@ -321,34 +321,6 @@ Win32 |
project. Name it c-ares. |
Using BSD-style lwIP instead of Winsock TCP/IP stack in Win32 builds |
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In order to compile c-ares using BSD-style lwIP TCP/IP stack |
it is necessary to make definition of preprocessor symbol USE_LWIPSOCK |
visible to c-ares compilation processes. To set this definition |
you have the following alternatives: |
- Modify lib/config-win32.h and src/config-win32.h |
- Modify lib/Makefile.vc6 |
- Add definition to Project/Settings/C/C++/General/Preprocessor Definitions |
in the vc6libc-ares.dsw/vc6libc-ares.dsp Visual C++ 6 IDE project. |
Once that libc-ares has been built with BSD-style lwIP TCP/IP stack support, |
in order to use it with your program it is mandatory that your program |
includes lwIP header file <lwip/opt.h> (or another lwIP header that includes |
this) before including any libc-ares header. Your program does not need the |
USE_LWIPSOCK preprocessor definition which is for libc-ares internals only. |
Compilation has been verified with lwIP 1.4.0 and contrib-1.4.0 from: |
http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/lwip/lwip-1.4.0.zip |
http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/lwip/contrib-1.4.0.zip |
This BSD-style lwIP TCP/IP stack support must be considered experimental |
given that it has been verified that lwIP 1.4.0 still needs some polish, |
and libc-ares might yet need some additional adjustment, caveat emptor. |
Important static c-ares usage note |
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