afd_handle ,
goto fail ;
node = ares__slist_insert ( ew - > afd_handles , afd ) ;
if ( node = = NULL ) {
goto fail ;
return node ;
fail :
ares_afd_handle_destroy ( afd ) ;
return NULL ;
/* Fetch the lowest poll count entry, but if it exceeds the limit, create a
* new one and return that */
static ares__slist_node_t * ares_afd_handle_fetch ( ares_evsys_win32_t * ew )
ares__slist_node_t * node = ares__slist_node_first ( ew - > afd_handles ) ;
ares_afd_handle_t * afd = ares__slist_node_val ( node ) ;
if ( afd ! = NULL & & afd - > poll_cnt < AFD_POLL_PER_HANDLE ) {
return node ;
return ares_afd_handle_create ( ew ) ;
static ares_bool_t ares_evsys_win32_init ( ares_event_thread_t * e )
ares_evsys_win32_t * ew = NULL ;
HMODULE ntdll ;
CARES_DEBUG_LOG ( " ** Win32 Event Init \n " ) ;
ew = ares_malloc_zero ( sizeof ( * ew ) ) ;
if ( ew = = NULL ) {
return ARES_FALSE ;
@ -262,15 +453,16 @@ static ares_bool_t ares_evsys_win32_init(ares_event_thread_t *e)
# pragma GCC diagnostic push
# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wpedantic"
/* Without the (void *) cast we get:
* warning : cast between incompatible function types from ' FARPROC ' { aka ' long long int ( * ) ( ) ' } to ' NTSTATUS ( * ) ( . . . ) ' } [ - Wcast - function - type ]
* but with it we get :
* warning : ISO C forbids conversion of function pointer to object pointer type [ - Wpedantic ]
* look unsolvable short of killing the warning .
* warning : cast between incompatible function types from ' FARPROC ' { aka ' long
* long int ( * ) ( ) ' } to ' NTSTATUS ( * ) ( . . . ) ' } [ - Wcast - function - type ] but with it
* we get : warning : ISO C forbids conversion of function pointer to object
* pointer type [ - Wpedantic ] look unsolvable short of killing the warning .
# endif
/* Load Internal symbols not typically accessible */
ew - > NtCreateFile =
( NtCreateFile_t ) ( void * ) GetProcAddress ( ntdll , " NtCreateFile " ) ;
ew - > NtDeviceIoControlFile = ( NtDeviceIoControlFile_t ) ( void * ) GetProcAddress (
ntdll , " NtDeviceIoControlFile " ) ;
ew - > NtCancelIoFileEx =
@ -280,7 +472,8 @@ static ares_bool_t ares_evsys_win32_init(ares_event_thread_t *e)
# pragma GCC diagnostic pop
# endif
if ( ew - > NtCancelIoFileEx = = NULL | | ew - > NtDeviceIoControlFile = = NULL ) {
if ( ew - > NtCreateFile = = NULL | | ew - > NtCancelIoFileEx = = NULL | |
ew - > NtDeviceIoControlFile = = NULL ) {
goto fail ;
@ -289,11 +482,28 @@ static ares_bool_t ares_evsys_win32_init(ares_event_thread_t *e)
goto fail ;
ew - > afd_handles = ares__slist_create (
e - > channel - > rand_state , ares_afd_handle_cmp , ares_afd_handle_destroy ) ;
if ( ew - > afd_handles = = NULL ) {
goto fail ;
/* Create at least the first afd handle, so we know of any critical system
* issues during startup */
if ( ares_afd_handle_create ( ew ) = = NULL ) {
goto fail ;
e - > ev_signal = ares_iocpevent_create ( e ) ;
if ( e - > ev_signal = = NULL ) {
goto fail ;
ew - > sockets = ares__htable_vpvp_create ( NULL , NULL ) ;
if ( ew - > sockets = = NULL ) {
goto fail ;
return ARES_TRUE ;
fail :
@ -348,20 +558,33 @@ static ares_bool_t ares_evsys_win32_afd_enqueue(ares_event_t *event,
ares_event_thread_t * e = event - > e ;
ares_evsys_win32_t * ew = e - > ev_sys_data ;
ares_evsys_win32_eventdata_t * ed = event - > data ;
ares_afd_handle_t * afd ;
NTSTATUS status ;
IO_STATUS_BLOCK * iosb_ptr ;
if ( e = = NULL | | ed = = NULL | | ew = = NULL ) {
return ARES_FALSE ;
/* Misuse */
if ( ed - > poll_status ! = POLL_STATUS_NONE ) {
return ARES_FALSE ;
ed - > afd_handle_node = ares_afd_handle_fetch ( ew ) ;
/* System resource issue? */
if ( ed - > afd_handle_node = = NULL ) {
return ARES_FALSE ;
afd = ares__slist_node_val ( ed - > afd_handle_node ) ;
/* Enqueue AFD Poll */
ed - > afd_poll_info . Exclusive = TRUE ;
ed - > afd_poll_info . Exclusive = FALS E;
ed - > afd_poll_info . NumberOfHandles = 1 ;
ed - > afd_poll_info . Timeout . QuadPart = LLONG_MAX ;
ed - > afd_poll_info . Handles [ 0 ] . Handle = ( HANDLE ) ed - > base_socket ;
ed - > afd_poll_info . Handles [ 0 ] . Status = 0 ;
ed - > afd_poll_info . Handles [ 0 ] . Events = 0 ;
ed - > afd_poll_info . Handles [ 0 ] . Events = AFD_POLL_LOCAL_CLOSE ;
if ( flags & ARES_EVENT_FLAG_READ ) {
ed - > afd_poll_info . Handles [ 0 ] . Events | =
@ -376,42 +599,65 @@ static ares_bool_t ares_evsys_win32_afd_enqueue(ares_event_t *event,
ed - > afd_poll_info . Handles [ 0 ] . Events | = AFD_POLL_DISCONNECT ;
memset ( & ed - > overlapped , 0 , sizeof ( ed - > overlapped ) ) ;
iosb_ptr = ( IO_STATUS_BLOCK * ) & ed - > overlapped . Internal ;
iosb_ptr - > Status = STATUS_PENDING ;
memset ( & ed - > iosb , 0 , sizeof ( ed - > iosb ) ) ;
ed - > iosb . Status = STATUS_PENDING ;
status = ew - > NtDeviceIoControlFile (
( HANDLE ) ed - > peer_socket , NULL , NULL , & ed - > overlapped , iosb_ptr ,
IOCTL_AFD_POLL , & ed - > afd_poll_info , sizeof ( ed - > afd_poll_info ) ,
& ed - > afd_poll_info , sizeof ( ed - > afd_poll_info ) ) ;
afd - > afd_handle , NULL , NULL , & ed - > iosb , & ed - > iosb , IOCTL_AFD_POLL ,
& ed - > afd_poll_info , sizeof ( ed - > afd_poll_info ) , & ed - > afd_poll_info ,
sizeof ( ed - > afd_poll_info ) ) ;
if ( status ! = STATUS_SUCCESS & & status ! = STATUS_PENDING ) {
CARES_DEBUG_LOG ( " ** afd_enqueue ed=%p FAILED \n " , ( void * ) ed ) ;
ed - > afd_handle_node = NULL ;
return ARES_FALSE ;
/* Record that we submitted a poll request to this handle and tell it to
* re - sort the node since we changed its sort value */
afd - > poll_cnt + + ;
ares__slist_node_reinsert ( ed - > afd_handle_node ) ;
ed - > poll_status = POLL_STATUS_PENDING ;
CARES_DEBUG_LOG ( " ++ afd_enqueue ed=%p flags=%X \n " , ( void * ) ed ,
( unsigned int ) flags ) ;
return ARES_TRUE ;
static ares_bool_t ares_evsys_win32_afd_cancel ( ares_evsys_win32_eventdata_t * ed )
IO_STATUS_BLOCK * iosb_ptr ;
IO_STATUS_BLOCK cancel_iosb ;
ares_evsys_win32_t * ew ;
NTSTATUS status ;
ares_afd_handle_t * afd ;
/* Detached due to destroy */
if ( ed - > event = = NULL ) {
ew = ed - > event - > e - > ev_sys_data ;
/* Misuse */
if ( ed - > poll_status ! = POLL_STATUS_PENDING ) {
return ARES_FALSE ;
iosb_ptr = ( IO_STATUS_BLOCK * ) & ed - > overlapped . Internal ;
/* Not pending, nothing to do */
if ( iosb_ptr - > Status ! = STATUS_PENDING ) {
afd = ares__slist_node_val ( ed - > afd_handle_node ) ;
/* Misuse */
if ( afd = = NULL ) {
return ARES_FALSE ;
ew = ed - > event - > e - > ev_sys_data ;
status =
ew - > NtCancelIoFileEx ( ( HANDLE ) ed - > peer_socket , iosb_ptr , & cancel_iosb ) ;
ed - > poll_status = POLL_STATUS_CANCEL ;
/* Not pending, nothing to do. Most likely that means there is a pending
* event that hasn ' t yet been delivered otherwise it would be re - armed
* already */
if ( ed - > iosb . Status ! = STATUS_PENDING ) {
CARES_DEBUG_LOG ( " ** cancel not needed for ed=%p \n " , ( void * ) ed ) ;
return ARES_FALSE ;
status = ew - > NtCancelIoFileEx ( afd - > afd_handle , & ed - > iosb , & cancel_iosb ) ;
CARES_DEBUG_LOG ( " ** Enqueued cancel for ed=%p, status = %lX \n " , ( void * ) ed ,
status ) ;
/* NtCancelIoFileEx() may return STATUS_NOT_FOUND if the operation completed
* just before calling NtCancelIoFileEx ( ) , but we have not yet received the
@ -423,14 +669,23 @@ static ares_bool_t ares_evsys_win32_afd_cancel(ares_evsys_win32_eventdata_t *ed)
return ARES_FALSE ;
static void ares_evsys_win32_eventdata_destroy ( ares_evsys_win32_eventdata_t * ed )
static void ares_evsys_win32_eventdata_destroy ( ares_evsys_win32_t * ew ,
ares_evsys_win32_eventdata_t * ed )
if ( ed = = NULL ) {
if ( ew = = NULL | | e d = = NULL ) {
return ;
CARES_DEBUG_LOG ( " -- deleting ed=%p (%s) \n " , ( void * ) ed ,
( ed - > socket = = ARES_SOCKET_BAD ) ? " data " : " socket " ) ;
/* These type of handles are deferred destroy. Update tracking. */
if ( ed - > socket ! = ARES_SOCKET_BAD ) {
ares__htable_vpvp_remove ( ew - > sockets , & ed - > iosb ) ;
ares__thread_mutex_destroy ( ed - > lock ) ;
if ( ed - > peer_socket ! = ARES_SOCKET_BAD ) {
closesocket ( ed - > peer_socket ) ;
if ( ed - > event ! = NULL ) {
ed - > event - > data = NULL ;
ares_free ( ed ) ;
@ -441,85 +696,77 @@ static ares_bool_t ares_evsys_win32_event_add(ares_event_t *event)
ares_event_thread_t * e = event - > e ;
ares_evsys_win32_t * ew = e - > ev_sys_data ;
ares_evsys_win32_eventdata_t * ed ;
WSAPROTOCOL_INFOW protocol_info ;
ares_bool_t rc = ARES_FALSE ;
ed = ares_malloc_zero ( sizeof ( * ed ) ) ;
ed - > event = event ;
ed - > socket = event - > fd ;
ed - > base_socket = ARES_SOCKET_BAD ;
ed - > peer_socket = ARES_SOCKET_BAD ;
event - > data = ed ;
CARES_DEBUG_LOG ( " ++ add ed=%p (%s) flags=%X \n " , ( void * ) ed ,
( ed - > socket = = ARES_SOCKET_BAD ) ? " data " : " socket " ,
( unsigned int ) event - > flags ) ;
/* Likely a signal event, not something we will directly handle. We create
* the ares_evsys_win32_eventdata_t as the placeholder to use as the
* IOCP Completion Key */
if ( ed - > socket = = ARES_SOCKET_BAD ) {
event - > data = ed ;
return ARES_TRUE ;
ed - > lock = ares__thread_mutex_create ( ) ;
if ( ed - > lock = = NULL ) {
goto done ;
rc = ARES_TRUE ;
goto done ;
ed - > base_socket = ares_evsys_win32_basesocket ( ed - > socket ) ;
if ( ed - > base_socket = = ARES_SOCKET_BAD ) {
ares_evsys_win32_eventdata_destroy ( ed ) ;
return ARES_FALSE ;
/* Create a peer socket that supports OVERLAPPED so we can use IOCP on the
* socket handle */
if ( WSADuplicateSocketW ( ed - > base_socket , GetCurrentProcessId ( ) ,
& protocol_info ) ! = 0 ) {
ares_evsys_win32_eventdata_destroy ( ed ) ;
return ARES_FALSE ;
goto done ;
ed - > peer_socket =
WSASocketW ( protocol_info . iAddressFamily , protocol_info . iSocketType ,
protocol_info . iProtocol , & protocol_info , 0 , WSA_FLAG_OVERLAPPED ) ;
if ( ed - > peer_socket = = ARES_SOCKET_BAD ) {
ares_evsys_win32_eventdata_destroy ( ed ) ;
return ARES_FALSE ;
if ( ! ares__htable_vpvp_insert ( ew - > sockets , & ed - > iosb , ed ) ) {
goto done ;
SetHandleInformation ( ( HANDLE ) ed - > peer_socket , HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT , 0 ) ;
if ( CreateIoCompletionPort ( ( HANDLE ) ed - > peer_socket , ew - > iocp_handle ,
( ULONG_PTR ) ed , 0 ) = = NULL ) {
ares_evsys_win32_eventdata_destroy ( ed ) ;
return ARES_FALSE ;
if ( ! ares_evsys_win32_afd_enqueue ( event , event - > flags ) ) {
goto done ;
event - > data = ed ;
rc = ARES_TRUE ;
if ( ! ares_evsys_win32_afd_enqueue ( event , event - > flags ) ) {
done :
if ( ! rc ) {
ares_evsys_win32_eventdata_destroy ( ew , ed ) ;
event - > data = NULL ;
ares_evsys_win32_eventdata_destroy ( ed ) ;
return ARES_FALSE ;
return ARES_TRUE ;
return rc ;
static void ares_evsys_win32_event_del ( ares_event_t * event )
ares_evsys_win32_eventdata_t * ed = event - > data ;
ares_event_thread_t * e = event - > e ;
if ( event - > fd = = ARES_SOCKET_BAD | | ! e - > isup | | ed = = NULL | |
! ares_evsys_win32_afd_cancel ( ed ) ) {
/* Didn't need to enqueue a cancellation, for one of these reasons:
* - Not an IOCP socket
* - This is during shutdown of the event thread , no more signals can be
* delivered .
* - It has been determined there is no AFD POLL queued currently for the
* socket .
/* Already cleaned up, likely a LOCAL_CLOSE */
if ( ed = = NULL ) {
return ;
CARES_DEBUG_LOG ( " -- DELETE requested for ed=%p (%s) \n " , ( void * ) ed ,
( ed - > socket ! = ARES_SOCKET_BAD ) ? " socket " : " data " ) ;
* Cancel pending AFD Poll operation .
ares_evsys_win32_eventdata_destroy ( ed ) ;
event - > data = NULL ;
} else {
/* Detach from event, so when the cancel event comes through,
* it will clean up */
if ( ed - > socket ! = ARES_SOCKET_BAD ) {
ares_evsys_win32_afd_cancel ( ed ) ;
ed - > poll_status = POLL_STATUS_DESTROY ;
ed - > event = NULL ;
event - > data = NULL ;
} else {
ares_evsys_win32_eventdata_destroy ( event - > e - > ev_sys_data , ed ) ;
event - > data = NULL ;
static void ares_evsys_win32_event_mod ( ares_event_t * event ,
@ -532,43 +779,54 @@ static void ares_evsys_win32_event_mod(ares_event_t *event,
return ;
/* Try to cancel any current outstanding poll, if one is not running,
* go ahead and queue it up */
if ( ! ares_evsys_win32_afd_cancel ( ed ) ) {
ares_evsys_win32_afd_enqueue ( event , new_flags ) ;
CARES_DEBUG_LOG ( " ** mod ed=%p new_flags=%X \n " , ( void * ) ed ,
( unsigned int ) new_flags ) ;
/* All we need to do is cancel the pending operation. When the event gets
* delivered for the cancellation , it will automatically re - enqueue a new
* event */
ares_evsys_win32_afd_cancel ( ed ) ;
static size_t ares_evsys_win32_wait ( ares_event_thread_t * e ,
unsigned long timeout_ms )
static ares_bool_t ares_evsys_win32_process_other_event (
ares_evsys_win32_t * ew , ares_evsys_win32_eventdata_t * ed , size_t i )
ares_evsys_win32_t * ew = e - > ev_sys_data ;
OVERLAPPED_ENTRY entries [ 16 ] ;
ULONG nentries = sizeof ( entries ) / sizeof ( * entries ) ;
BOOL status ;
size_t i ;
size_t cnt = 0 ;
ares_event_t * event = ed - > event ;
status = GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx (
ew - > iocp_handle , entries , nentries , & nentries ,
( timeout_ms = = 0 ) ? INFINITE : ( DWORD ) timeout_ms , FALSE ) ;
if ( ew - > is_shutdown ) {
CARES_DEBUG_LOG ( " \t \t ** i=%lu, skip non-socket handle during shutdown \n " ,
( unsigned long ) i ) ;
return ARES_FALSE ;
if ( ! status ) {
return 0 ;
CARES_DEBUG_LOG ( " \t \t ** i=%lu, ed=%p (data) \n " , ( unsigned long ) i , ( void * ) ed ) ;
event - > cb ( event - > e , event - > fd , event - > data , ARES_EVENT_FLAG_OTHER ) ;
return ARES_TRUE ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < ( size_t ) nentries ; i + + ) {
static ares_bool_t ares_evsys_win32_process_socket_event (
ares_evsys_win32_t * ew , ares_evsys_win32_eventdata_t * ed , size_t i )
ares_event_flags_t flags = 0 ;
ares_evsys_win32_eventdata_t * ed =
( ares_evsys_win32_eventdata_t * ) entries [ i ] . lpCompletionKey ;
ares_event_t * event = ed - > event ;
ares_event_t * event = NULL ;
ares_afd_handle_t * afd = NULL ;
/* Shouldn't be possible */
if ( ed = = NULL ) {
CARES_DEBUG_LOG ( " \t \t ** i=%lu, Invalid handle. \n " , ( unsigned long ) i ) ;
return ARES_FALSE ;
event = ed - > event ;
CARES_DEBUG_LOG ( " \t \t ** i=%lu, ed=%p (socket) \n " , ( unsigned long ) i ,
( void * ) ed ) ;
if ( ed - > socket = = ARES_SOCKET_BAD ) {
/* Some sort of signal event */
} else {
/* Process events */
if ( ed - > afd_poll_info . NumberOfHandles > 0 ) {
if ( ed - > poll_status = = POLL_STATUS_PENDING & &
ed - > iosb . Status = = STATUS_SUCCESS & &
ed - > afd_poll_info . NumberOfHandles > 0 ) {
if ( ed - > afd_poll_info . Handles [ 0 ] . Events &
@ -578,26 +836,117 @@ static size_t ares_evsys_win32_wait(ares_event_thread_t *e,
if ( ed - > afd_poll_info . Handles [ 0 ] . Events & AFD_POLL_LOCAL_CLOSE ) {
CARES_DEBUG_LOG ( " \t \t ** ed=%p LOCAL CLOSE \n " , ( void * ) ed ) ;
ed - > poll_status = POLL_STATUS_DESTROY ;
CARES_DEBUG_LOG ( " \t \t ** ed=%p, iosb status=%lX, poll_status=%d, flags=%X \n " ,
( void * ) ed , ( unsigned long ) ed - > iosb . Status ,
( int ) ed - > poll_status , ( unsigned int ) flags ) ;
/* XXX: Handle ed->afd_poll_info.Handles[0].Events &
/* Decrement poll count for AFD handle then resort, also disassociate
* with socket */
afd = ares__slist_node_val ( ed - > afd_handle_node ) ;
afd - > poll_cnt - - ;
ares__slist_node_reinsert ( ed - > afd_handle_node ) ;
ed - > afd_handle_node = NULL ;
/* Pending destroy, go ahead and kill it */
if ( ed - > poll_status = = POLL_STATUS_DESTROY ) {
ares_evsys_win32_eventdata_destroy ( ew , ed ) ;
return ARES_FALSE ;
if ( event = = NULL ) {
/* This means we need to cleanup the private event data as we've been
* detached */
ares_evsys_win32_eventdata_destroy ( ed ) ;
} else {
/* Re-enqueue so we can get more events on the socket */
ares_evsys_win32_afd_enqueue ( event , event - > flags ) ;
ed - > poll_status = POLL_STATUS_NONE ;
/* Mask flags against current desired flags. We could have an event
* queued that is outdated . */
flags & = event - > flags ;
/* Don't actually do anything with the event that was delivered as we are
* in a shutdown / cleanup process . Mostly just handling the delayed
* destruction of sockets */
if ( ew - > is_shutdown ) {
return ARES_FALSE ;
/* Re-enqueue so we can get more events on the socket, we either
* received a real event , or a cancellation notice . Both cases we
* re - queue using the current configured event flags .
* If we can ' t re - enqueue , that likely means the socket has been
* closed , so we want to kill our reference to it
if ( ! ares_evsys_win32_afd_enqueue ( event , event - > flags ) ) {
ares_evsys_win32_eventdata_destroy ( ew , ed ) ;
return ARES_FALSE ;
if ( event ! = NULL & & flags ! = 0 ) {
/* No events we recognize to deliver */
if ( flags = = 0 ) {
return ARES_FALSE ;
event - > cb ( event - > e , event - > fd , event - > data , flags ) ;
return ARES_TRUE ;
static size_t ares_evsys_win32_wait ( ares_event_thread_t * e ,
unsigned long timeout_ms )
ares_evsys_win32_t * ew = e - > ev_sys_data ;
OVERLAPPED_ENTRY entries [ 16 ] ;
ULONG maxentries = sizeof ( entries ) / sizeof ( * entries ) ;
ULONG nentries ;
BOOL status ;
size_t i ;
size_t cnt = 0 ;
DWORD tout = ( timeout_ms = = 0 ) ? INFINITE : ( DWORD ) timeout_ms ;
CARES_DEBUG_LOG ( " ** Wait Enter \n " ) ;
/* Process in a loop for as long as it fills the entire entries buffer, and
* on subsequent attempts , ensure the timeout is 0 */
do {
nentries = maxentries ;
status = GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx ( ew - > iocp_handle , entries , nentries ,
& nentries , tout , FALSE ) ;
/* Next loop around, we want to return instantly if there are no events to
* be processed */
tout = 0 ;
if ( ! status ) {
break ;
CARES_DEBUG_LOG ( " \t ** GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx returned %lu entries \n " ,
( unsigned long ) nentries ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < ( size_t ) nentries ; i + + ) {
ares_evsys_win32_eventdata_t * ed = NULL ;
ares_bool_t rc ;
/* For things triggered via PostQueuedCompletionStatus() we have an
* lpCompletionKey we can just use . Otherwise we need to dereference the
* pointer returned in lpOverlapped to determine the referenced
* socket */
if ( entries [ i ] . lpCompletionKey ) {
ed = ( ares_evsys_win32_eventdata_t * ) entries [ i ] . lpCompletionKey ;
rc = ares_evsys_win32_process_other_event ( ew , ed , i ) ;
} else {
ed = ares__htable_vpvp_get_direct ( ew - > sockets , entries [ i ] . lpOverlapped ) ;
rc = ares_evsys_win32_process_socket_event ( ew , ed , i ) ;
/* We processed actual events */
if ( rc ) {
cnt + + ;
event - > cb ( e , event - > fd , event - > data , flags ) ;
} while ( nentries = = maxentries ) ;
CARES_DEBUG_LOG ( " ** Wait Exit \n " ) ;
return cnt ;