@ -24,6 +24,19 @@
static JavaVM * android_jvm = NULL ;
static jobject android_connectivity_manager = NULL ;
/* ConnectivityManager.getActiveNetwork */
static jmethodID android_cm_active_net_mid = NULL ;
/* ConnectivityManager.getLinkProperties */
static jmethodID android_cm_link_props_mid = NULL ;
/* LinkProperties.getDnsServers */
static jmethodID android_lp_dns_servers_mid = NULL ;
/* List.size */
static jmethodID android_list_size_mid = NULL ;
/* List.get */
static jmethodID android_list_get_mid = NULL ;
/* InetAddress.getHostAddress */
static jmethodID android_ia_host_addr_mid = NULL ;
static jclass jni_get_class ( JNIEnv * env , const char * path )
jclass cls = NULL ;
@ -70,9 +83,11 @@ int ares_library_init_android(jobject connectivity_manager)
JNIEnv * env = NULL ;
int need_detatch = 0 ;
int res ;
jclass obj_cls = NULL ;
if ( android_jvm = = NULL )
goto cleanup ;
res = ( * android_jvm ) - > GetEnv ( android_jvm , ( void * * ) & env , JNI_VERSION_1_6 ) ;
if ( res = = JNI_EDETACHED )
@ -82,14 +97,91 @@ int ares_library_init_android(jobject connectivity_manager)
need_detatch = 1 ;
if ( res ! = JNI_OK | | env = = NULL )
goto cleanup ;
android_connectivity_manager =
( * env ) - > NewGlobalRef ( env , connectivity_manager ) ;
if ( android_connectivity_manager = = NULL )
goto cleanup ;
/* Initialization has succeeded. Now attempt to cache the methods that will be
* called by ares_get_android_server_list . */
/* ConnectivityManager in API 1. */
obj_cls = jni_get_class ( env , " android/net/ConnectivityManager " ) ;
if ( obj_cls = = NULL )
goto cleanup ;
/* ConnectivityManager.getActiveNetwork in API 23. */
android_cm_active_net_mid =
jni_get_method_id ( env , obj_cls , " getActiveNetwork " ,
" ()Landroid/net/Network; " ) ;
if ( android_cm_active_net_mid = = NULL )
goto cleanup ;
/* ConnectivityManager.getLinkProperties in API 21. */
android_cm_link_props_mid =
jni_get_method_id ( env , obj_cls , " getLinkProperties " ,
" (Landroid/net/Network;)Landroid/net/LinkProperties; " ) ;
if ( android_cm_link_props_mid = = NULL )
goto cleanup ;
/* LinkProperties in API 21. */
( * env ) - > DeleteLocalRef ( env , obj_cls ) ;
obj_cls = jni_get_class ( env , " android/net/LinkProperties " ) ;
if ( obj_cls = = NULL )
goto cleanup ;
/* getDnsServers in API 21. */
android_lp_dns_servers_mid = jni_get_method_id ( env , obj_cls , " getDnsServers " ,
" ()Ljava/util/List; " ) ;
if ( android_lp_dns_servers_mid = = NULL )
goto cleanup ;
( * env ) - > DeleteLocalRef ( env , obj_cls ) ;
obj_cls = jni_get_class ( env , " java/util/List " ) ;
if ( obj_cls = = NULL )
goto cleanup ;
android_list_size_mid = jni_get_method_id ( env , obj_cls , " size " , " ()I " ) ;
if ( android_list_size_mid = = NULL )
goto cleanup ;
android_list_get_mid = jni_get_method_id ( env , obj_cls , " get " ,
" (I)Ljava/lang/Object; " ) ;
if ( android_list_get_mid = = NULL )
goto cleanup ;
( * env ) - > DeleteLocalRef ( env , obj_cls ) ;
obj_cls = jni_get_class ( env , " java/net/InetAddress " ) ;
if ( obj_cls = = NULL )
goto cleanup ;
android_ia_host_addr_mid = jni_get_method_id ( env , obj_cls , " getHostAddress " ,
" ()Ljava/lang/String; " ) ;
if ( android_ia_host_addr_mid = = NULL )
goto cleanup ;
( * env ) - > DeleteLocalRef ( env , obj_cls ) ;
goto done ;
android_connectivity_manager = ( * env ) - > NewGlobalRef ( env , connectivity_manager ) ;
cleanup :
if ( obj_cls ! = NULL )
( * env ) - > DeleteLocalRef ( env , obj_cls ) ;
android_cm_active_net_mid = NULL ;
android_cm_link_props_mid = NULL ;
android_lp_dns_servers_mid = NULL ;
android_list_size_mid = NULL ;
android_list_get_mid = NULL ;
android_ia_host_addr_mid = NULL ;
done :
if ( need_detatch )
( * android_jvm ) - > DetachCurrentThread ( android_jvm ) ;
return ret ;
int ares_library_android_initialized ( void )
@ -118,6 +210,13 @@ void ares_library_cleanup_android(void)
if ( res ! = JNI_OK | | env = = NULL )
return ;
android_cm_active_net_mid = NULL ;
android_cm_link_props_mid = NULL ;
android_lp_dns_servers_mid = NULL ;
android_list_size_mid = NULL ;
android_list_get_mid = NULL ;
android_ia_host_addr_mid = NULL ;
( * env ) - > DeleteGlobalRef ( env , android_connectivity_manager ) ;
android_connectivity_manager = NULL ;
@ -133,11 +232,7 @@ char **ares_get_android_server_list(size_t max_servers,
jobject link_properties = NULL ;
jobject server_list = NULL ;
jobject server = NULL ;
jstring str ;
jclass obj_cls ;
jmethodID obj_mid ;
jclass list_cls ;
jmethodID list_mid ;
jstring str = NULL ;
jint nserv ;
const char * ch_server_address ;
int res ;
@ -151,6 +246,13 @@ char **ares_get_android_server_list(size_t max_servers,
return NULL ;
if ( android_cm_active_net_mid = = NULL | | android_cm_link_props_mid = = NULL | |
android_lp_dns_servers_mid = = NULL | | android_list_size_mid = = NULL | |
android_list_get_mid = = NULL | | android_ia_host_addr_mid = = NULL )
return NULL ;
res = ( * android_jvm ) - > GetEnv ( android_jvm , ( void * * ) & env , JNI_VERSION_1_6 ) ;
if ( res = = JNI_EDETACHED )
@ -178,84 +280,50 @@ char **ares_get_android_server_list(size_t max_servers,
String ha = ia . getHostAddress ( ) ;
Note : The JNI ConnectivityManager object was previously initialized in
ares_library_init_android .
Note : The JNI ConnectivityManager object and all method IDs were previously
initialized in ares_library_init_android .
/* ConnectivityManager in API 1. */
obj_cls = jni_get_class ( env , " android/net/ConnectivityManager " ) ;
if ( obj_cls = = NULL )
goto done ;
/* ConnectivityManager.getActiveNetwork in API 23. */
obj_mid = jni_get_method_id ( env , obj_cls , " getActiveNetwork " ,
" ()Landroid/net/Network; " ) ;
if ( obj_mid = = NULL )
goto done ;
active_network = ( * env ) - > CallObjectMethod ( env , android_connectivity_manager ,
obj _mid) ;
android_cm_active_net_mid ) ;
if ( active_network = = NULL )
goto done ;
/* ConnectivityManager.getLinkProperties in API 21. */
obj_mid = jni_get_method_id ( env , obj_cls , " getLinkProperties " ,
" (Landroid/net/Network;)Landroid/net/LinkProperties; " ) ;
if ( obj_mid = = NULL )
goto done ;
link_properties = ( * env ) - > CallObjectMethod ( env , android_connectivity_manager ,
obj_mid , active_network ) ;
link_properties =
( * env ) - > CallObjectMethod ( env , android_connectivity_manager ,
android_cm_link_props_mid , active_network ) ;
if ( link_properties = = NULL )
goto done ;
/* LinkProperties in API 21. */
obj_cls = jni_get_class ( env , " android/net/LinkProperties " ) ;
if ( obj_cls = = NULL )
goto done ;
/* getDnsServers in API 21. */
obj_mid = jni_get_method_id ( env , obj_cls , " getDnsServers " ,
" ()Ljava/util/List; " ) ;
if ( obj_mid = = NULL )
goto done ;
server_list = ( * env ) - > CallObjectMethod ( env , link_properties , obj_mid ) ;
server_list = ( * env ) - > CallObjectMethod ( env , link_properties ,
android_lp_dns_servers_mid ) ;
if ( server_list = = NULL )
goto done ;
list_cls = jni_get_class ( env , " java/util/List " ) ;
if ( list_cls = = NULL )
goto done ;
list_mid = jni_get_method_id ( env , list_cls , " size " , " ()I " ) ;
if ( list_mid = = NULL )
goto done ;
nserv = ( * env ) - > CallIntMethod ( env , server_list , list_mid ) ;
nserv = ( * env ) - > CallIntMethod ( env , server_list , android_list_size_mid ) ;
if ( nserv > ( jint ) max_servers )
nserv = ( jint ) max_servers ;
if ( nserv < = 0 )
goto done ;
* num_servers = ( size_t ) nserv ;
list_mid = jni_get_method_id ( env , list_cls , " get " , " (I)Ljava/lang/Object; " ) ;
if ( list_mid = = NULL )
goto done ;
obj_cls = jni_get_class ( env , " java/net/InetAddress " ) ;
if ( obj_cls = = NULL )
goto done ;
obj_mid = jni_get_method_id ( env , obj_cls , " getHostAddress " ,
" ()Ljava/lang/String; " ) ;
if ( obj_mid = = NULL )
goto done ;
dns_list = ares_malloc ( sizeof ( * dns_list ) * ( * num_servers ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < * num_servers ; i + + )
server = ( * env ) - > CallObjectMethod ( env , server_list , list_mid , ( jint ) i ) ;
server = ( * env ) - > CallObjectMethod ( env , server_list , android_list_get_mid ,
( jint ) i ) ;
dns_list [ i ] = ares_malloc ( 64 ) ;
dns_list [ i ] [ 0 ] = 0 ;
if ( server = = NULL )
continue ;
str = ( * env ) - > CallObjectMethod ( env , server , obj _mid) ;
str = ( * env ) - > CallObjectMethod ( env , server , android_ia_host_addr _mid) ;
ch_server_address = ( * env ) - > GetStringUTFChars ( env , str , 0 ) ;
strncpy ( dns_list [ i ] , ch_server_address , 64 ) ;
( * env ) - > ReleaseStringUTFChars ( env , str , ch_server_address ) ;
( * env ) - > DeleteLocalRef ( env , str ) ;
( * env ) - > DeleteLocalRef ( env , server ) ;
done :